Your Weekly Horoscope Says Saturn Retrograde Is Ending & Karma Is Unfolding

Your horoscope for the week of October 29 to November 4 begins on the heels of several major life changes. Give yourself time to process what has come and gone before you start slowly picking up the pieces. Fear not—hope is on the way.

You may still be recovering from a transformative and highly depleting lunar eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse challenged the stability and security of your life, so get ready to rebuild your life based on what has been shattered. As chatty Mercury conjoins aggressive Mars in Scorpio on October 29, the week may start with harsh exchanges, arguments, and conflicts. It’s time to let it all out and discuss the elephant in the room, but remember to choose your words wisely. They can leave long-lasting scars.

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Luckily, Halloween receives a pick-me-up as romantic Venus forms a trine with weird and quirky Uranus on October 31. This will encourage you to express your strange and authentic self, because everyone will be showing their true colors without apology. This could also lead to unexpected crushes and new friendships, so get excited. However, on November 3, the Scorpio sun opposes self-indulgent Jupiter at just a few hours before Venus opposes disorienting and deceptive Neptune. You may not be seeing everything clearly this week, so maintain self-control when you feel yourself getting carried away. Not all that glitters is gold.

When Saturn begins moving direct after it has been retrograde for the past five months, you may feel a power dynamic shifting. Stationing direct at exactly 0 degrees Pisces, you may feel as though you’re starting over. However, you’re not starting from scratch—you’re starting from experience. And as Mercury opposes unpredictable and insightful Uranus on November 4, you may end the week with a game-changing idea.

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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):



