Your weekly horoscope is here: September 18 - September 24

 The zodiac signs and the full moon against a pink sunset at the beach.
The zodiac signs and the full moon against a pink sunset at the beach.

The winds of change begin to blow! Expect to feel a bit tired from Monday to Wednesday, as the sun makes its annual opposition with nebulous Neptune. Schedule more rest than usual and up your vitamin intake to strengthen your immune system. This is also not a time to make any important decisions, as our minds are foggy. If anyone tries to get you to agree to something, ask for extra time to think it over.

The good news is that the sun will also be blowing a kiss to transformative Pluto. In the case that you need to get your point across with an authority figure, you have cosmic support. A personal problem can also be resolved, so do your research now and make your move once September 22 arrives.

Friday is a special day, which is when the Fall Equinox arrives. This is an incredibly powerful moment to plant a seed, make a move, and set intentions for the season ahead. Within your list of desires, make sure to leave room to improve your relationships, as this is the type of collective work we will all be doing in the next four weeks.

Over the weekend, try being extra careful when communicating about sensitive subjects. The Mars-Chiron clash that occurs in the sky could reawaken an unresolved wound, when even a piece of constructive criticism could easily trigger anger and even a fight with a friend or loved one. If you need to get something off your chest, it’s best to wait for a better time.

Time for you to read your horoscope for your sun as well as your rising—and if you need more cosmic intel, don't forget to check your September 2023 horoscope too!

Weekly horoscope: what does this week have in store for you?

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign symbol
Aries Zodiac Sign symbol

Move carefully at the beginning of the week, Aries. A suspicious type of energy impregnates the air, so make sure you’re not clicking on any funky links when surfing the web or accepting unusual requests from peers during your work hours. Once the sun enters Libra on Friday, you begin a four-week period in which you will be asked to invest more time in collaborating with people. If over the weekend someone makes a hurtful comment, make sure to ask yourself why it bothers you before reacting.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign symbol
Taurus Zodiac Sign symbol

If you hear gossip at the beginning of the week, Taurus, stay out of the drama. Chances are, the facts have been twisted, so don’t waste your energy on this. The arrival of the Fall Equinox prompts you to make changes to your diet and wellness rotuine, either by beginning to eat better or exercising more. An alternative way to harness this energy would be to seek holistic healing practices, especially if you’re still recovering from the intensity of summer.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign symbol
Gemini Zodiac Sign symbol

Delay making any important decisions this week, Gemini. The yearly clash between the sun and Neptune means you don’t yet have all the information you need to arrive at a successful conclusion. Luckily, by Saturday, the fog should begin to dissipate once the energy of the Fall Equinox arrives. Over the next four weeks, the way you enjoy life will experience an overhaul. What are the pleasures, desires, and flavors that begin calling you? Focus on finding those over the next four weeks.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign symbol
Cancer Zodiac Sign symbol

This could be a week that awakens sensitivities between you and a special person in your life, dear Cancer. The clash between Mars and Chiron says that someone could be unhappy with your high commitment to your career, especially if you’ve been busier than usual. Unfortunately, this might not be the week to clear the air, as everyone is feeling raw and overly sensitive. The good news is that, as the Fall Equinox arrives, it brings you four weeks to figure out how to strike a balance between your career and private lives.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign symbol
Leo Zodiac Sign symbol

If you receive the opportunity to travel, Leo, take it, especially if you experienced a great deal of change this summer. Whether it’s a short weekend getaway, or a long journey, it could bring you the healing your soul needs now. The Fall Equinox, starting September 22, revives your creativity. If a magical idea has been swirling in your mind, the next four weeks are ideal to bring it to life by creating a plan around it, or at least putting it in writing!

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign symbol
Virgo Zodiac Sign symbol

If you’re wondering when this confusion is going to end, Virgo—the answer is… you’re almost there! Keep a low profile and a light schedule at the beginning of the week. The more you rest and keep to yourself, the easier things will be. The arrival of the Fall Equinox promises to bring clarity, which you should harness by taking a hard cool look at your finances. Since this area of your life will keep on transforming over the next weeks and months, it never hurts to be prepared.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign symbol
Libra Zodiac Sign symbol

If you’re feeling undisposed to show up to work at the beginning of the week, Libra, take a sick day. Rest and quiet time create the medicine your soul needs now, in preparation for the arrival of your birthday season. Starting Friday, you will feel your oomph returning! Today, you should set some time aside to get clear on your desires. Because, over the next three weeks, you will be inspired to chase your goals and manifest your dreams!

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign symbol
Scorpio Zodiac Sign symbol

Expect to feel emotional at the beginning of the week, Scorpio. The moon will be in your sign, asking you to rest and practice self-care, and you should listen. In fact, as the Fall Equinox arrives, the slower you move through life, the easier everything will be. If you pay attention to your dreams, you will notice that powerful messages are being delivered to you, as this is the time of the year in which your inner life begins to awaken.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign symbol
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign symbol

Avoid making impulsive decisions this week, Sagittarius, even if it seems imminent. A confusing energy surrounds your career, which can instead be harnessed for inspiration and creative work. Clarity slowly arrives once the sun enters Libra on Friday. For the next four weeks, you will get a better idea not only regarding how to move forward, but you will begin rallying the help of powerful collaborators. The mantra “teamwork makes the dream work” will ring true to you!

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign symbol
Capricorn Zodiac Sign symbol

Take every fact, message, and report you receive at the beginning of the week with a grain of salt, Capricorn. While this area of your life will continue to shift due to this year’s astrological signatures, it’s worth taking a hard, cold look at what’s working and what’s not. Because in the end, the universe will assist you in only focusing on what truly resonates with your future. The time to make any big career moves comes with the September 22 Fall Equinox, starting Saturday morning.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign symbol
Aquarius Zodiac Sign symbol

If you’re in a serious partnership and currently dealing with financial talks, you might want to wait for a better time to make decisions. This week’s energy is super confusing and people are feeling ultra-sensitive, so keep this in mind, Aquarius. The Fall Equinox does bring positive change and the opportunity to focus on things you truly enjoy. At some time in the next four weeks, you could set sail on a big trip, enroll in school, or embark on a spiritual or philosophical quest.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign symbol
Pisces Zodiac Sign symbol

Keep your feet on the ground, Pisces. If someone asks for your help at the beginning of the week, it’s okay to be doubtful. A funky vibe will impregnate the air, so it would be smart to guard your wallet, heart, and space. Then later in the week, the Fall Equinox heralds a four-week period in which some of your relationships will become deeper. If you have a partner or are dating someone, talks around intimacy will be necessary to have.