Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of July 11, 2022

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of July 11, 2022. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Keep your tone appropriate and keep moving as this week gets going. If you've got serious business, say it once slowly and firmly, solidify next steps. Then you can accomplish a lot on Wednesday and Thursday, especially if you concentrate on what's already on your plate. Finish up, tie up loose ends and then you're ready for the action and opportunity the stars send starting Friday. You've got a real fire under you and you're able to ignite the passion of others now, too. And Sunday's great for cementing some specifics.


Get back to work! It's not like you to waste time, but it's much more likely than usual at the beginning of the week. Block out chunks where you don't check your email or jump on the Internet every five minutes. Then (luckily) the stars change gears and you're grounded and good to go on Wednesday and Thursday. Know your positions of strength and leverage what you've got. On Friday and over the weekend, you've got an extra spark and some unique ideas, but it's still important to get input and cultivate connections. Reach out.


Variety's the spice of your work life, so plan to mix up the routine as the week begins. Your mind's a very active space and the more you introduce, the more it's got to work with. Schedule important meetings now, too; around Wednesday and Thursday, your energy's better suited to buckling down and working away on independent projects, ideally without interruptions. Then on Friday and over the weekend, you're an intellectual powerhouse. What are you most curious about, at work and in your personal life? Look into it.


In order to get things done at the beginning of the week, you may have to be the squeaky wheel. Do it right -- present the issue(s) succinctly and ask for the resources you need (plus a little, so you can be 'talked down'). Voila -- and on Wednesday and Thursday, suddenly the spotlight's on you. Be ready with a success story or two, whether the question's a casual 'how are you?' or a more formal request for an update. On Friday or over the weekend, you've got the opportunity to make a splashy move. Just consider the future implications before you do.


Why commit to a course of action when the idea-generating phase is going so well? Tell anyone who's pressing you for a decision to hold on at the beginning of the week and give them an idea of why they'll be glad they did. Wednesday and Thursday add extra intuition to your already amped-up intellect -- you're particularly sensitive to existing circumstances, so much so that you can anticipate what's coming next. And this isn't even your best stuff this week -- that starts with a bang on Friday! You're at the height of your powers, so use them for good.

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Cold logic plus interpersonal warmth is a winning equation at the beginning of the week -- think you can manage it? Do the meeting and greeting thing and get down to brass tacks, too. It's not mutually exclusive, it's just good business. Then take advantage of an offsite or work-related social opportunity on Wednesday and Thursday -- or, better yet, put one together. You're good at cruise directing now! And as much as you might like to work independently on Friday or over the weekend, you're gonna need to rely on others and shift your plans to accommodate them.


Put your head together with another intellectual powerhouse at the beginning of the week. It could be your boss, that really on-it coworker or someone doing great stuff you don't have much contact with. Keep the agenda open, mix well and see what happens. On Wednesday and Thursday, your best bet is to nod, smile and act like you're down with the status quo, just for the moment. That doesn't mean you're not thinking about change -- which you should be. And starting Friday, you can start acting on those (brilliant, ready for airtime) thoughts. Rock it.


The stakes are higher than they appear at the beginning of the week. If you're relying on an impression of the big picture, you'd better get less fuzzy about it and quick. Then Wednesday and Thursday, some serious face-time with your mentor, coach and/or boss is in order. Start with a particular issue, then enlarge the conversation to your career path and field as a whole. Come away with concrete next steps, but be careful if you're taking them on Friday or Saturday; unforeseen issues lurk now. Sunday and next Monday are much more conducive.


Take a good look at how full your plate is at the beginning of the week -- note upcoming deadlines, work that's likely to expand and unknown quantities, too. You've got a tendency to take on too much right now and Wednesday and Thursday are liable to present unexpected time-sucks. Keep close tabs on work relationships now; a little issue with a certain party can snowball. Help's on the way, though, on Friday and Saturday, including a very special opportunity, if you're willing to explore. But if you're working Sunday, it's important to get specific.


You're usually uber-focused, but at the beginning of the week, it just ain't so. Beware of getting distracted by minor matters that won't ultimately further your goals. Then on Wednesday and Thursday, you may have the unsettling experience of getting rather emotional at (and maybe because of) work. It's never inappropriate to step out and collect yourself (and it's much better than losing it). Then the more information you can gather, the better, on Friday and over the weekend. Dig and you'll unearth potential problems as well as possible pay dirt.


You're highly motivated, extra intelligent and particularly charming at the beginning of the week -- an excellent combination for making strides career-wise. (Note: Romance is favored now, too, you hottie, you!) Then you may remain all these things on Wednesday and Thursday, but the stars are bringing you back down to earth with a bump, demanding that you take care of basics and get organized. Lay good groundwork, however and you can take off from there again starting Friday -- and a firecracker of an idea awaits!


Yes, you have your skill-set and it's pretty awesome, but recognizing your deficits and either filling them in or finding realistic, efficient workarounds is essential as the week gets going. Learn it, delegate, make a trade -- you can find a creative way to not just flounder. On Wednesday and Thursday, you're sitting pretty if the stars have their say and you can rock a meeting, pitch or presentation. Watch also for a chance networking coup! Friday and the weekend look so busy, you might be tempted to neglect your physical health. Don't.

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