Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Positive Developments in Your Love Life & Career

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Positive Developments in Your Love Life & Career
Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Positive Developments in Your Love Life & Career

Your horoscope for the week of January 28 to February 3 is a breath of fresh air, because positive developments are finally underway after a chaotic start to Aquarius season.

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The week begins with Venus in Capricorn forming a sextile with Saturn in Pisces on January 28, bringing a stabilizing force to your relationships and financial concerns. This is a beautiful time to laying down the groundwork for longterm gains, especially when it comes to your love life and your overall desires in life. Mercury in Capricorn will later form a trine with Uranus in Taurus, which could be the catalyst for some innovative game changes. Get ready for lightbulbs to flash over your head, as unexpected epiphanies will are likely to unfold this week. As the evening comes to an end with Venus forming a trine with Jupiter in Taurus, there could be butterflies in your stomach as relationship developments arise in both a platonic and romantic manner. Sparks are flying this week!

By January 29, you may feel compelled to do pioneer something exciting and take major leaps toward your highest goals. This is when warrior planet Mars—which is currently exalted in Capricorn—will gear up for a trine with innovative Uranus, giving you a burst of ambitious energy that pushes you farther ahead than ever before. Don’t be afraid to be the first to take a risk and try something different.

After an exciting and action-packed few days, Mercury will later form a sextile with dreamy and enchanting Neptune on February 2, bringing empathy and compassion to the forefront of everyone’s interactions. This is a gorgeous time to lounge around and talk about magic. Your imagination will be glittering with promise.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):


This week, you might be thinking in extremes.

Hold on to your hat. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Aries, you have a clear choice ahead of you that you might consider a coin toss, but in actuality you’re leaning toward whatever action seems more fun and easy. If you’re playing billiards, this could help you win the game, but if you’re faced with something challenging and unfamiliar, you could run the other way.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of career trines Uranus in Taurus. You could receive some happy news from work. There might be an opportunity to make more money. It will take energy, but today you have energy bursts (followed by short periods of complete apathy or anger, so watch out). Today, you could take the lead at a meeting, pull ahead in the sales contest, or launch a new campaign for your business. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, timing will be important to find your flow.

Things start at a gallop. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Picture yourself standing at a crossroads. In one direction, the road is rocky and inclines uphill. The other way is smooth, with a gentle downward slope to a familiar place. Taurus, it’s likely whatever your choice, you’re going to be looking for the easier road, but realize that the easier road isn’t necessarily the best route.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of knowledge trines Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. While you generally like to deliberate about a decision, today you might turn on a dime. You could sign up for a class or submit your application for an entire semester. You might decide to teach a course or post a how-to video. Today, it’s all about what you know. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re looking for a new road.

Things start off like a road race. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You’re done spinning your wheels. You want to see some progress. But it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re going down the same old road. Today, you’re given a choice to do something new, exciting, and just a bit outside your comfort zone. Sometimes going slowly helps you make more progress.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of power trines Uranus in Taurus. Right now, you might be unwilling to take orders from anyone. Gemini, you want your freedom. That might mean it’s time to consider shifting from a job to your own business. Or you might be looking to move out on your own. It’s possible you’re thinking of a whole lifestyle change. Today, you could go in a completely new direction. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re choosing a direction.

Things start off at a rapid pace. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You’re ready to make a big decision. Cancer, you could feel a push to choose something regarding your career or how you’re seen in the world. You might be ready to launch. But there is a temptation to go backward now and seek what feels safe. Today, the easy way might not be the best way.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of relationships trines Uranus in Taurus. Right now, you don’t want to feel hemmed in by a partnership. You might be wishing that you were solo just so you could have a little more autonomy in your life. While you appreciate the help, today you might feel that your relationship takes more effort than it’s worth. You might be tempted to say all this, but tomorrow you probably won’t feel the same way. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re streamlining your obligations.

Things start off at a full gallop. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Spiritually, you’re ready to make a big choice. Leo, you could adopt a new personal philosophy that allows you to let go of past hurts and move forward more easily. But letting go of something familiar and grabbing hold of something new can be a little stressful. Today, the stressful choice could be the correct one.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of work and routines trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you might be considering how to get out of your normal list of tasks. You want the freedom to create and have more autonomy in your job. This is a good day to look at what you can automate, eliminate, or delegate off your plate. By the end of the day, you might have an AI virtual assistant to help you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re ready to jump.

