Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of May 09, 2022

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of May 09, 2022. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


You can't solve the same old problem with the same old thinking on Monday and Tuesday, so give it a rest. That's right: while productivity is a big buzzword, it's just as important to remember that you can't have high productivity without an equal amount of break time to give yourself a chance to come at the situation from a new angle. Take an unorthodox approach -- or at least consider taking an unorthodox approach -- on Wednesday and Thursday. Be open to any ideas. By Friday, your open-minded attitude (and a good dose of serendipity) will lead you where you need to be.


Something seems off to you about your newest coworker on Monday or Tuesday, but is he actually weird or is he just, well, new? Change is hard to deal with, but it's easier to accept it than to try and fight it -- that's a guaranteed losing battle. Take some time to get to know him on Wednesday and Thursday and you'll see that there's a real person under the unorthodox exterior. Friday, you end up ahead of game, so it's an excellent opportunity to get a jump-start on the next week by tackling a few tasks well ahead of time. Good for you!


While you know that you're more than capable of getting your work done (and doing it well) while IMing, checking your voicemail and writing on a Post-It, your boss might only see a lot of frantic activity on Monday and Tuesday. Talk it over with them -- if you can demonstrate there are methods to your seeming madness, they'll be more willing to let you work in your own way and at your own speed by Thursday. Friday, take the initiative, whether that means signing people up for the softball league or getting some preliminary bids from cheaper suppliers.


You're willing to give it your all on Monday and Tuesday, but a slight feeling of burnout is pervasive underneath all your hard work. Feeling underappreciated on Wednesday and Thursday? Believe that you're worthy of some support and, better yet, learn to ask for the help that you need. On Friday, being direct comes easier to you than it normally would, so take advantage of your bravery and tell whoever can give it to you just what you need. You'll like the results so much you'll use Saturday and Sunday seeing where else this energy is applicable.


One definition of intelligence is the ability to make real, substantive connections between two seemingly disparate or separate entities. Whether it comes to ideas, people or resources, the first four days of the week are prime time for you to show off your smarts. Later on in the week, get down to the nitty gritty. Tackling all that due diligence stuff isn't exactly fun as you'd normally define it, but tackle it you must on Friday. After all, having records and files in order actually gives you the freedom to create when you know what you've already done.

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Digging in your heels and refusing to budge may feel satisfying at first on Monday, but it will become an increasingly untenable position. Change is inevitable -- it's the one reliable fact of life, so bow to the inevitable and help it along in an easy, relaxed, positive and healthy way. Midweek, other people look to you as an example, so your attitude can go a long way to easing workplace tensions. All this effort will pay off in a big way as you fly over old obstacles toward new successes. When it comes to office politics, your stance gains you new ground with someone very important.


Be kind when interviewing new hires during the first two days of the week. Even if some of their ideas are unorthodox doesn't mean that they can't do well in your office. Wednesday and Thursday, don't gloss over any feelings of unease you may be having about a project or a task you're being asked to take on. Discuss those feelings with someone you can trust absolutely. Over the weekend, if there's some work-related social event going on and your mate absolutely can't make it, don't fuss. You're a natural at these events -- and it's actually easier to network when you're solo.


Monday and Tuesday, thinking about the bigger picture and how your actions can benefit your teammates gives you fresh inspiration at work. Wednesday and Thursday go just swimmingly: your coworkers and manager adore you and it's no wonder -- you work hard and always pitch in when someone else needs a hand. Is it any wonder that on Friday you realize that you consider your office and your colleagues practically a second home and family? Just remember that that attitude as beautiful as long as it doesn't keep you closed off from new members and new ideas.


No one has all the answers, although a wise colleague or manager can certainly act as a guide on Monday or Tuesday. Even if their opinion sounds like bunk, rein in your tongue -- could be you're not quite ready to see the wisdom in their words just yet. Beware of overwork on Thursday or Friday. Taking one for the team doesn't really help if it permanently burns you out. Try to keep work socializing out of your life over the weekend -- if you can, opt out of a coworker's get-together and spend time on a long-neglected personal project so you can refresh your spirits for the workweek to come.


On Monday or Tuesday, you finally get what you want, but it turns out that a crucial player in this production might not be exactly who you thought she would be. Instead of balking or sneering when presented with this wild card on Wednesday and Thursday, see her as a lesson that you need to learn on your way up the career ladder. Stay calm and observe all of her actions. Turns out that you see quite a few advantages to having this person on your team on Friday. Celebrate the happy results of exercising patience over the weekend.


Think about ways your office can benefit the greater community at the week's start: explore charity drives, see if there are more recycling options than are currently being offered or organize some car pools to cut down on carbon emissions. Your example inspires other members of your team or management on Wednesday and Thursday -- it's true that while we can't always accomplish great things, we can do small things with great love and those deeds ultimately make all the difference. Friday and Saturday are a good time to think about your individual goals, both in the workplace and beyond.


Monday and Tuesday, it's all about putting group needs ahead of anything else at the office. Just make sure it doesn't go too far or you could feel pretty emotionally and physically depleted by the middle of the week. Learning to set limits is an important part of getting ahead when it comes to your career. On Friday, a coworker who keeps asking you to take on 'one more thing' needs to be put in his or her place -- gently, diplomatically, but firmly. Stand up for yourself, then spend the weekend celebrating your assertiveness.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.