Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of November 07, 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of November 07, 2022. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


It could be a wild week in the love department, with plenty of ups, a few (minor) downs, and lots of interesting lateral movement. Hang onto your hat! Your adventurous, dynamic side is out on Monday. Make plans now. Tuesday and Wednesday require you to be patient about a matter of the heart (you can do it!) From Thursday through Saturday, however, things are moving fast and furious, just the way you like it. Communication is super easy now, and you're long on charm. These are great times for flirty fun. On Sunday, your instincts have something to say, so listen up.


Monday's all a rush, but when you catch your breath on Tuesday, you'll see some pretty sweet possibilities strewn all around you. Through Thursday, love is very much favored, and people are responding with heat to your own warm heart. On Friday or Saturday, you're ready to throw your customary caution to the wind when it comes to romance, but look at the situation a bit more closely before rushing ahead. Sunday's a lovely day. The coupled up can thoroughly enjoy relaxing together, while singletons might feel secure enough to take an exciting emotional risk.


If you've got a case of nerves when it comes to romance on Monday, talk it out with a friend or even with the object of said nerves. Communication's favored, so don't sweat it. Tuesday or Wednesday brings an obstacle in a relationship or a potential one. Gather more info and find a way around it. Your wit and eloquence make you a natural at meeting new people or flirting with a favorite one from Thursday through Saturday. Plan a date that exercises your brain—a debate could be hot now. Your mood's changeable on Sunday. Get some time alone to figure out why.


Love's all over the place this week, which is perfect for your changeable but romantic heart. On Monday, you're quick to respond emotionally, but engage the old brain for a moment before you voice your feelings. Tuesday through Thursday sound super, especially if someone sweet is involved. You're quite a charmer and a natural leader now, so see who follows! If you feel crabby this weekend, perhaps a little tour on the wilder side is in order to dispel some tension. Bonus: There's an attractive glint in your eye when you're busting loose.


Who cares what day of the week it is? You're extra frisky on Monday, so have some fun. There's no right or wrong way to go about matters of the heart on Tuesday and Wednesday. In fact, the more flexible you are in your responses, the better things get. From Thursday through Saturday, life is a party and you're the guest of honor—or, the way people salivate over you, maybe you're the cake. Making new friends is a snap (and so is making them more than friends). Sunday brings the chance to intuit something in the love department that you've been missing.

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You're looking for certainty on Monday, but in love—as in life—few things are for sure. Tuesday and Wednesday find you in a more philosophical mode, and you may be doing some soul searching. Find a compatible soul, and watch some very interesting discussions flourish. Put your best foot forward in matters of the heart from Thursday through Saturday. As corny as it sounds, your attitude determines your romantic altitude now. Plan something for Sunday, when the good energy of others is exactly what your heart requires.


Split the difference between giving and taking on Monday. The stars say that this kind of romantic balance is important now (and may be a little off). Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday look love oriented indeed. The coupled up can cooperate very sweetly, while singletons have a powerful magnetism. Rarely is romance so easy, so enjoy it! Talk's not cheap this weekend. In fact, it's rather precious, as you find yourself able to express your innermost thoughts and feelings. Find the right person to share with, someone who adds to the good energy.


Go ahead and get involved in someone else's romantic business on Monday, just so long as you're doing it to help. Starting a little love project is favored now. From Tuesday through Thursday, your boldness and effort in matters of the heart are rewarded. You're uncovering your heart's own truth, and it's some intense stuff. Look for information beyond the obvious on Friday and Saturday, and think twice (or three times) before taking a romantic risk. Sunday's really a much better day for that, though your intuition may guide you in an entirely new direction.


Monday could offer a detour outside your everyday routine, and it could involve romance. Take it (as if you wouldn't!) Your desire to look at the big picture of your love life is constrained by some pesky smaller stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday, but plenty of fun is still possible. Do something sweet for somebody now. You'll get as much out of it as they will. From Thursday through Saturday, it may be tough to get to the heart of the matter (which, of course, you want to). Just wait until Sunday, when the stars say you can look at things at a much deeper level.


Monday's romantic worry is only temporary, while Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are excellent days for love. Your faithfulness to your ideals and your amazing ability to persevere are rewarded now with opportunities galore. Take them! An indulgent or relaxing date (or one that's both) is perfect now. You're cautious when communicating about romance on Friday or Saturday, but there's something to be said for cutting to the proverbial chase. Try it out. Others' hearts aren't as disciplined as yours on Sunday. Don't let their overreactions throw you for a loop.


Ready for a romantic breakthrough? Watch for it on Monday or, better yet, make it happen with your electric combo of the emotional and intellectual. Tuesday and Wednesday find you looking philosophically at your past, which leads naturally to dreaming of and planning for your future. Then—red alert!—Thursday, Friday, and Saturday can plunge you straight into the best of those dreams or even some stuff that tops them. Love sizzles now, and so does your way with communication. Be mellow on Sunday. You'll need the rest.


Trying to figure out what's going on in the realm of romance on Monday provides some great exercise for your imagination, but it's unlikely to yield any concrete results. By Tuesday and all the way through Thursday, the love energy is so good, why would you waste time analyzing it? Let your intuition flow, and follow it to the romantic fun. Keep busy on Friday and Saturday. Nothing's especially clear, so you might as well get some stuff accomplished. Then on Sunday—hello! Watch for someone or something that could rock your world.

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