Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 25, 2023

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 25, 2023. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Wondering whether you should push your luck? Don't wonder, at least not on Monday. Now is the perfect time to take chances in romance (although you might find that you're better off moving on the slow side). On Tuesday and Wednesday, others look to you to take the lead in situations. This is a good time to make big plans and discover that you have more in common with a certain someone than you ever imagined. As the week winds down, be on the lookout for frustration. There's no need to get discouraged, but keep your expectations low. This weekend, be the one to make the first move.


Every week should begin this way! Expect a lot out of Monday as you find yourself unusually grounded and on the brink of some serious enlightenment. Toward the middle of the week, you need all the grounding you can get as others try to get a rise out of you. Ignore their weirdness, though. You've got promise and potential coming your way as the week ends. Thursday and Friday are both good days for reaching an understanding with your love interest. This weekend, take your time. As you well know, you can't rush romance.


Who's in charge here anyway? You might find yourself in a tug-of-war on Monday, but don't let the tension hold you back. Sometimes you have to be the first one to make the big move, you know. On Tuesday and Wednesday, expect the unexpected. That frenetic energy and conversational charisma of yours just might attract someone unusual, and that could have some dramatic influence. As the week winds down, you might find that work and career worries eclipse everything else, so don't be surprised if you're not your usual smooth, suave self. This weekend, follow a friend's advice.


Easy, there! You may be a little touchy as the week begins, but don't let that extra sensitivity keep you from connecting. Monday still has some serious potential, even if you don't stray far from the nest. Toward the middle of the week, you're better off sticking to rational arguments and avoiding the emotional. On Thursday and Friday, though, you can follow your heart or your brain (or, even better, both). This weekend, you might be tempted to speak before you think, but resist such spontaneity for now. Engage in thoughtful deliberation.


You know what you want, and you know how to get it as the week begins. Expect to make a good impression on Monday, especially if you can focus on serving others rather than being served. Tuesday and Wednesday are both good days for taking a more indirect, creative approach, and that might be just what you need to sidestep any ego issues. Toward the end of the week, you're rewarded for taking your time and doing research (even if it's only the emotional kind). Trust your instincts now. This weekend, employ that famous broad-mindedness of yours. Learn something new, maybe by meeting someone new.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Even in romance, a little hard work can go a long way, and you can expect your creativity and conscientiousness to pay off on Monday. When the middle of the week hits, put a premium on your organizational abilities. Now is the time to get all your ducks (metaphorical, of course, or literal if you've got them) in a row and help that certain someone do the same. Thursday and Friday are both good days for relationship progress provided you let said "progress" move at its own speed. This weekend, count on being more rambunctious than usual. Enjoy that energy!


Feeling a little down in the dumps as the week begins? Don't! You're close to getting past some old limits and preconceptions. You just need to be positive and push on through. On Tuesday and Wednesday, celebrate your creativity and try something new. Your smarts and easygoing nature right now make you a veritable love (and fun) magnet. As the week winds down, try to stick with your plans and keep your expectations for progress to a minimum. (You've heard it before, but it's true: the journey, not the destination, is what's important.) This weekend, strike the proper balance between selfishness and selflessness.


Ready to sign on the dotted line? Start your week with determination. Monday is a great day for making commitments and reaching agreements. Expect to see eye to eye with others. Be forewarned, though, that your laserlike focus might blur just a bit toward the middle of the week as problems crop up and threaten your happy harmony (especially on the home front). Thursday and Friday, on the other hand, are made for romance! If you were planning any candlelit dates or steamy getaways, now is the time. This weekend, get something started.


Cut to the chase as the week begins! You need to be forthright and direct (and maybe even a little businesslike) on Monday to get what you want. That ability to communicate should follow you well into midweek, and others (especially significant others) may hang on your every word. Enjoy the conversation, and try to see things from their perspective too. On Thursday and Friday, don't be surprised if you're slow to get started. You might seem a little spacey right now, but that doesn't mean your mind isn't hard at work. This weekend, don't be afraid to get a little goofy.


Don't you love it when everything goes your way? Count on happiness and harmony as the week begins. You can do no wrong on Monday as your many admirers fall all over themselves to do your bidding. Toward the middle of the week, progress could be less smooth and assured, but that might just mean you need to rethink your approach. Are your actions really helping you get to your romantic goal? On Thursday and Friday, indulge your creativity and find new (and ideally fun and unusual) ways to get your point across. Your compassion will make an impression. This weekend, seek out stability and security.


Don't let frustration get to you as the week begins. Interpersonal interactions might be annoying, and sometimes you just need to hunker down and wait for the storm clouds to clear. Lucky for you, high energy and big fun are just around the corner. On Tuesday and Wednesday, no one can resist your charms. You've got a vision for change and the charisma to make it happen. As the week winds down, a little more caution is called for (especially if finance and romance collide), but this weekend should find you back at your friendly and frisky best.


Do you want to take the lead, or would you be more happy following? You need to make up your mind on Monday, but, fortunately, your instincts are there to guide you. Toward the middle of the week, you might find yourself daydreaming about the future (with a certain someone, perhaps). Go ahead and indulge any pie-in-the-sky notions you have. Now is the right time to noodle around (mentally and emotionally) and be open to change. As the week winds down, don't be afraid to indulge yourself, and the more lavishly the better. This weekend, your romantic outlook might seem hazy, but a little cleverness should unravel any riddles.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.