Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of November 21, 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of November 21, 2022. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Your action-oriented approach to the realm of romance benefits mightily from an extra dose of charm at the beginning of the week. Singletons should go out on a romantic limb, while those who are coupled up are sweetly focused on their partner. Ease up in the love department on Wednesday and Thursday. You'll have enough to do sorting out your own emotions, never mind dealing with someone else's. You're full of fire this weekend, ready to explore new amorous territory.


Look for your workaday routine to get a little less workaday on Monday or Tuesday. Maybe a hot DM exchange spices things up! Wednesday and Thursday are red flag days when romance could definitely go either way as passions of all sorts are inflamed. Your ability to stay positive and avoid possessiveness can swing it in a very good direction. This weekend, you've got an unbeatable combo of charm and perceptiveness. The world's falling at your feet, and you're choosing your steps with care.


On Monday and Tuesday, your thoughts are abuzz and your heart's going pitty-pat. Find a forum in which you can show off your intellectual side and impress the heck out of someone with how clever (and, thus sexy!) you are. Midweek's a little more low-key, or it should be. Slow down and take care of your health now. Relationships are in the stars this weekend, and the key is to be adaptable to changing circumstances. Luckily, that's one of your greatest strengths.


Love sure would be dull if it was all smooth sailing, but the kind of boat rocking that's happening at the beginning of the week could induce a little seasickness. Keep calm and keep your balance. Expect deep feelings to surface on Wednesday or Thursday, whether yours or someone else's. Practice a catch-and-release policy by acknowledging them and then letting them go. Now is not the time for big romantic moves or decisions either. Declare yourself captain of your destiny this weekend. Whether you've got a first mate or not, it's time to take the helm and do something nice for yourself.


Romance is in the stars right off the bat this week, with Monday and Tuesday looking pretty sweet for those of your sign and those lucky enough to be your companions. Lose any ennui and have some one-on-one fun. Watch the ego midweek. All this attention could go to your pretty head, so be sure to compliment someone else. By Friday and through the weekend, it's more gloriousness in the love department. Make it even better by devising a date that's unprecedented and unforgettable.

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Go ahead and be picky when it comes to romance at the beginning of the week. Singletons should shop around to their heart's content, while the coupled up shouldn't hesitate to get specific about what they desire. By Wednesday or Thursday, though, you could get a little carried away. Nobody's perfect, and a few flaws will have to be tolerated even in the best-case scenario. The weekend's a time to be a daredevil of love. Pin your heart fearlessly to your sleeve, and get ready to take things to a new level.


Monday and Tuesday look gorgeous for you in the realm of romance, and (believe it!) you're looking pretty darn gorgeous yourself. Enjoy the attention being heaped upon you. Polish up your self-versus-others balancing act midweek. You're likely erring on one side or the other. By Friday, with this nicely sorted out, you're ready to explore something new, and you're likely to get excellent responses to your overtures through Saturday. Plan to pamper yourself on Sunday.


Going back and forth about something isn't your style, but on Monday or Tuesday all options in the realm of romance look good. Put off any decisions until Wednesday and Thursday, when your passionate heart speaks up loud and clear and the world's all ears. These are super date nights and also fabulous for fun with friends, even online, so why wait for the weekend? Don't get caught up in the moment on Friday or Saturday. You'd be wise to take a look at the larger picture in your love life now. Sunday's great for communicating.


Fun and friends are in the stars at the beginning of the week, and for you romance is inseparable from these other fabulous elements of life. Singletons can make exciting new connections, while the coupled up bond over shared laughter. You may feel a little reclusive midweek. Definitely take some "me" time, because by Friday and through the weekend, the world demands your sparkling presence. You're quite the entertainer now. Whoever can keep up with your one-liners—and slip in a few of their own—wins your heart.


Your ambitions are more likely to be work oriented at the beginning of the week, which is fine. But if you've got a partner, make sure you're not being businesslike to the point of neglect. Wednesday and Thursday find you in a good space, able to see your romantic situation with uncommon clarity. If there's a decision to be made, there's no time like the present. If a date falls through this weekend, don't panic. It may be just a sign from the stars that there's more fun to be had elsewhere. Any plans you have in place for Sunday should go swimmingly.


Use that expansive imagination of yours at the beginning of the week. Whatever you can envision for yourself regarding romance is completely possible. Use a new dating app, or experience something new with your partner, if you've got one. Work occupies your mind on Wednesday and Thursday, but by the weekend you're ready for fun. You're likely at the center of the action, and at the center of someone's attention in particular. An exchange of mental energy leads to other things altogether now.


Find that elusive balance between the love energy you're putting out and what you're getting in return at the beginning of the week. Sure, you're a giver, but that doesn't mean always giving till it hurts. If you're feeling uncertain about something in the realm of romance on Wednesday or Thursday, there's a good reason for it. Nothing's quite in focus now, and you'll want to be able to perceive the details before moving forward. By this weekend, your instincts can tell you what to do. Let your actions speak instead of words when it comes to love.

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