Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 18, 2023

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of September 18, 2023. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Reach out on Monday. If you have a honey, let them know you're thinking of them, and if you're shopping around, take the leap from thought to action. You're a bit more emotional than usual between Tuesday and Thursday, and it's not the most comfortable place to be. Don't jump to any romantic conclusions when it comes to a relationship or a potential one now. You're able to explore the issue better around Friday and Saturday, and a conversation about it expands your horizons. Sunday is a good day to slow your pace and do what grounds your heart. Time with family, perhaps.


The stars favor shaking up the old routine on Monday, maybe with a little romance. How about a lunch date or sending a flirty email? Some control issues arise regarding matters of the heart around Tuesday and Wednesday. It's likely you want control and just don't have it. Try letting love happen organically. A philosophical approach becomes easier from Thursday evening through Sunday. Rather than trying to get certain results from encounters, you're interested in the experience, whether it's sweet, funny, or interesting. It's an enlightened approach to your love life.


Good vibes are in the stars for you on Monday, so share the wealth. Moreover, a romantic overture is likely to get terrific results, so share the sweet stuff too. You may have strong feelings around Tuesday and Wednesday, but you also have the smarts to think them over rather than act immediately. There's more to your heart than your first reaction, so look into it. Partners figure prominently from Thursday evening through much of the weekend. If you're coupled up, the two of you may take things to another level. If you're single, you and a favorite friend can have loads of fun.


Interactions, whether of the romantic or platonic variety, merit a little extra attention on Monday. Bring your signature kindness with you wherever you go. From Tuesday through Thursday, your emotions are so plentiful that making a choice about your love life may seem well-nigh impossible. Give yourself a break. What's the rush? From Thursday night through Saturday, make conscious decisions about what you most want rather than go with the flow. Alone time, a date, a party, do what feels best. As for Sunday, it looks like a lovely day for rest.


Friendship and romance are both on deck on Monday. Put the two together for even more fun. From Tuesday through Thursday, what your head has to say about a certain situation may not be as relevant as your intuition. (Your first instinct is likely a very good one.) Then, beginning Thursday evening and lasting through Saturday, your chance for romance is boosted way, way up by the stars. How will you use this stellar power? By Sunday, it may go to your head a bit. Check your ego when dealing with matters of the heart.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


If you experience a minor romantic mishap on Monday, blame it on the stars. But from Tuesday through Thursday, a more analytical approach is in order. Are your heart's plans and ambitions realistic ones? Are you communicating clearly with the pertinent parties? Are you letting intellect, emotion, and instinct all play their roles? Speaking of instinct, let it guide you to the right time to make a move between Thursday evening and Saturday. If there's some built-up tension, it's time to break it! Sunday sends some pretty sweet romantic energy your way. The weekend's not over yet.


Flirtation is favored on Monday, and your finest attributes are plain for all to see, so make what could be a dull day into a fun one. Work or money may be on your mind around Tuesday and Wednesday, but don't forget to find a balance with the other things in life (like love, for one). Then, beginning Thursday evening and lasting through Saturday, your expressions of your feelings are likely to be met with open arms. Why not let your romantic nature shine? Sunday's a day of rest, but a little exercise or socializing keeps you in balance.


If you're feeling less outgoing than usual on Monday, maybe you're just conserving your charm for the fabulous days of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You're extra passionate at this time, and you feature a magical quality that's smoldering. Talk about a good time for romance! Then, around Friday and Saturday, you need to engage your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. A certain someone may be trying to influence you, but the choice is ultimately yours. Luckily, your willpower is strong as of Sunday. You're definitely in the driver's seat.


Love and laughter are in the picture on Monday, whether it's with a significant other or on the phone to a dear friend. Communication's great at this time, so express yourself with abandon. Tuesday and Wednesday may find you retreating into yourself. Your subconscious is working away on an issue, so give it some quiet time. A dream might hold a clue to the answer. Beginning Thursday evening, your personal energy is happy, buoyant, and inspirational. You're the center of attention, and you're catching the eye of someone in particular.


It's work, work, work on Monday, but from Tuesday through Thursday, you can redirect some of that can-do energy toward the romantic sphere. If you have a decision to make about your love life, there's no time like the present. You can attain a powerful new perspective now with a little introspection (and maybe a little help from your friends). If you've got an ideal date or social event planned this weekend, don't be surprised if it somehow gets sidetracked. Can you still have fun? Of course, with the right attitude.


Your quick mind makes you a great conversationalist on Monday. You're able to forge bonds with the least likely people as well as endear yourself to those you're already close to. Around Tuesday or Wednesday, you may be calling on them for a little support when you're easily susceptible to varying emotions and your heart could use some tender loving care. After that, beginning sometime Thursday and lasting through much of the weekend, you're ready to explore love's mysteries. Your bravery will be rewarded!


Make a plan for your week on Monday, one that balances different aspects of your life: work, play, romance, responsibilities. It'll help you power through some wishy-washy energy on Tuesday and Wednesday. Staying actively involved is important, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Pay close attention to little cues, from a certain someone, from the Universe in general, starting Thursday night. If you do, the right course will be pretty darn obvious. You'll also have an extra dash of luck on your side through much of the weekend, so make the most of it!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!