Your Weekly Horoscope for January 24, 2021


If the tide, the tone, and the temperature of the year feels like it's shifting — if only ever so slightly — it might be thanks to the fact that last week's historic presidential inauguration has begun a new chapter for the U.S. But you're likely also feeling Aquarius season (which started on Tuesday, January 19) kicking in. Change is here, and as necessary and positive as that can be, we'll be challenged to do some serious soul-searching and slowing down this week as well.

On Tuesday, January 26, the confident sun in Aquarius squares off against game-changer Uranus in Taurus, nudging us to face stagnation and boredom by taking the bull by the horns. The message from the bold, bright luminary and the planet of 13 rings: Change serves us best when we're proactive versus passive, taking action versus letting it mow us down.

You'll no doubt be feeling the vibes of the Leo full moon kicking in, too (it can be felt for about four days before and after); on Thursday, January 28, the "Wolf Moon" will be exact at 2:16 p.m. Eastern/11:16 a.m. Pacific. It'll stir us to reflect on how we can balance caring for ourselves and for others (the Leo "me" vs. Aquarian "we") and how and when to exhibit self-control, given that it forms a potentially anger-inducing square to aggressive Mars, currently in stubborn Taurus. The full moon also opposes expansive Jupiter, which can boost positive emotions but also ramp up the risk of overindulgence. So, whether you're feeling totally stressed, overwhelmed, or momentarily ragey, you'll do best to lean on healthy, measured coping mechanisms, perhaps of the Leo variety, like an indulgent self-love session, treating yourself to a fancy dinner, or connecting with friends whose company feels like basking in warm, radiant light. In fact, bolstering relationships could be especially therapeutic and empowering, thanks to a conjunction between romantic Venus and transformative Pluto the same day.

And on Saturday, January 30, communicator Mercury begins a three-week retrograde in Aquarius. Until February 20, we'll need to tie up loose ends on previously-started projects in order to move forward. Prepare yourself mentally for slowdowns and glitches in tech, communication, and transportation. (See: What Is Mercury Retrograde and Why Do We Care?)

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕and Career 💼

You've been working hard and putting in time on group projects galore, Aries, and around Thursday, January 28 when the full moon falls in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you'll want to kick back on a date night with your S.O., go for an enlivening run, or catch up with friends on FaceTime. But the pull to hit deadlines and answer to authority figures could get in the way. Get what you can squared away, manage resentment, and then follow your heart. And in prep for the first Mercury retrograde of the year, which falls in your eleventh house of networking, you'll want to double-check all the details of crucial group projects. Also prepare yourself mentally for DMs from friends and former colleagues you haven't heard from in forever.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕and Career 💼

It could be time to tend to ongoing emotional wounds that have been threatening your overall feeling of security around Thursday, January 28 when the full moon falls in your fourth house of home life. Because the moon squares off against go-getter Mars in your sign, anger is totally normal, but the moment is all about figuring out the best, most productive way to not only acknowledge the heat you're feeling but process and cope with it. And to prep for communicator Mercury's retrograde in your tenth house of career, which begins on Saturday, January 30, consider prioritizing the big-picture goals you're currently working toward. For three weeks, while the messenger planet moves backward, you'll feel nudged to reflect and review your professional commitments and focus more on tying up loose ends before you can fully move forward.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Personal Growth 💡

Though you tend to thrive on constant, buzzing activity, you could feel overwhelmed by the mountain of to-dos on your list around January 28 when the full moon falls in your third house of communication. And because the moon forms a tense square to aggressive Mars in your twelfth house of spirituality, you might feel resentful, frustrated, or just downright wiped out. Try to tackle whatever you have space for, then make time for self-care practices that'll serve as a healthy way to meditate on and process challenging emotions. And before your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, goes retrograde in your ninth house of higher learning on Saturday, January 30, you might want to identify a couple areas where you'd like to bolster your personal or professional growth. You might actually benefit from the three-week slowdown by reconnecting with an old mentor or brushing up on skills that could ultimately help you advance your career.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Relationships 💕

You'll be reflecting on whether or not your work is truly reflecting your passions and values — or not — around January 28 when the full moon falls in your second house of income. And because the moon forms a tense square to go-getter Mars in your eleventh house of networking, disagreements with colleagues could pop up, and the challenge you're presented with now could be to find a diplomatic way forward that serves your interests and long-term wishes without throwing your team under the bus. And before messenger Mercury goes retrograde in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy on Saturday, January 30, you might want to make a pact with your S.O. or anyone else with whom you have a tight bond. Promise you'll do your best to keep your cool when you notice that the wires are getting crossed during intense conversations, and you'll have an easier time contending with miscommunications that are bound to arise.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Relationships 💕

You could be in your feelings big time around Thursday, January 28, thanks to the full moon falling in your sign. Because it forms a tense square to go-getter Mars in your tenth house of career and opposes magnifying Jupiter in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be especially driven to stand up for your priorities on the job and to take on what might be more than you can handle in a close (personal or professional) relationship. Do your best to slow down, and take the time you need to process your emotions before taking any significant steps. And before communicator Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks in your seventh house of partnership on Saturday, January 30, consider having that tough talk with your S.O. or try to nail down the details of big-picture plans with friends or biz partners. Then, you'll feel more confident heading into three weeks of confusion popping up within one-on-one relationships.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡and Wellness 🍏

