Welsh Labour ‘allowing children to change gender without telling parents’

Merched Cymru found that only 28 per cent of Welsh schools would tell parents about their child's gender-based actions
A report found that only 28 per cent of Welsh schools would tell parents about their child's gender-based actions - Daily Telegraph

Schools are allowing children to change gender without telling parents under Welsh Labour, The Telegraph can reveal.

Parents have raised the alarm about the “shocking” approach being taken to children who question their gender in schools in Wales, saying it’s taking place behind their backs.

The Welsh Government has promised to publish draft guidance for schools on how to respond to gender-questioning children in the spring, months after the first guidance of its kind was published in England that told schools to presume that a child cannot change gender.

But Merched Cymru, which describes itself as a grassroots group of ordinary women from across Wales, warned that children’s safety was being put at risk by an absence of guidance for schools on trans pupils.

All 68 schools in Wales that answered freedom of information requests submitted by the group said they would facilitate the gender transition of a pupil.

Only 28 per cent of the schools stated clearly that they would inform parents.

Some 38 per cent said they would not inform parents automatically, while a further 29 per cent said they would only inform parents with a child’s permission.

LGBT training

The findings come two years after an NHS-commissioned report by Dr Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, warned that allowing children to socially transition to their preferred gender was “not a neutral act” and could have a “significant” impact on their “psychological functioning”.

Rishi Sunak has said that teachers must not let pupils change gender without telling parents. Department for Education draft guidance for schools in England states that there should be exceptions for abusive families.

The report by Merched Cymru found that 76 per cent of schools instruct or encourage pupils to recognise their classmates’ preferred pronouns.

Some 70 per cent of schools offer a unisex option for toilets or have all unisex toilets.

More than one in five, or 22 per cent, of schools allow children to use toilets according to their gender identity.

The report also found that more than half of schools allow children to take part in sport according to the gender they identify by.

Where schools have had training on gender issues, the most commonly cited groups providing advice included LGBT charities Stonewall Cymru or Proud Trust.

Tanya Carter of Safe Schools Alliance, a parents’ group that has campaigned for the removal of contested gender ideology in schools in England, said that “systemic safeguarding failures in Wales, under the Labour administration, are even worse than the appalling situation we are in here in England”.

Tanya Carter of the Safe Schools Alliance says there are systematic safeguarding failures in Welsh Schools
Tanya Carter of the Safe Schools Alliance says there are systematic safeguarding failures in Welsh Schools - Geoff Pugh/Geoff Pugh

She added: “We want reassurances from Keir Starmer that should Labour also come to power in England he will work to address these serious failures, rather than allow schools to become even more dangerous places for vulnerable children at the behest of political lobby groups.”

Ali Morris, of Merched Cymru, said that schools “have been seriously let down by an absence of clear, legally compliant guidance”. She added: “As a result they’re putting children’s safety and wellbeing at risk, and leaving themselves exposed to legal challenge.”

Teachers have told Merched Cymru that their schools have “no policies” for dealing with the rise in the number of children questioning their gender. One teacher said: “No one wants to take responsibility. We’re being hung out to dry.”

Another teacher said: “The one thing you’re not allowed to do is sit these kids down and ask ‘Why’ because that makes you transphobic. Anything but ‘Yes, that’s great’ is assumed to be just like homophobia.”

‘Parents will be horrified’

Jeremy Miles, the Labour education minister, has previously said he believes that “trans women are women, trans men are men”, while Vaughan Gething, the new Welsh leader, has vowed to make Wales “the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe”.

He has pledged to support the relationships and sex education curriculum in Wales, which says pupils will be taught “an awareness of how positive and negative social and cultural norms regarding sex, gender and sexuality influence relationships and behaviours”.

Mr Gething previously criticised Mr Sunak for blocking Scotland’s attempt to change the law to make it easier for people to change gender from the age of 16, claiming the trans community were being used as a “wedge issue”.

He has pledged to “continue to support the right of trans people to self-identify as the gender of their choice”.

Andrew RT Davies, leader of the Welsh Conservatives, said: “Welsh parents will be rightly horrified to see pupils placed at risk of serious harm.

“The new First Minister Vaughan Gething must intervene urgently and take action to safeguard pupils’ wellbeing.”

A Welsh government spokesman said: “We agree this is an area that needs national guidance. That is why we are developing guidance for schools in Wales so that staff can ensure all young people are fully included in education and have a positive experience at school.

“We will be holding a full public consultation on our draft trans guidance over the coming months.”

Case study: ‘At parents’ evening, they called my son Ruby’

The father of an autistic child at school in Wales says he only found out that teachers were treating his 14-year-old son as a girl at a parents’ evening.

He said secrecy by the school, which allowed his son to change his name, pronouns and dress code, had damaged his child’s health and put other pupils at risk.

“Robert is autistic so while his understanding is good, he really struggles with social situations,” the father said. “He’s a big strong boy, impulsive. He’s keen to learn, but his social and emotional development have been assessed as being delayed by about seven years, and he has a statement of special needs.”

He added: “On parents’ evening, my wife went in and some of the teachers were saying things like, ‘Ruby has done very well in English this year. Oh, sorry, should it be Rob?’

“I’d had suspicions already that he was asking to be treated as a girl in school.

“Then he started self-harming in school. We got a call about him stabbing himself with a ruler and they referred to CAMHS [Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services]. The letter from CAMHS called him Ruby.

“The school have never contacted us to discuss any of this. When we queried it they just said: ‘We’ve said he can wear a skirt if he wants to. I don’t know which toilet he is using.’ When we visited they told us that the toilets had been redone to be unisex. We’re terribly worried that he’s being encouraged to behave in ways that could be dangerous to others and therefore to himself.”

‘I felt hoodwinked’

The father said: “I talked at length about transitioning with the assistant head, and asked about policy, but they never sent us the policy or told us it was on the new website. Once I’d read the whole document I felt hoodwinked, powerless, disenfranchised. We realise that whatever we say or do, we have been checkmated by the school. The policy states that parents will only be informed about a social transition if the child gives permission.”

He said his son has repeatedly been suspended from school for his response to transphobic bullying by other pupils, and questioned whether their parents had been told about policies at the school, such as allowing children to use toilets and changing rooms according to the gender with which they identify.

“We feel they’ve really harmed him and let him down,” he said. “It’s really broken my sense of trust in schools and in the teaching profession.”

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