Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of June 26, 2023

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of June 26, 2023. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Surprise a coworker on Monday by turning a conversation about you into a conversation about them. You'll be amazed by the opportunities that open up when you invert the terms of an interaction. Tuesday and Wednesday see you opening up new doors as well. All this change may leave you feeling introverted and shy, at least until Thursday, when a chance encounter with someone you barely know leads to a minor adventure. Friday finds you dreaming of distant lands. Maybe you can conjure an excuse for a business trip? Or cash in vacation time and set out on your own? Give it some thought this weekend.


While everyone else grumbles about their job, you're feeling better than ever about yours. Something happens on Monday that puts a spring in your step and makes even the most mundane tasks seem like fun challenges. It is a week of challenges, actually, some more fun than others. The challenge on Tuesday and Wednesday is deep and personal (moodiness, possessiveness, and popularity figure strongly), and on Thursday it's financial. A word to the wise: this is not the time to be assuming major risks. On Friday you take a wider, more philosophical view of things.


A little romantic chemistry never hurt anyone. Sure, it may not be entirely appropriate, but you can't help what develops naturally between you and certain coworkers. Keep everything on the up-and-up, but let the magic between you and you-know-who fuel good things at work. You are, at the end of the day, a professional, and you're getting better and better at translating your social prowess into productivity. Mainly because you're so intelligent. But also because you have the capacity to be calculating. At the end of the week, hang up your hat and have as much fun as possible.


The most important thing to you on Monday isn't related to work; it's related to your home life. You may spend a good portion of the day on the phone trying to sort it all out. While everything is so up in the air in the rest of your life, you'd be wise not to start any new projects at work midweek. You love working, but cut yourself some slack! There are only so many hours in the day. Emotions run high all week and, truthfully, the only way to make it through Thursday and Friday is to be a bit selfish. This weekend, sleep.


On Monday, you and your coworkers are entirely compatible. Your ideas link up in meaningful ways and your feelings are understood. This is going to give way to an incredible week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you are able to see below the surface of things, one of your great talents, and anticipate problems long before they take root. Then on Thursday, your love life bursts to the fore (it's possible your love interest is in some way related to your work), and you end the week with the energy and passion of a movie hero. This weekend, try to put work far from your mind.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


It's okay to make a big purchase at the beginning of the week if the investment is going to pay off in a big way. It's okay to be flashy if you're doing it for the cause of something meaningful. Of course, a value discussion with your colleagues may be in order. A couple of days into the week, a disagreement with said colleagues could really throw a wrench into things, but steel yourself and remember to listen with an open mind. As much as you may want to rush ahead on Thursday and Friday, it isn't necessary. Things take as long as they take. Go with the flow this weekend.


All this attention from everyone else at the outset of the week makes you a bit nervous, but it's also totally exciting. The adrenaline is enough to power a small car. Translate your appreciation of beauty into an appreciation of order and harmony around the office, and, to that end, if you feel like new furniture in the break room might improve the company's bottom line, share your theory with someone in charge. Do whatever you can to keep the lines of communication strong at the end of the week. Balance and follow-through are key.


Decisions don't come easily on Monday. You have more questions than answers, and suddenly you're challenging all the assumptions that have gotten you where you are. Enlist the help of others. You never know what can be solved by simply talking through your dilemma. Toward the middle of the week, you radiate positive energy and people respond in dramatic ways. On Thursday, someone may try to persuade you to purchase something. Trust your instincts. By Friday, you go into philosopher mode and become, for all practical purposes, useless. The weekend is dominated by plans and ideas.


The big picture becomes clearer on Monday, and from your desk at work you can see fairly far into your future. At the very least, you can see where you'd like to end up, which is a lucky, unusual thing. Your confidence is conspicuous, and others may even stop you in the hallway for advice about their careers. But all you'll want toward the middle of the week is some space to dream. Plan to rejoin the social world on Thursday or Friday, when you'll be at your most charming. The weekend is clear skies and inner contentment.


A new project is just the ticket on Monday. There's nothing like diving in headfirst. The water will shock your system and, even though the necessary connections may not be made right away, you'll have extra energy to burn. On Tuesday and Wednesday, several others join forces with you, and everything starts to seem within the realm of possibility. That's not to say there won't be exhausting days ahead (Thursday) or minor setbacks (Friday), but by the weekend it will be clear that you are impressing people all around.


You find an unlikely ally at the start of the week, someone who's been around you for a while, but no one you ever thought would develop into a proverbial partner in crime. Look at you two now. Together you could take over the world, but is that what you want? World domination? A couple of days into the week, you're not sure. Thursday and Friday open up like scenes in a play, full of light and good humor, and you end the week unable to imagine a better work scenario than the one you have. If all this is possible, what else might you be able to accomplish? That's the question you bring into the weekend.


If this partnership isn't working for you any more, cut your losses. No sense is strapping yourself to a sinking ship. Besides, you have a million new ideas about striking out on your own, both professionally and otherwise. A feeling of emotional upheaval is to be expected on Tuesday and Wednesday, but luck will be on your side this Thursday. Even though everyone may not agree on Friday, the differences of opinion will be helpful and appreciated. This weekend, pay close attention to the people around you and be available to help a coworker on Sunday.

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