Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, Based on Your Sign

Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

From Cosmopolitan

You don’t need to be a tarot card pro to get your cards read. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality.

Basically, if your bank account is not ready for a full tarot reading just yet, this one should help tide you over for now!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The theme of the week for us all is pausing. Take a time out to consider and reflect upon your journey so far. You’ve worked hard, achieved and learn a lot…and yet, you know there’s much more to come, and you’re not sure your current trajectory is going to get you where you wanna go. Now is the time to make deliberate tweaks to your course. Think about your vision and ideal destination and, if necessary, change direction now before heading towards it.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

You'll receive news re: something you’ve felt ambivalent about, as shown by the messenger card Page of Swords, and it will force you to decide if you DO care…or not. How does this new development truly make you feel? Does it change anything or provoke a response you didn’t expect? Take a breath and acknowledge your feelings, and then act upon them.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The Six of Coins is the tarot’s "good karma" card and asks you to make nice all week long– pay people compliments, offer help, go the extra mile. Do it all without expecting anything in return, but know this, it will ALL pay back down the line in unexpected (and magical) ways. The kinder you are, the better it gets!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The Eight of Swords shows up when you’re creating mental barriers for yourself that block you from reaching your goals. This week, try your best to spot the lies you tell yourself about who you are and what your limitations are so that you can feel free to shoot for the stars. Don't miss this chance to break free.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

You're one of the most imaginative signs, and the Seven of Cups indicates that your creative nature is going into overdrive this week. Don’t waste it! Start a journal, scribble some poems, paint…anything! Don’t let this beautiful surge of artistic musings pass by without capturing something. You’ll find a use for it down the line.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

An opportunity is swimming into view, but hurry, because it won’t be there for long! Seize the day, Leo. Here’s another clue: it comes via people you know. So look to your colleagues, contacts, clients and networks–what’s going on, who’s doing what, where is the action happening. Zoom in and go after any leads you find!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Virgo, it’s time to get social! Put your phone away, come up to new people, and actually introduce yourself. Be the first to make plans with your friends for a change, versus the other way around. Everything you do this week is going to be great–so make the most of these happy vibes!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The Nine of Wands reassures you that whatever obstacles or issues you feel thwarted by, they are not half as onerous as you believe. They’re glitches, not ditches, and you can hop over them to reach a world of smooth sailing on the other side. So this week, run at your obstacles and finally face them.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Judgment is a powerful card about second chances, moving on to a new chapter, feeling older and wiser, and being more appreciative of the opportunities you receive. It’s kind of like a wake-up call from the universe because it always heralds the start of something positive and fulfilling. Be prepared to acknowledge your own role in any wrongdoings, and atone for your actions. Then you can turn the page, feeling ready for what’s next and at peace with the past.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Somebody’s love life is going to perk up dramatically this week, and it’s looking like it’s yours! The Ace of Cups represents new beginnings–typically romantic ones. It's the start (or rekindling) of relationships that are passionate, romantic, inspiring and fulfilling– with the potential to renew your appreciation for life itself.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

I don’t know what you’ve been doing, Capricorn, but keep on doing it, because the Six of Wands is a victory card, like a high-five from the tarot. It implies you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Take a moment to celebrate, appreciate and reflect upon this journey and all of your hard work and (often unnoticed) efforts. You need to be reminded to smell the roses from time to time–like now!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

A new project, job, role or activity has your name written on it this week. The Ace of Wands is about starting something that feels authentically you and, knowing you, it’s probably going to be clever and a little bit off-the-wall. It could be something you’ve already had a go at, and loved, but circumstances prevented you from pursuing it wholeheartedly. Well, now's the time to reactivate this passion. Get to it!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The Page of Coins is the tarot’s "student" card and shows up when you’d benefit from consciously focusing on your education or personal development. Take a moment to reflect on an area of life or a topic you feel you need schooling in, and instigate that for yourself this week. It’ll feel rewarding and satisfying in the long run!

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