Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of July 10, 2023

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of July 10, 2023. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


The best things in life sometimes take a while to materialize. The same goes for business deals. They take time and patience. They require an infinite number of variables to be aligned just so. Perseverance and permanence are major themes during the first half of the week. Then, around about Wednesday, all of that effectively goes out the window and you spend the second half of the week trying to keep your head screwed on. The high-pitched zaniness you encounter on Thursday will be matched by the rapid-fire phone calls you have to place on Friday. This weekend, find a sofa and relax.


There's nothing like starting off the week with a giant compliment courtesy of one of your favorite coworkers. You aren't a slave to flattery, but you certainly appreciate it. Tuesday is a great day as well. Communication is good, profits are up, the jokes your coworkers crack in meetings are genuinely funny, and by Wednesday, you may find yourself letting go a bit. Perhaps a bit too much. Don't race ahead or overspend on Thursday. Friday you could frankly feel like wasting time, and if you have time to waste, have at it. That's your reward for getting things done early.


At the beginning of the week, a stack of invoices threatens to tip over. Rather than run the risk of mass disorder, spend ten minutes on Monday or Tuesday getting your desk ready for a busy week. Clearing it off will help you clear your head. This is a big week for receiving new information, and separating fact from fiction might be more difficult than you expect. Communication is essential on Thursday, and a full-scale intellectual discussion defines Friday. This weekend, your plan is to spend as little money as possible.


If someone were handing out a Nobel Prize for charm, you'd be on the short list on Monday. The first half of the week, everything that falls out of your mouth lands just right. People laugh at your jokes as if on cue. Your big ideas about business are instantly venerated. While the going's good, you'd be wise to spend the second half of the week seeing how far you can take things. Be a bit wild, know no boundaries, imagine the world as if you were in charge. This kind of thinking will give way to some impossible goals, but you can step back and be realistic at a later date. For now, dream.


What other people think of you isn't as important as some people think. However, what your boss thinks of you is very important. This is the line you walk at the beginning of the week. While your peers fawn over your fabulousness, you're busy trying to attract the attention of a higher-up. Don't try too hard and don't let yourself get stuck within the system. You are, at the end of the day, your own person, with a set of values that exists outside of your company's values. An outing with friends at the end of the week reminds you how important it is to spend time around smart, sensitive people.

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There's no accounting for compatibility. You and a certain coworker get along like lambs. Your analytical minds fit perfectly into each other. A lot can be achieved when you join forces with someone like this. Talk about your intentions (workwise, at least), synchronize your watches, and tackle your challenges together. A problem on Wednesday will require two heads, and Thursday and Friday will be hectic, days that will either go really well or really badly depending (in large part) on you. Communicate constantly. You'll go into the weekend still buzzing.


The week begins with a pile of bagels or donuts sitting in the common area of the office. Watch out for indulging too much. A stomach full of expanding bread is only going to slow you down. In fact, that's a nice metaphor for the week: don't take on more work than you should. Even though you like to be juggling three oranges, two bowling pins, and a milk bottle, that also gets pretty exhausting, and there are plenty of perfectly competent people around you. Share the work with others and, as you'll see on Friday, you also get to share the success. Hooray. This weekend is about small joys.


The push and pull of your relationships in the office, that's what's on your mind as the week gets underway. Truly, there's nothing more important right now. Although a word to the wise, especially this week: try not to get overly attached to people. Things change. People leave jobs, people get new jobs, departments get moved to other floors, you get the idea. The challenges you face this week have nothing on you (you are brave enough to stare down any foe), but the fine print is what could get you on Friday. Pay attention to the details and don't take any financial risks.


You have a head for math problems on Monday. Charts and graphs are a big interest of yours. Data, data, data. It's fun to think like a machine sometimes, but don't stop thinking like a human being. Business is ultimately about people: their values, their habits, the decisions they make. Keeping the big picture top of mind is essential right now. During the second half of the week, your colleagues are floating a lot of philosophical stuff, but none of it seems helpful to you. Keep your head down (keep busy, basically) and you'll end the week with a true sense of having done your job.


You have enough to keep you busy at the start of the week, but you also have gaps of time to relax. Take the long route to work. And when you get to your desk, lace your fingers behind your head and lean back. Demonstrate your faith in and loyalty to the people around you by sharing stories from your personal life. Talk about the current excitement in your love life, if you feel like it. Then, toward the end of the week, when things get really nuts, cut the gab and get your stuff done. You finish Friday with clarity about the future and energy for the weekend.


Strange things are afoot on Monday. You're trying to take your cues from the past (as is always wise when it comes to business), but you can hardly decipher what's going on in the present. The numbers just don't make sense. Neither do the weird platitudes that keep falling out of certain mouths. You have no interest in platitudes right now. Grab hold of the peculiarities around you and savor the weird, creative people in the office midweek. An interest in someone else's mind may develop into a full-fledged office crush by the end of the week. A love affair is within the realm of possibility now.


A love letter really brightens up the email in-box, doesn't it? Sometimes you're the kind of person who can put your life on the back burner for the sake of work, but not this week. On Monday and Tuesday, your head is in the clouds, and, frankly, it's in the clouds the rest of the week too, although there's a lot going on in the office. On Wednesday and Thursday, you're overwhelmed by the number of tasks you face. Finding small ways to be creative in the midst of the most mind-numbing tasks will help you get through. On Friday, your mind's on love and poetry, both of which will abound this weekend.

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