This Weighted Blanket Is So Chic You’ll Want to Show It Off

  • Value: 15/20

  • Functionality: 19/20

  • Ease of Use: 18/20

  • Aesthetics: 20/20

  • Comfort: 20/20

  • TOTAL: 92/100

Weighted blankets offer a whole host of benefits, from anxiety relief to deeper sleep. But one thing they’re not exactly known for? Their aesthetics.

It’s not that the standard baffle-box style is ugly, per se, but quite frankly it’s a little boring. That’s why I kept my weighted blankets in storage ottomans and closets when not in use—until I got the Bearaby Cotton Napper.

Unlike most weighted blankets, which have a cotton exterior and have pockets filled with glass beads or plastic pellets to give them their heft, the Cotton Napper is made from nothing but knitted layers of organic cotton, and the fabric itself is what provides the weight. The result? A super chic blanket that’s practically begging to be artfully draped over the back of your couch. I mean, just look at it.

OK, so we know it looks pretty. But the most important thing is that your weighted blanket feels soft, cozy and comforting, right? Well, I’m happy to report that the Cotton Napper is all of the above. In fact, I’d argue that it’s more soothing and comfortable than other weighted blankets I’ve tried, since the knit construction ensures an even distribution of weight and pressure throughout.

Ever since my Cotton Napper assumed its home at the foot of my bed back in December, I’ve found myself falling asleep more easily, and staying asleep through the night. Even amid a pandemic. Coincidence? I think not. Hundreds of reviewers have noticed an improvement in their sleep quality when using this blanket too.

Plus, I don’t wake up in a puddle of sweat, thanks to knit design’s natural ventilation. For a hot sleeper, that’s a pretty big deal.

My only frustration is how damn heavy this blanket feels when I’m hoisting it up from the end of my bed. For some reason, my Cotton Napper feels harder to climb under than my old weighted blanket was. I’m willing to put up with the minor annoyance, though, given how relaxed I feel when I’m using it.

The other con? The $249-plus price tag is nothing to bat an eye at. But in this case, I think having a weighted blanket you don’t have to hide every time guests come over is well worth the splurge. Especially if you use it all the time, like I do.

Buy It ($249)

RELATED: Hot Sleepers: Casper’s Weighted Blanket Is Made for You

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