You Were Right All Along: Sleeping in a Cold Room is Actually Better for You

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

From Seventeen

If you've ever gotten yelled at by your parents for dropping the thermostat down to 60 degrees at night, this one's for you. Just sit and savor this sweet moment of victory, because science has proved that sleeping in a cold room actually is good for your health.

Studies have shown that there are a ton of benefits that come from sleeping in colder temperatures: reducing the risk of metabolic illness, less trouble sleeping, falling asleep faster. Send this story to anyone who doubted you, to prove that you were right all along.

It helps you fall asleep faster

According to the Harvard Medical School, your body begins to drop in temperature right before you fall asleep. During sleep, your core temp is reduced by 1 to 2°F, as a way to conserve energy. Sleeping in a colder room will help you drop to that level faster, which will help you fall asleep (and stay that way) quicker.

It boosts your metabolism

Researchers at the US National Institutes of Health found that sleeping in a 66 degree room increases metabolism, increases brown fat (which is good), and improves insulin sensitivity, which reduces the risk of metabolic illness. The study's senior author, S. Celi, noted that "just by sleeping in a colder room, [the study's subjects] gained metabolic advantages."

It helps reduce insomnia

The University of South Australia did a study that suggests temperature regulation is actually the key to solving insomnia. UniSA's Centre for Sleep Research found that insomniacs actually have a higher body temp during sleep, thus making it more difficult for them to drift off.

"Temperature regulation is a significant factor in each of the two types of insomnia. The difference is when the insomnia occurs," said Dr Cameron Van den Heuvel.

"Studies of sleep onset insomniacs show that they consistently have a warmer core body temperature immediately before initiating sleep, when compared with normal healthy adults. This results in a state of heightened arousal that prevents them from falling asleep when they go to bed, probably because they have to wait for their bodies to lose the heat that's keeping them awake. We're only talking about a half to one degree but that small temperature change can result in significant differences in arousal between insomniacs and people without sleeping problems."

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