Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of April 17, 2023

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of April 17, 2023. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Karma takes a while to work, so if you find yourself getting no response from the good vibes you're sending on Monday and Tuesday, don't get frustrated. Wednesday and Thursday, your days are so chock-full of spontaneity and ardor that you hardly wonder what other people are thinking. By Friday, your patience will have paid off and you'll get the response you've been longing for. Saturday offers plenty of chances for you to show your charming side, and a flirtatious email exchange (with a new romantic interest or a long-standing one) brightens your Sunday.


The present doesn't offer you much right now, but keep your eyes on the horizon. Your friends have been in similar situations. They know how deeply sad love troubles can be, and they are the support you need at the start of the week. If you feel like a whirlwind shopping tour might perk you up midweek, you're right, but you don't need to buy anything to enjoy yourself. It isn't until Friday that you're in the mood to think about your romantic life again. Perfect timing. Sex appeal and flattery figure strongly on Saturday. On Sunday, confide in a friend about your up-and-down week.


As clear as the signals may seem, your perspective is blurry on Monday and Tuesday, so your interpretations will be off. Before you say something silly, sew your lips together. Plan to speak up another day, maybe after seeking some advice from friends on Wednesday and Thursday. Lay out the facts and see what they think. No one wants you happier in your love life than they do. Friday and Saturday, what with all the frenzy and chatter, you won't be able to hear yourself think, but Sunday is a great day to say what you mean to you-know-who.


If you're in a chorus, you'll sound great today. You're more in tune with others than you've been in a while. This has positive implications for your love life as well (think of love duets sung in beautiful harmony), but love is not necessarily on the table for you this week. Wednesday or Thursday, you may realize that you shouldn't say something right as you're saying it, and you'll end up putting your foot in your mouth. Friday and Saturday are more about platonic relationships than anything else. Sunday sees you taking a walk on the wild side. Should be fun!


Keep financial dealings (with friends, romantic interests, even bankers) to a minimum at the start of the week. Your mind is better suited to artistic endeavors. And on Wednesday, it's best to stick to social endeavors. Be outgoing on Thursday and you may be granted entry into a social circle you've long tried to break. (Once in, if you're single, you'll finally get a chance to chat up someone you've always wanted to flirt with.) Friday and Saturday, a distinction that once seemed black-and-white turns into a rich rainbow of grays. Sunday offers yet more social stimulation.

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Relationship issues are on your mind Monday. A debate with friends over how one of you should handle a current romantic situation reveals a philosophical disagreement that you find interesting. (Funny how everyone does things their own way.) Your way midweek involves a high-spirited sense of purpose that refuses to get bogged down in money or work problems. As Friday rolls around, you and you-know-who have achieved utter compatibility. Dreams of seeing far-off places together float through your mind on Saturday. But Sunday is a no-nonsense, daydream-free day.


Don't get upset if your love life isn't progressing the way you'd like it to. Whether you're waiting for someone to make the first move or you and a longtime partner are considering moving into a mansion, the best advice for the start of the week is the same: focus on the beauty in small things. Let the big-picture stuff come into focus over time. Virtually the whole week is consumed by this relationship (or, if it isn't even a relationship yet, by your thoughts about your potential with this person). Friday and Saturday, food and music figure strongly, and Sunday is a great time to open up.


Monday is your lucky day, love-wise. Tuesday isn't half bad either. A date at the start of the week should include an element of play, no standard dinner-and-a-movie for you. Midweek, the emphasis should be on your health and being of service to others. Find a way to lend someone a hand while getting a workout. Lifting boxes? Carrying groceries? You'll feel utterly satisfied. Friday and Saturday, your thoughts return to this relationship (or potential relationship, as the case may be). Is the friction an indication of incompatibility or of intense feelings? Ponder this on Sunday.


The week may get off to a slow start, but it doesn't have anything to do with you. Don't be upset if you can't find your favorite jacket or forget a long-standing lunch date. Things are just loopy. And they'll stay loopy Wednesday and Thursday, when romance and games figure strongly. Having fun with you-know-who is key. Your energy builds through the week. By Friday, you'll have the wherewithal to dodge the slings and arrows and paper airplanes sailing through the air. Sunday will be especially crazy, although not in the romantic realm. Plan to spend your last evening of the week recharging.


A visit to an art gallery or a museum might be a good stimulus for you and you-know-who. It would give you something to do together and something to talk about. A thoughtful date will leave you charged and happy through the potentially dull middle of the week. Basically, your love life will be nonexistent on Wednesday and Thursday. Your family and your career will be very much at the fore. But Friday and Saturday bring good news (and good times) in the romantic realm. A trip to the mountains is way more romantic than a box of candy. Keep that in mind.


A diversion distracts you on Monday and Tuesday from the mundane details of your life, details that include, perhaps, a shortage of cash in your bank account. If the diversion is romantic in nature, well, lucky you. Go for it. Who needs cash when love is on the table? Wednesday and Thursday, you're reeling after learning a tantalizing tidbit about this person, but Friday and Saturday, while also fascinating, are a bit low-key. Sunday, on the other hand, is sizzling. As you and you-know-who make out, imaginary fireworks explode above your heads.


The week begins with you in the midst of a transformation. You are trying out a new strategy (or maybe it's just a new outfit) and people are responding remarkably well. A challenge presents itself to you midweek, and as much as you enjoy being a sleuth, you'll find you just don't have all the information you need. Let the riddle rattle around in your head for a while. By week's end, your infatuation with a certain someone will drive you to send them a love note. This is an adorable gesture, but you might not hear back right away.

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