Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July’s Second New Moon Is Coming

If you’re wondering whether the planetary torture that’s been the month of July is finally subsiding, the answer is yes. The reign of Mercury retrograde and eclipses is finally OVER this week—which means reading your weekly horoscope (July 29-August 2) is bound to be a lot more fun than it’s been lately. As we move into August, our main focus will continue to be in the sign of Leo, as both the sun and moon travel in the fire sign. This encourages positive energy and a more confident, playful, dynamic approach to life (perfect for Leo season, don’t ya think?).

On Monday, the sun in Leo will forge an awkward aspect with Uranus (planet of change) in Taurus, which could cause us...

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