Welsh Sheep Gives Birth to 6 Healthy Lambs in Extremely Rare Event

The ewe's young owner is delighted at the surprise.

In Meirionnydd, Wales, one young farmer is enjoying the company of 6 new wooly bundles of joy. Erin Ffleur Mcnaught had the honor of helping one of her blue face ewes give birth to an unusually large number of offspring on March 16, and she quickly took to social media to announce the surprise.

Because sheep typically give birth to only 1 to 3 lambs at a time, according to BBC, no one was expecting the arrival of sextuplets--especially since the ewe's prenatal scans had only shown three. Mcnaught knew there could be more than 3 lambs arriving due to the ewe's large size, but 6 was a complete shock.

Aren't they precious? We're so glad that all 6 of the siblings were born alive and (mostly) healthy! Erin told BBC that the smallest of the lambs struggled to stand at first but quickly recovered when given a little extra TLC.

"We took one lamb into the house and put it in front of the fire, [...] But you wouldn't be able to tell the difference now, they're enjoying the milk."

That's wonderful news! Mcnaught mentioned on Twitter that all 6 of the little ones are being fed via a milk machine since their mama is unable to nurse them all. This way, every single lamb can get as much milk as they need!

"They're all up on their feet with a belly full of milk and under the infrared lamp that keeps them warm, so they're all happy now," the farmer told BBC. It sounds like these siblings are in for a wonderful life together!

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