Well Pump Failure And Melting Snow Forces Closure of Oregon Ski Area

Hoodoo Ski Area, Oregon, was forced to close for the season this week after its well pump failed, cutting off water access.

Hoodoo says it'll have the pump fixed next week, but the "the reality of no water and quickly melting snow mean we have to be done for the year." The ski area went on to explain that recent rain and sun had melted out many of its runs.

Hoodoo's website lists April 27 as its planned closing day before the pump failure, so local skiers aren't missing out too much.

However, before the pump failure, Hoodoo expressed that remaining open on the 27th wasn't a sure bet. "This is an update on our very optimistic hope to be open Saturday, April 27," the resort wrote on Instagram. "Sadly, it is too early to say for sure if we will be able to do that."

As we now know, that darn pump—alongside the warm weather—dashed those plans. Still, there's always next season. Hoodoo signed off the pump failure announcement with a positive note: "We look forward to seeing you all next season... and hopefully without El Niño!"

Related: Video: Skier Rescued From California's 'Cocaine Chute'

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