This week, you’re a fount of new ideas.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of resources. Today, you’re very smart and very impatient. Aries, it’s possible you’re waiting for someone to fulfill their promise to you or make something available to you. But the better use of this energy would be to do something else while you’re waiting rather than constantly check your phone or pace in front of their door.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of work trines Uranus in Taurus. You could be really bored today. You might be ready to go out and have a good time, but you’re stuck behind a desk or working a late shift. You want to do something creative and unusual, and you don’t want to wait any more. Today, you’re looking to break free. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you are admired by others.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of relationships. Taurus, you might be very impatient about relationship matters. Having decided on your own feelings, you’re ready for the other person to show up and state theirs. Unfortunately, not everything moves on your timetable. If you’re looking for love, you could feel some frustration at the slow pace of finding your match. But energy like this is meant to help you persist in your search for love.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of interesting amusements trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you want to do something different, whimsical, or magical. This is a good day to get dressed up and be somebody else. Or if you don’t want to go that far, at least be around people who are willing to step outside their regular roles. Today, look for something new to do. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re tapping into magic.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of daily tasks. Today, even the smallest task could feel irritating, and it’s worse if anything goes wrong. If you want to clean but find you’re out of floor cleaner or the vacuum bag is full, you could lose your temper. A better use of this energy would be activities that take a lot of hand-eye coordination as well as physical exertion. Gemini, playing a fast game of pickleball or learning how to juggle would put you in a better mood.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of dwellings trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you want to do something different with the house. Perhaps you’re decorating and choosing an interesting (and perhaps macabre) theme. This could be a one-day change or something you keep for months to come. Today, you want to live in different surroundings. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re exploring new roads.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of romance. Today, you are an impatient lover. Cancer, you might be waiting by the phone for your sweetheart to call, or you’re pacing as you wait for them to get home from work so the two of you can have fun. If you’re looking for love, you have good opportunities around people who are very energetic. Go to sporting events or the gym and you could meet someone for a love relationship.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of fun activities trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you want to do something very different. You want to break some rules and go in a new direction. You could attend a party with people who are a little wild. Or you might get dressed up just to feel like somebody else. Today, you want to break out of your mold. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re setting worthy goals.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of dwellings. You could be a little frustrated with the stuff in your house. A slow-running drain and the weird noises made by the washing machine could be just part of the list of things that bother you. Leo, you could jump into action and start fixing things. You might make a list of everything that needs to be done and then start checking them off. Today, you have the energy to do repairs.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of money trines Uranus in Taurus. This combination can lead to impulse spending. You might really want to buy something, but use cash and limit yourself to just that one thing. If you have a sweet tooth, you could be indulging in candy. In fact, you might eat a whole bucketful, and soon you could be sailing on a sugar high. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you might be changing directions.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of thinking and doing. Today, you’re multitasking. You might be extremely busy as you tackle tasks at home and finish a work project. Virgo, you could be getting something done for school or sending off some paperwork for a transaction. Today, you’re doing the work of two people—maybe three—and you’re irritated by anything that stands in your way.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in your own sign of Virgo and your house of physical expression trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you might feel like being somebody else. You might want to dress up and do something very different. You could attend a party or go to work in a funny hat. You also might be delighted seeing others expressing themselves through colors and costumes. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re connecting with nature.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of money. Libra, while this energy is very good for making money, it’s also impatient. You could be very irritated by financial transactions. The best use of this energy is to focus on calling in what’s owed to you, sending out invoices, or doing general sales activities. Conversely, you could spend the day trying to get your checking account to balance and still be off by a few pennies.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of mysticism trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you might be delving into the magical arts. You might have your palm read or have someone read tea leaves for you. You might pull Tarot cards for yourself to find out about your future and romantic prospects. You could be drawn to bohemian clothing and décor. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re ready to take things to the next level.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio and your house of physical vitality. You might have a lot of energy today. Scorpio, you could be bouncing off the walls. Everything is taking longer than you’d like. It feels like people are walking more slowly in front of you or there’s more traffic. But you can use this energy for something productive and profitable. If you feel erratic or irritated, it means you haven’t yet decided what it is you want to accomplish.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of friendships trines Uranus in Taurus. You and your friends might want to do something very different from the usual. You could go to a nearby town to attend a party. Or you might go to an event you’ve never been to before. It’s likely you want to dress up and do something that is uncharacteristic of you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re breaking free of your normal routine.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of escape. Whatever is on your agenda today, you don’t want to do it. Sagittarius, you want to live a different life somewhere else, so you might be running off to live in a video game, movie, or novel for the day. This is a great day to find a magical landscape or old forest to hike in. Today, you need a change of scenery.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of star power trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you’re breaking out of your mold. You might be dressing up, or you could be doing something that’s very different from your normal routine. You’re looking to do something new, and you don’t care how many people know about it. This might mean that you’re on stage with a microphone in your hand. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you’re seeing far ahead.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of friendships. One of your friends could be late. It might be for a perfectly legitimate reason, but you have a short fuse today. The best solution is to engage in a physical activity that uses up some of this energy. Instead of getting mad, go for a run.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of rules trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you want to break the rules. Capricorn, you want to do something different from you usually do, and this could include dressing up or being around people who are also breaking rules. You’re looking to go past the boundaries you’ve set up for yourself, and anything you can do to cross that line can expand your world. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you have good career energy.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of reputation and social standing. If you’re trying to build a following on social media, you could be a little frustrated by how long it’s taking. But if this is a worthy goal, it’s worth the effort.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of intimacy trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you might be thinking about breaking the rules. Aquarius, this could lead to getting physical in a situation where normally you’d hold back at least for another week or two. But you’re feeling like you want to push the boundaries today, so you might go further than you were considering. It will be challenging to keep your wits about you when an opportunity to have fun arises. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you could start an adventure.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of education. If you’re in school, you could be very busy cramming for a test, finishing and submitting a project, or juggling all of your homework assignments. You could be trying to run through a video course as quickly as possible. Today, you are speed learning.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of relationships trines Uranus in Taurus. Pisces, you could meet someone for a love relationship. But since masquerading is the norm today, this person might not be who you think they are. That said, it could be fun to connect with someone who is so interested in you. If you’re already in a love relationship, this is a great time to step out of your normal roles and do something different as a couple. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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