Your Weekly Love Horoscope Wants You To Tell Someone How You *Really* Feel About Them

Astrology can tell you so much about who you are and what’s about to happen next. The planets are always making moves, affecting our relationships, careers and day-to-day life! And if you’re wondering how astrology will impact matters of the heart, your love horoscope for the week of July 18 to July 24 is arriving with all the answers to your burning questions.

Thanks to what the cosmos have planned this summer, a playful form of romance is well within reach! And this week, you’re diving into conversations about love, sex and dating, especially if you’re in the mood for a sweet text exchange with your sweetheart. After chatty Mercury enters confident and glamorous Leo on Tuesday and then dances with Jupiter on Saturday, a larger-than-life declaration of love or romantic gesture may be in store! That said, there are some astrological hiccups that may take place early in the week, so don’t be alarmed if a connection is harder to make. After all, there’s plenty of time to turn things around and turn up the heat.

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When Mercury trips over dark and dramatic Pluto, then the Cancer sun clashes with Pluto on Tuesday, you should watch out for power struggles or unhealthy relationship dynamics. In particular, biting remarks might enforce emotional walls that can take a long time to break down. Once something is said, you cannot take it back. These are always words of wisdom worth remembering, but they’re especially relevant right now!

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Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of July 18 to July 24 is trying to tell you, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This week, love is most definitely on your mind! Mercury encourages this as it jumps into your true love sector on Tuesday. This could be about you spending more time talking to potential dating prospects or, if you’re already in a relationship, truly enjoying the dialogue between you and your lover. It might also be connected to an important decision about love. You can more easily communicate what brings you pleasure and joy—and thankfully, this information should be well received. In fact, as Mercury trines Jupiter in your sign on Saturday, you might receive a blissful reward when you ask for what you want in love.

Related: Aries Horoscope For July 2022: Return To Your Roots

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your bark and your bite might be equally problematic at this time in your love life. Something your partner says or does may set off bad memories for you, and if this happens, your initial reaction could be to try and take control over the situation in an extreme, over-compensatory manner that is really off-putting to your mate. Consider where this “my way or the highway” attitude is coming from and ask yourself if it is truly warranted. Things look a little brighter for singles—one of your relatives, such as a sibling or cousin, might know about someone who has a secret crush on you. Ask about it!

Related: Taurus Horoscope For July 2022: Gaining Momentum

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’ve got a decided advantage in love at the moment! You can thank your ruler Mercury for that, as it bounds into Leo on Tuesday. Suddenly, your mind will be filled with romantic possibilities— and you should have no shortage of ideas to help you improve your current partnership or navigate conversations with someone you’ve got your eye on. In fact, Mercury will be at a gorgeous trine to Jupiter, ruler of your partnership sector, on Saturday. This can bring a major blessing to your relationship, current or potential, due to the power of the loving words you and your partner or date will be able to express to one another.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For July 2022: Looking For Love

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This might be a touchy week for you in the love department. If you’re single, you may get trapped in a more negative attitude about love and all of its trappings. With Mercury and the Sun both in your sign opposing Pluto early in the week, it’s possible that you will be ruminating on things that have gone awry or people who have done you wrong in the past. This is only robbing you of your future! If you’re in a relationship, it’s possible that you will be more vocal about any possible imbalance in the power dynamics of your connection. Speak up for yourself, but try to do it with kindness.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For July 2022: Happy Solar Return!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’ve got high hopes this week when it comes to love—and the universe is definitely going to discourage any negative self-talk in the romance department! Precocious Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday, which can help you communicate your thoughts and ideas to others in a way that is much more likely to be received well. In addition, your mind will probably be better able to focus on creative and romantic topics, as well as whatever generally brings you joy. When you talk about these highly positive subjects, you may notice that you’re attracting others your way like bees to honey! 

Related: Leo Horoscope For July 2022: Lovers & Friends

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Matters of the heart might leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. Mercury and the Sun will oppose Pluto, who’s moving through your romance sector, on Monday and Tuesday respectively. This could bring out the worst of a lover’s jealous, obsessive, or possessive behavior patterns, when all you want to do is go out and enjoy some fun social time with friends. If this leads to any incidents that you realize are controlling or not okay in some way, you’re able to speak up about your concerns. Those currently single, on the other hand, should probably stick with your friends this week instead of entertaining new romantic prospects. Don’t stress: that bitter taste should be gone soon.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For July 2022: Saying Goodbye

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You might be working out some serious issues with balance at the moment in your love life. It’s possible that you and your partner have taken extremely differing roles in your relationship, where one of you is more focused on family dynamics and the other on worldly ambitions. If that is the case, you may feel a growing resentment over this and likely want to balance the scales. Unfortunately, your approach regarding that might be a little abrasive to your mate. Remember, you’re on the same team—you’ve got this! Single? Once gregarious Mercury enters your social 11th house on Tuesday, you should have many more opportunities to meet new and interesting people.

Related: Libra Horoscope For July 2022: Feeling Ambitious

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Showing off your lover to others may now sound more fun than usual. You’ll probably want to talk them up to everyone and might beam with pride over their newest or most incredible qualities and accomplishments. This is due to Mercury moving into Leo and hitting the top of your chart on Tuesday. You know you’ve won a prize, and you want everyone else to know it too! If single, you could be on the hunt for someone you can be truly proud of. You don’t want someone who’s just eye candy—they should be intellectually strong and playful as well. When your needs are being communicated, you’re likely to find someone who fits the bill.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’ve got high hopes for love this week—and rightly so! If single, there is every indication that love is coming in hot and fast. Jupiter, the planet of growth and luck, is in your true love sector in speed-oriented Aries. This energy is encouraged when Mercury steps into a gorgeous trine with Jupiter, potentially offering you a very fast meeting with someone. That encounter could lead to a passionate conversation and a whole lot of sparks. Be ready! If you’re in a relationship currently, you and your sweetheart might decide to plan a new adventure together. Travel is likely.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You might not be as receptive as usual to a love interest’s words early in the week. Things aren’t likely to run smoothly as first tricky Mercury, then the stubborn Sun, both oppose Pluto in your sign. This sets up a situation where you are simply not interested in hearing anything your mate has to say if it is delivered in a whiny or controlling manner. On the other hand, if your partner approaches you with reflective communication about how you can both improve your connection, you can be all ears. Single? You might be too intimidating for someone who wants to approach you without even realizing it. It’s okay to relax and open up!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Love and relationships are sure to be highlighted this week, in a fun and very expressive way! The universe is blessing you as clever Mercury enters your relationship sector on Tuesday—and by Saturday, Mercury will dance into a gorgeous trine with lucky Jupiter. Messages from the heart could not only make you smile when you hear them from your mate, but are also able to color your whole world with beauty and joy. You have a chance to receive bold declarations of adoration from someone—even if you’re not in a committed love connection with anyone. It should feel wonderful!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your love life prospects might be blocked this week by someone in your social circle. On Monday and Tuesday, Mercury and the Sun in your romance sector will be at odds with Pluto, the planet of control. Since Pluto is in your friendship sector, it’s possible that one of your “frenemies” or acquaintances has a secret agenda to nip any of your romantic prospects in the bud. This peer could go a little too far—if that happens, it would be fair to react negatively. Alternatively, if you and your partner are talking about having a child, it might not be easy to decide on the details. One of you may not be completely ready.

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