Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of July 11, 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of July 11, 2022. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Monday is a splendid day for you to follow a romantic impulse -- ask out a new prospect, maybe, or spring for something special for your honey if you've got one. For best results, keep communication short and sweet now. If you've got something to talk in more depth about in the love department, do so on Tuesday or Wednesday. Don't hold back (not that that's very likely!). Romance roars from Thursday all the way through Saturday -- these are super date nights, especially if you activate your sense of adventure. A regular old Sunday gives you a chance to catch your breath!


You could do something wildly out of character on Monday, and when it comes to the realm of romance, sometimes that's just what's needed to kick-start something new -- or heat up something ongoing. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday find you much more your own stable self, which makes you feel good, which makes you attractive, which makes ... well, you get the picture. Work your charms on these days and get great results. Around Friday, someone as bullheaded as you may offer a rather hot challenge. Saturday night's super for a date -- and so is Sunday morning.


A fresh and rather hot idea concerning a matter of the heart could come to you in a flash on Monday. You're flirty now, too, and everybody's loving you. Jealousy of some sort is a distinct possibility around Wednesday -- remember that a little of the green-eyed monster goes a long way. From Thursday all the way through Saturday, you're in fine form, and those synapses are definitely firing on all cylinders. Your sparkling conversational skills earn you attention -- perhaps of the amorous variety -- now. Don't expect someone to read your mind on Sunday: What's with you clamming up, anyway?


A busy Monday could have you feeling overwhelmed, and your heart's on hold. Just wait for Tuesday through Thursday, however -- the kinds of emotional connections you just love are there for the picking, whether with an existing sweetheart or a new prospect (or two!). Follow your romantic instinct -- it's totally on now. If you've got a date on Thursday, Friday or Saturday night, plan a blowout: It's definitely a the-bigger-the-better time, according to the stars. By Sunday, things are scaled back down, but sometimes the little stuff is just as sweet.


Talking openly about what you want in the realm of romance gets you one step closer to realizing it on Monday, so call a friend or have a heart-to-heart with your sweetie if you've got one. Tuesday and Wednesday, then, are excellent days for taking action on those ideas, so don't just sit there -- follow that big heart of yours. You couldn't ask for more from the stars, romance-wise, from Thursday all the way through Saturday. Hot, hot, hot -- that's you, so show 'em what you got. Love is definitely in the air. As for Sunday, you'll need some well-earned rest.

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A logical look at love gives you a refreshing new perspective on Monday, but it may sound out-of-this-world to someone else. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all have a hint of romance about them, and if you plan a date or organize an outing, that hint can lead to much more. There's definitely the potential for an exchange of energy that's electric. You might want to nail down every detail, socially or romantically speaking, around Friday, but the world's just not cooperating. Wait for Saturday and Sunday, when it all falls in line pretty much however you want it to.


Find a companion to share a funny experience with on Monday -- whether they're someone you're sweet on or not, it's bound to be loads of fun. Tuesday and Wednesday may not be right for any large-scale romantic undertaking, but if you take time to be thankful for what you've got, the stars still shine in your favor. If you're seeking a better date night, look no further than Thursday through Saturday, when your big ideas and big heart earn you much admiration. And on Saturday and Sunday, your extra perceptiveness means you're just the one to dispense a little heartfelt advice.


Be as careful in love as you would be in business on Monday. Why leap before you look a little further -- and deeper? Speaking of deeper, you've got a chance to truly delve into a romantic matter from Tuesday through Thursday. The key to getting what you want now, oddly enough, is in letting go of a certain specific expectation. You may want to go all-out on Thursday or Friday night, whether it's carousing with friends or showing someone an unforgettable time. The stars, however, say to avoid being too over-the-top. This weekend, do a friend a favor and ratchet up your personal karma.


You may be impatient for some forward motion in a matter of the heart on Monday, but remember that you can't hurry love. The reason things are moving at this pace becomes clear on Tuesday or Wednesday -- due to your digging in, asking some open-ended questions and seeing what you uncover. By Thursday -- and all the way through Saturday -- you're having so much fun, you're letting love take care of itself. Naturally, that's when things start to get interesting (and hot!). But whoever tries to rein in your free-ranging heart and mind on Sunday is just going to annoy the heck out of you.


Monday brings clarity in a romantic matter, and it's welcome indeed. Then from Tuesday through Thursday, there's a lot going on in all aspects of your life, but with this flux comes the opportunity for change. Apply your heart and mind purposefully to what you want (that clarity comes in handy now!). Around Friday, those in relationships may feel their partner is pushing them, with stubborn resistance the likely result, and singles may be defending a piece of their romantic turf. But this weekend, if you choose a (realistic!) goal in the love department, it's a piece of cake to achieve it.


On Monday, don't waste the super romantic energy that lingers from the weekend -- at least send a sweet text message and/or set up a date for later in the week! Mundane things keep you more than occupied on Tuesday and Wednesday, and that's bothersome since you'd much rather be handling interesting stuff in the love department. But after Thursday, all you have to do is open yourself up to the inspiration the stars are sending directly your way -- and add in your own signature flair. Relationships see a turning point now, while singles can discover something -- or someone -- extraordinary.


Give your heart and mind a rest on Monday -- tuning out in front of a movie might be the right idea. If you make it a romantic comedy, you'll be in the perfect mood for Tuesday through Thursday, when love's full of funny twists and entertaining turns. Dress appropriately for your co-starring role -- and enjoy the heck out of that counterpart. (If you haven't got one, well, no time like the present for auditions.) This weekend, however, you're called upon to tune into the real world and your true feelings. It's more drama than comedy, but it could turn out very sweet.

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