Things start off at breakneck speed. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You might decide that you no longer want to trade time for money. And now you’re absolutely sure you want to get your business going. Virgo, this could mean making phone calls, having a meeting, or launching the website you’ve been working on for a while. There could be doubts in the back of your mind, but the new way is likely the better way today.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of romance and adventure trines Uranus in Taurus. You’re willing to go out on a limb. You might ask someone out. You might say yes to an invitation. And you might find yourself in a place you never thought you’d be. You could go to the symphony or a monster truck rally. Today, you want to do something quite different. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you might take some important advice.

Life feels like a fast footrace. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Libra, you might decide to follow someone’s advice. And this could lead you down a road you’ve never been down before. You can feel the excitement pulsing through you as you commit to this new adventure. Of course, the comfort of your sofa and sameness does call to you, but what is new could outshine the comfortable today.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of dwellings trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you would like to live somewhere else. And this might feel like more than just a passing whim or more than frustration because the hot water takes forever to come out of the tap. You might be ready to shift your lifestyle. Libra, you could find that you’re researching great places to retire on less money or how to homestead in the country. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re changing an old pattern.

Life feels like you’re juggling a lot. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You’re ready to simplify and revamp your life. Perhaps you recently read a productivity book or had a session with a productivity guru, and now you’re looking at what you can strip away from your routines to make your life easier. You’re looking for change, and immediate improvement is possible as long as you keep from falling back into old patterns.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of transportation trines Uranus in Taurus. The changes you’re making this week could concern your vehicle. Scorpio, you might want a new car or truck. You might want to exchange what you have and save yourself a lot of money. Or maybe you’re now working at home and don’t need to use a vehicle every day. Today, you’re rethinking how you get from point A to point B. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re ready for a battle of wits.

Life feels busy but exhilarating. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You might feel the fires of enthusiasm raging inside of you. You’re excited about a new creative project or someone you’ve just met. Sagittarius, you could be so in love that you get carried away. Your head is so filled with thoughts and feelings that it’s like your feet aren’t even touching the ground. But be aware that flying so high could cause the sun to melt your wings.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of money trines Uranus in Taurus. You could be in a spending mood. And what you want might suddenly be on sale or have some special bonus attached that makes it all the more tempting. It’s easy to forget about budgets and restraints. Today, you might be impulsively buying a big-ticket item. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you are ready to leap into something new.

Life might throw you a curve ball. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Capricorn, someone could hand you a big opportunity connected to your career or business. But it’s going to mean making a decision that not only involves you but also involves others. And while you have a real choice, leaning into the unknown and unfamiliar is probably the better way to go.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in your own sign of Capricorn and your house of confidence trines Uranus in Taurus. You feel like you have superpowers today. You might be standing a little taller or walking around like you’re wearing a cape that’s fluttering in the breeze. You can lead the meeting. You’re making good decisions. You’re in command. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, a bold move is possible.

Your wishes for a life change could manifest. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Someone might come to you with an exciting offer. This could be a bigger and bolder move than you’ve considered before. It might involve leaving the country or a complete lifestyle change. Aquarius, this could be the thing you’ve been wishing for. Now that it’s here, don’t put off making a decision.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of endless possibilities trines Uranus in Taurus. The Universe could light up the road ahead of you. You might receive psychic messages, and awareness is possible. An epiphany that reorders your thinking is also possible. At the same time, you might have more energy than usual today. You could hop out of bed at dawn and get more done in the morning than you usually do in a couple of days. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, the Universe is speaking to you.

On Monday, January 22, the moon in Gemini and your house of family opposes Venus in Sagittarius. Today, you could surprise a family member and take them out to a special dinner. Or you might come home early to play board games with the kids. Pisces, you and the family could have an impromptu party to celebrate good results on a test or a goal in hockey. Today, you can have some fun.

Venus enters Capricorn and makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, January 23. You could have a spiritual epiphany today. You might suddenly realize that a certain food isn’t good for you and you’re willing to walk away from it. Or you might have an inner knowing that inactivity isn’t bringing you benefits. Today, your angels are guiding you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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