Your Weekly Horoscope for September 5, 2021


Alex Sandoval

Virgos get a lot of flak for being so zeroed in on the details that they miss the big picture, but this week, it'll become crystal clear just how integral the most minute building blocks of life are to any endgame. And it could also feel like you're doing a bit of a juggling act as the darkest shadows, the sweetest light, and surprises and breakthroughs mark the next several days.

On Sunday, September 5, sweet, relationship-oriented Venus, at home in Libra — one of two signs it rules — squares off against transformative Pluto, the planet of power, in Capricorn, setting off power struggles and bringing manipulative tactics and control issues to the surface, especially around relationships, beauty, and money.

The next day, on Monday, September 6 at 8:51 p.m. ET/5:51 p.m. PT, the new moon in earthy Virgo presents us with an opportunity to seek out beauty and spirituality in the weeds of your everyday routine and to take our self-improvement and service to others more seriously. But the moon will also form a harmonizing trine to game-changer Uranus, so look out for creative breakthroughs and eye-opening epiphanies for about four days plus/minus the 6th.

Monday also marks Venus' sweet trine to lucky Jupiter in Aquarius, cranking up optimism, joyfulness, and fortune in love. And go-getter Mars in Virgo will be getting along with powerful Pluto, intensifying ambitions, sex drives, and any underlying desire to take control.

Then, on Friday, September 10, Venus leaves Libra for a trip through fixed water sign Scorpio, a sign in which it tends to struggle. Look out for the tendency to dig your heels in more when it comes to love, artistic impulses, and earning.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Love ❤️

Chances are you've been thinking about how you can step up your moneymaking game, and around Monday, September 6, when the new moon hits your sixth house of daily routine, you could have a fairly exciting epiphany about the steps you need to take to be more efficient and get the most bang out of your energy and time. Small changes can have you feeling more balanced and productive. And from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, relationship-oriented Venus moves through your eighth house of emotional bonds, cranking up the intensity of your craving to connect with someone special in a deeper, more intimate way — yes, physically, but also mentally and spiritually. The key to getting the most out of the moment: putting yourself out there and being unafraid to share deep-rooted insecurities, fears, and desires.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Relationships 💕

On Monday, September 6, when the new moon falls in your fifth house of romance, you'll be ready to set a powerful intention around expressing what's in your heart and standing up for the kind of love you've been dreaming of. And because the moon forms a sweet trine to revolutionary Uranus in your sign, you could be in for exciting, pleasurable surprises as well. And when your ruler, sweet Venus, moves through your seventh house of partnership from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, you'll be all about prioritizing one-on-one time over just about anything else. If you're single, this could mean more dating, sure, but maybe also extra time with your BFF or a biz partner. And if you're attached, this is a fantastic time to work toward shared goals with your S.O.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Relationships 💕

You'll be ready to take a leap of faith when it comes to your love life on Monday, September 6 when relationship-oriented Venus in your fifth house of romance forms a sweet trine to lucky Jupiter in your ninth house of adventure. This could look like dusting off your dating app profile and ensuring it reflects exactly what you want, making a play to DTR with your situationship, or taking a new step with your long-term love. Trust that you're worthy of abundance in love, and you could be pretty surprised by what you manifest. And while Venus moves through your sixth house of daily routine from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, you'll notice your regular grind takes on a decidedly more social vibe. You could find it easier to sweat with your bestie or brainstorm ideas with your roomie — either of which should make all your to-dos more fun.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Love ❤️

Around Monday, September 6 when the new moon falls in your third house of communication, you'll have an amplified appetite for learning, connecting, and sharing your thoughts and opinions. Take advantage of this lunar event by reflecting on ways you can be more efficient in tackling your everyday agenda — and you might find you'll also get a little help from your friends. And your love life is about to get a sweet boost, Cancer, thanks to relationship-oriented Venus moving through your fifth house of romance from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7. You can look forward to having spontaneous, flirtatious fun more organically and attracting whatever it is you've been dreaming of without too much effort. If you've been thinking of doing a spa day with your S.O. or slipping into a longtime crush's DMs, now's the time.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Relationships 💕

Around September 6, when the new moon falls in your second house of income, you could resolve to get clear on financial details you've been putting off tending to. Whether you download a budget app or make an appointment with a money coach, getting in the weeds with your assets can ultimately feel information and empowering. Then, you could be a bit more of a sensitive, sentimental mush more than usual thanks mantic Venus moves through your fourth house of home life from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7. You'll want to spend weekends in doing meal prep and Peloton with your sweetheart or inviting a date or your friends over for pizza and wine on the couch instead of that go-to hot spot. And keeping it low-key could turn out to be much more satisfying than you initially thought.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Wellness 🍏

