This Week's Top Stories On Food Science & Healthy Eating, Vol. 18

Round 'em up! It's this week in food science and healthy eating.

Also, there will be a quiz.

  • Study suggests eating spicy foods could prolong your life.

Experts say

detox diets don't do anything more than the liver and kidneys already do to remove toxins.

Harvard Public Health looks at

how women can meet calcium needs.

Science Friday looks at the

connection between the gut and the brain.

A study suggests that

folic acid lowers the risk of stroke for people with high blood pressure.

Harvard Health shows you

how to lower your diet's glycemic index.

Your gut wants one thing, you're feeding it another; and

it's trying to tell you.

Most kids outgrow picking eating. But sometimes

it predicts other issues.

Wired takes

a boozy look at the science of cocktails. (Video)

Harvard Public Health reports that

American kids are not drinking enough water, with potentially serious consequences.

Take The New York Times weekly health quiz.

Miss last week's list? We gotcha.