Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of April 10, 2023

Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of April 10, 2023. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Pay attention to who you’re maintaining a flirtatious line of communication with this week. With a lunar eclipse sweet-talking your clever third house on Nov. 30, what you’re craving is someone you want to have adorable conversations with late into the night. That person who ghosted you? They don’t deserve you. Don’t overthink it.

By Dec. 3, you’ll be in the perfect mood to start nesting with a lover. The moon will be in your cozy fourth house as it forms a trine with romantic Venus in your intimate eighth house, encouraging a depth of understanding that makes you feel safe enough to let down your guard However, the moon will also square off with aggressive Mars in Aries, leading to misunderstandings along the way. Conflict may ensue, and if it hurts, it just means you care.

You’ll be feeling far more open to romantic inclinations by Dec. 4. The moon will sashay into your poetic fifth house of grand gestures, inspiring you to infuse your love life with magic. By Dec. 5, Venus will form a trine with dreamy Neptune in your 12th house of alternate realities, opening your world to a love so spiritual that nothing needs to be explained.


You’re craving a love that’s stable and reliable; a love that doesn’t leave you questioning. When a lunar eclipse blossoms in your sensual second house on Nov. 30, it will diminish some of the chaos you’ve been feeling and introduce you to a more grounded form of love. Open your heart to someone who’s always been there for you.

Have fun engaging in charming rapport and flirtatious chit chats on Nov. 3. The moon will stimulate your intellectual third house and form a trine with romantic Venus in your seventh house of partnerships, leaving you feeling turned on by someone who radiates intelligence. However, be prepared for these conversations to get tense, because a sexy debate could also get ugly when the moon squares passionate Mars in your intuitive 12th house.

You may feel uncomfortable with the terms that have been set when the moon in your sensitive fourth house clashes with Venus on Dec. 5. Compassion can help clear the air, because Venus will also form a trine with empathetic Neptune in your friendship sector, dissolving your boundaries and opening your heart. At the end of the day, everyone just wants to be understood, so keep that in mind.


You’re embracing so much growth this week and the relationships that are meant for you are the relationships that will grow with you. A lunar eclipse in Gemini on Nov. 30 will rapidly bulldoze what’s standing in the way of your destiny. Relationships may end, relationships may begin, and some relationships will be strengthened. Trust the process.

You’re gaining a deeper understanding of what sets apart the short-lived relationships from the long-lasting ones on Dec. 1, when the moon in your stable second house forms a trine with loving Venus. However, as the moon argues with aggressive Mars in your 11th house of friendship, you might feel as though you’re not on the same page as the person you’ve got your heart set on.

Communicate these differences as delicately as possible by Dec. 5. The moon in your talkative third house will square off with Venus, leaving plenty of opportunity for feelings to get hurt. Trying to understand the other person’s love language will go far. Either way, you know you shouldn’t settle for less. With Venus in your practical sixth house as it forms a trine with kind Neptune, you’ll be able to let go of your ego and hold onto hope.


When a lunar eclipse dawns in your spiritual 12th house on Nov. 30, it will show you what’s truly going on inside your heart. In fact, you might have a total revelation when you really listen to what your intuition saying. You may finally realize that you have feelings for someone you never would have considered before. You may even be taken by surprise when a secret admirer makes themselves known.

You’ll start coming to term with this feelings by Dec. 3, when the moon in Cancer forms a trine with affectionate Venus in your romantic fifth house of pleasure. Even if these feelings are strange and new, you’re embracing the beautiful places they’ll take you. However, when the moon squares off with aggressive Mars in your authoritative 10th house, you may stress over the fact that you’re losing control. Remember—that’s why they call it “falling” in love.

By Dec. 5, you may worry that these emotions are causing you to drift too far from reality as the moon in your stable second house squares off with Venus. But remember—if it isn’t scary, it wouldn’t be so exciting. Venus will also harmonize with Neptune in your adventurous ninth house, helping you overcome your fears.


Your friendships are deepening on Nov. 30, when the lunar eclipse takes place in your 11th house of community. In order for romance to last, it’s important to establish a friendship with the one you love. Can you imagine yourself laughing with them 50 years from now? Do you share interests that stimulate your connection? This lunar eclipse may help you realize that a friendship can eventually turn into something more.

Leave behind the pomp and the frills by Dec. 3, because none of that matters. The moon will send magic to your spiritual 12th house as it forms a trine with compassionate Neptune in your intimate eighth house, revealing that being able to share silence together without feeling awkward is what it’s all about. When you’re together, do you feel like the only two people in the world?

It may feel difficult to find this satisfaction by Dec. 5, when the Leo moon squares off with Venus in your nurturing fourth house. However, if someone really cares about you, they’ll show it. Venus will also form a trine with Neptune, helping you understand each other’s emotional needs and empathize. Listen to each other and find the courage to be vulnerable.

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Duty calls on Dec. 30, when a lunar eclipse blasts through your 10th house of career. You may be called to take on new responsibilities and compete on a deeper level, so where does that leave your love life? Trust your intuition, because opportunities may arrive that change your relationship dynamic. If it’s meant to be, it will be.

On Dec. 3, your need for socialization and connection will intensify with the moon in your community-oriented 11th house. As it forms a trine with mystical Neptune in your seventh house of relationships, you may feel enchanted by someone you meet in a group setting. However, when the moon opposes obsessive Pluto, inhibiting Saturn, and expansive Jupiter in your romantic fifth house, this crush could potentially become intense and overwhelming quite quickly.

You may expect your lover to telepathically understand what you’re feeling by Dec. 5. Communicate instead of setting unrealistic expectations, because the moon in your 12th house of intuition will square off with Venus in your talkative third house. Be honest and direct about what you need. In fact, being honest will bring you so much closer than you think, as Venus will also form a trine with Neptune, bridging the gap.