Around Thursday, January 28, the full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, you could feel like the best way to cope with any overwhelm or emotional intensity of the moment is to retreat into solo time. Taking care of yourself and recharging mentally, physically, and emotionally should 100 percent be your top priority, but you'll also benefit from carving out some space for daydreaming and imagining the adventures you want to come next. Then, before your ruling planet, communicator Mercury goes retrograde in your sixth house of wellness on Saturday, January 30, you might want to line up any follow-up doctor appointments or well-being check-ins you've been dragging your feet on. Then, over the course of the messenger planet's three-week slowdown, you'll be able to gain more clarity on health questions and tweak any wellness-boosting daily routines to suit you even better and deliver the best results in the long-run.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Relationships 💕

Around Thursday, January 28, when the full moon is in your eleventh house of networking, you could be wrapping up a major group project. Thanks to an opposition from lucky Jupiter in your fifth house of self-expression, you'll want to infuse your work with creative energy. But you'll want to be careful to not commit to more than you can deliver — and to strike a balance between doing what's best for the team and achieving artistic satisfaction. The same day, romantic Venus, your ruling planet, pairs up with transformative Pluto in your fourth house of home life, compelling you to deepen your connections with your nearest and dearest. You'll want to feel like you're on the same page emotionally — so much so that you might push to ensure you're in sync. You could do better to embrace being vulnerable and lay your cards on the table, then see how it plays out organically.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Personal Growth 💡

Around Thursday, January 28, when the full moon is in your tenth house of career, you could be asked by higher-ups to take the reins on a major project or step into the spotlight. You're likely 100 percent up for it, as you're hoping it'll result in being recognized for all your hard work. Recognition is absolutely something you're craving right now, so if you're feeling like you need to speak up about it, go for it — especially within the context of a productive, one-on-one meeting with a colleague you respect. And before communicator Mercury goes retrograde in your fourth house of home life on Saturday, January 30, get ready for a bit of soul-searching around the path you're on in your personal life. If you feel like something needs to shift (say, you're considering a move, a split, a heartfelt talk with a family member you've been struggling to see eye-to-eye with), the next three weeks can be an important time for reflecting on this, journaling, researching, and reaching a grounding conclusion.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Relationships 💕

You've been hustling hard, but it could feel like you've been busying yourself in the same old way for too long, and it's time to break free of that mundane grind around Thursday, January 28 when the full moon falls in your ninth house of adventure. Because the moon opposes your ruling planet, expansive Jupiter in your third house of communication, you could be tempted to take on more than you bargained for (like overdoing it in your workout routine or planning a pricey vaca) in order to satisfy that need for excitement. Doing your best to stay grounded while tending to your emotional needs serves you best. And before messenger Mercury is retrograde for three weeks in your third house of communication, beginning on Saturday, January 30, consider giving some thought to how certain friendships are making you feel. If any casual or collegial relationships seem like they're not quite fitting with your big-picture path, it could be time to rethink how much energy you're giving to them.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Money 🤑

You'll be compelled to speak up about your needs in your closest relationship around Thursday, January 28 when the full moon is in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy. Because it'll square off against go-getter Mars in your fifth house of romance, you could feel impatient, frustrated, and even short-tempered if you feel like your S.O. or potential matches aren't fully seeing you. The same day, romantic Venus and transformative Pluto pair up in your sign, ratcheting up a sense of urgency around all of this. You want love — and the physical expression of it — to look and feel a certain way, but you'll do better to let go of your instinct to steer the ship. Instead, say what you need to say, then try to be open to seeing how the situation plays out. And before communicator Mercury goes retrograde in your second house of income on Saturday, January 30, double-check all the details of key investments and cash flow. Then, you'll have what you need to navigate three weeks of possible miscommunications and tech headaches.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Personal Growth 💡

Around Thursday, January 28, when the full moon falls in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be taking a microscope to your closest one-on-one relationships and thinking about reciprocity. The confident sun will pair up with lucky Jupiter in your sign that day, boosting your optimism and joy, so even if you notice some room for improvement, you'll be feeling fired up to address it in a proactive way. Then, thanks to communicator Mercury slowing down and going retrograde in your sign for three weeks, beginning on Saturday, January 30, you could find you're motivated to revise and reflect on big-picture goals before plowing ahead. Sure, you might feel a little aggravated that your season has been interrupted by this slowdown, but you could also find that going back to the drawing board to process where you've been and what you truly want is key to lasting success and satisfaction.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Creativity 🎨

You could feel like you need to get more out of your current fitness plan around January 28 when the full moon falls in your sixth house of wellness. With all the intense aspects the moon makes to your third house of communication and twelfth house of spirituality, there's a risk of being hard on yourself and possibly projecting your frustrations onto others. Taking time out to meditate, reflect, or talk in therapy can help you get to the crux of the issue and come up with a workable, day-to-day game plan that makes you feel like you're on track. The same day, social Venus and powerful Pluto pair up in your eleventh house of networking, and you'll want to bring your creative A game to a group project. Simply believing in yourself and your vision can help you land the kind of feedback you're craving.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents,, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.