It's your SZN, Virgo, and around Monday, September 6, you'll be feeling the vibes of your new moon, which makes a sweet trine to electrifying Uranus in your ninth house of adventure. If you've been itching for change, a glimpse at the future, or just a fresh start, now's the time to get clear on all the moving parts and a step-by-step game plan. Yes, make that dream list in that perfect, fresh notebook, and then have faith that you have everything you need to make even your wildest dreams a reality. And while social Venus moves through your third house of communication from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, you'll have your pick of vibrant, animated get-togethers with friends and colleagues, happy hour invites, brainstorm sessions, Zoom calls — basically, the works. In fact, this transit could get a bit overwhelming, so make sure to carve out time to recharge after putting so much of your mental energy out into the world.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Money 🤑

Venus' trip through your sign has likely put pleasure and love front and center for the last few weeks, and on September 6, that vibe could reach a fever pitch. Romantic Venus, your ruler, in your sign forms a harmonizing trine to lucky Jupiter, in your fifth house of romance, and the sky's pretty much the limit when it comes to creating or nurturing the heartfelt connection you've been craving. Tell your S.O. what you've been fantasizing about or put that out into the world by talking it through with a trusted confidant. Know that this moment's incredibly lucky for love, self-expression, and feeling beautiful inside and out. And then, social Venus moves through your second house of income from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, making it easier to link up with and charm people who can help you boost your cash flow. For the best results: Pitch that passion project or pick a friend's brain about investing.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Personal Growth 💡

Around Monday, September 6, when the new moon is in your eleventh house of networking, you'll feel extra certain that striking out on your own isn't the key to getting ahead professionally. Instead, you could realize that collaborative efforts and enlisting the support of key contacts, colleagues, and friends will get you to the finish line. You could also be pleasantly caught off-guard by a beloved bestie, coworker, or S.O. stepping up to the plate to help you out. And you'll want to devote more time to fulfilling your desires and incorporating fun, pleasure, and beauty into your everyday life as a result of romantic Venus moving through your sign from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7. At the same time, your typically razor-focused passion could feel a bit overwhelming at times. The fix: adopting as measured an approach as possible as you work toward hitting your relationship, money, and creative goals.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Wellness 🍏

Around Monday, September 6, the new moon hits your tenth house of career, and you could be meditating on changes you'd like to make in both your daily work and big-picture professional game plan. The goal posts could be shifting, and that's actually a good thing, signifying growth. Let yourself play and explore, research and contemplate now, and you'll soon know what direction to move in. And then you could be feeling a little more protective of your most intimate feelings while romantic Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7. This could actually be a wonderful opp to take a step back from the dating grind or, whether you're single or attached, to prioritize more self-work. Unpacking any recent events that have gone down in your love life with your therapist or a close confidant can offer you a new perspective that'll prove extra helpful in the busier, more social weeks and months ahead.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡and Relationships 💕

Around September 6, the new moon falls in your ninth house of higher learning and adventure, lighting your desire to get out of the typical mundane routine you're accustomed to. Whether you're in the midst of a holiday road trip or dreaming about planning one down the road, now's all about allowing yourself to tune into your heart and take whatever you're wishing for as seriously as you take your work. It's totally possible to hit the top of your professional mountain and let loose now and then, Cap. And while social Venus moves through your eleventh house of networking from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, you could be even more fulfilled by time with friends or collaboration with colleagues. Now's the time to plan that group date or propose a new game plan to your closest coworkers. You can easily wrangle a crowd for the best results now.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Career 💼

You'll be motivated to nurture your nearest and dearest relationships around Monday, September 6 when the new moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy. Basic, surface level conversations just don't cut it right now — you want to go deep and really understand the people you care about on a whole new level. Consider being more vulnerable yourself, and you'll set the tone for transformative connection. And while social Venus moves through your tenth house of career from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7, you'll have an even more unique, magnetic charm on the job. You can easily step into the spotlight to lead the charge on a crucial project or sit down with higher-ups to share a proposal that you've been diligently working on. Just be sure not to get too fixated on the outcome, and you'll be thrilled with the results.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Wellness 🍏

Around Monday, September 6, the new moon will be in your seventh house of partnership, setting the stage for reflection on your VIP one-on-one relationships. Envision the next chapter exactly as you'd like it to play out, and you could find that taking a step in the right direction feels hugely empowering now. Then, consider busting free of your same old routine at the gym or with at-home streaming workouts while social Venus is in your ninth house of adventure from Friday, September 10 to Thursday, October 7. You could find it easy to click with a new mentor who's able to help you hone your yoga skill set, take an eye-opening online course that allows you to take your meditation efforts to the next level, or investigate an exciting wellness retreat for next year. The combo of soaking up knowledge and tending to your spiritual growth is truly satisfying now.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.