At the end of the day, love is something you believe in. When the hormones settle down, you have to choose to keep loving someone and keep the faith. A lunar eclipse on Nov. 30 radiates through your ninth house of perspective, showing you a new way of seeing love. Let it redefine your faith in sharing your heart with someone you care about. Let it be a reminder that it’s what makes life worth living.

By Dec. 3, you’ll start factoring your love life into your goals as the moon transits your 10th house of career, giving you a more practical approach to affection. When the moon forms a trine with Venus in your sensual second house, it’s actions that speak louder than words. If someone doesn’t show up for you, do they truly care? As the moon clashes with combative Mars in your partnership sector, frustrations may complicate the peace in your relationship.

However, these issues can be solved if there’s true passion; if you’re really willing to put in the effort to make it work. On Dec. 5, Venus will form a trine with Neptune in your sixth house of service, encouraging you to show your love by making each other’s lives easier.


Every relationship experiences challenges that only make them stronger. When a lunar eclipse lands in your transformative eighth house on Nov. 30, your relationship might embrace an ending; an ending that doubles as a new beginning. Whatever happens, you’re leaving behind the dynamic you once had and embracing a new normal.

The heaviness will lift by Dec. 3, when the moon spins through your expansive ninth house, tapping into your desire for adventure. As the moon forms a trine with amorous Venus in Scorpio, you might just become so much closer on one of these adventures. The world is so big and there’s so much to fall in love with together. However, reality might rain on the parade when the moon squares off with aggressive Mars in your sixth house of priorities, leaving you feeling distracted from work.

Your goals might pull you in one direction and your heart in another by Dec. 5. When the moon in your driven 10th house squares off with Venus, you might feel like you’re being forced to repress who you really are. Not to worry, because that’s quite impossible, as Venus is also lacing fingers with Neptune in your romantic fifth house, reminding you that love always wins.


There could be a major shift in your love life this week. With a lunar eclipse evoking destiny in your seventh house of partnerships on Nov. 30, it’s clear that you only have space for relationships that serve your higher self. It’s time to let go of the relationships that have been holding you back and embrace the ones that feel right.

The intensity doesn’t end there. Dec. 3, will be a beautiful time to engage in deeper intimacy and open your heart. The moon will be transiting your transformative eighth house as it forms a trine with romantic Venus in your 12th house of spirituality. There’s no point in overthinking your feelings. Either you’re feeling the love or you’re not. However, you might find that you’re hitting walls with each other by Dec. 4, when the moon opposes Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in your grounded second house, reminding you of where the boundaries lie.

The romantic tone brightens by Dec. 5. The moon will activate your adventure sector, expanding your idea of love and encouraging you to embrace fun, romantic moments as the moon forms a trine with passionate Mars in your creative fifth house. It’s a beautiful time to go out on a hot date (and if it goes well, meet them in the bedroom.


This week, you might feel so concerned with what needs to get done that you set your love life aside. A lunar eclipse will dawn in your sixth house of priorities, forcing you to adult in a way that may feel entirely new to you. You might feel like you don’t space in your life for relationships that drain your time and energy, especially when you’re trying so hard to hustle and get ahead.

While the week begins on a sobering note, the romance gets unleashed on Dec. 3. As the moon transits your seventh house of partnerships and forms a trine with dreamy Neptune in your flirtatious third house, there’s no better time than now to facilitate a charming connection with someone. Share deep stuff with someone you’re crushing on, like your favorite song or a story from your childhood.

Reality sets in by Dec. 4 and you might feel worried about sacrificing your independence for a partnership. The moon will oppose the Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn stellium in your ego-centric first house, encouraging selfishness instead of harmony. You’ll start to understand why you feel this fear by Dec. 5, when as the moon transits your intimate eighth house. What’s preventing you from truly opening up?


Whether you like it or not, catching feelings has the power to shape who you are. That strange butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling might leave you feeling helpless, but also intoxicated when a lunar eclipse lands in your romantic fifth house on Nov. 30. All you need to do right now is follow your heart, because even if your head is telling you something different, it’s your heart that contains all the answers.

However, life might start to catch up with you by Dec. 3. As the moon moves through your sixth house of daily routine and opposes the heavy Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your 12th house of self-undoing, you might feel like you have so much to catch up on and being lost in your lovey-dovey daydreams just isn’t helping you get the job done.

Even though you’re working and getting the job done, you may have your eyes on a sexy mentor as the show you the ropes by Dec. 5. Flirtatious Venus will form a trine with dreamy Neptune in your sensual second house, proving that being a “power couple” can be a totally romantic concept. Why not lean into it?


This week begins with a lunar eclipse in your fourth house of home and family on Nov. 30. This is penetrating the soft and mushy parts of your heart; the part of your heart that just wants to nurture someone and be nurtured in return. At the end of the day, love isn’t just sweeping someone off their feet or performing grand gestures. It’s knowing that someone cares about you even when you’re not at your best.

However, by Dec. 3, you’ll start craving those spicy hot dates where you have a blast with someone you’re crushing on. The moon will slide into your romantic fifth house, making you feel like surrounding yourself with romance, chocolates, and flirtatious texts filled with all the clichés. This is also a beautiful time to indulge in the bedroom, as your definitely tapping into your kinky side.

It keeps getting better by Dec. 5. Loving Venus will be in your adventurous ninth house as it forms a trine with mystical Neptune in your first house of the self. You might find yourself discovering so many new things about yourself and all the places you want to see. While trying something new, you might just meet someone who shows you what adventure is really all about.

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