Your Weekly Horoscope for January 23, 2022


Though 2022's been off to a sleepy start, this is the week you could begin to feel a bit more forward movement, thanks to a couple of exciting sign shifts — and Venus, the planet of love, finally ending its retrograde. And it bears noting that this is all going down in industrious Capricorn, meaning it's time to put your nose to the grindstone.

From Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, go-getter Mars will move through Capricorn, stretching the Sea Goat's season out into the very tail end of winter and stepping up your ambitions in business, fitness, and between the sheets.

On Tuesday, January 25, messenger Mercury, retrograde in Aquarius since the 14th, slips back into the cardinal earth sign, urging more goal-oriented communication and thinking.

On Friday, January 28, just before Venus goes direct, it'll conjunct Pluto for the third time recently (the last two times were on December 11 and 25). This ongoing aspect, courtesy of Venus' retrograde, could be spurring intensified desires, obsessive thoughts, and the urge to burn down anything that's no longer serving you — particularly around relationships.

And on Saturday, January 29, Venus finally ends its retrograde, propelling matters tied to creativity, love, and money forward once more. It'll be in — you guessed it, Cap — until Sunday, March 6.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Every Sign's Weekly Horoscope for January 23, 2022

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Relationships 💕

From Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, action-oriented Mars, your ruler, will be in your tenth house, fueling your ability to march right into leadership positions and volunteer for more challenging responsibilities on the job. If you've been looking for an excuse to go big, bold, and fearless in your pursuit of professional goals, this is it. And when relationship-oriented Venus ends its retrograde there on Saturday, January 29, moving ahead until Sunday, March 6, you'll feel like it's easier to collaborate with — not to mention, charm — others who could be integral in helping you move the ball forward.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Personal Growth 💡

While go-getter Mars moves through your ninth house of adventure from Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, you'll want to get out of your mundane routine and enjoy new, unusual, educational experiences. Because Mars is the planet of sex, you'll do well to make a point to fulfill that desire in the bedroom. And it's been over a month since your ruler, romantic Venus, went retrograde in your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, making your world feel a lot smaller than you'd like. Yes, even you — a total homebody — can get sick of the same four walls, Postmates orders, and Netflix binges. Thankfully, you'll have reason to celebrate come Saturday, January 29 when Venus goes direct, making it feel more realistic for you to make promising future plans.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Love ❤️

Action-oriented Mars occupies your eighth house of sexual intimacy from Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, turning your focus to your sex life and shared resources. This transit can make you even more aware of what you want emotionally and physically — and empowered to state that more directly, which can prove truly gratifying. And after more than a month of sweet Venus moving backward through the same zone, you should have a bit more clarity and a sense of healing around your past love life — both of which can come in handy as you begin to assert your needs with a current or potential partner.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Personal Growth 💡

Your seventh house of partnership is illuminated big time right now, Cancer — especially once go-getter Mars joins the party from Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5. The action planet's presence will offer you a burst of energy for pursuing shared goals with your S.O., a dear friend, or a close colleague. You'll hit the ground running and make the progress you've had in mind by bearing in mind any past relationship lessons that may resurface while Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde there from Tuesday, January 25 to Thursday, February 3. It's time to address any old wounds that could be impeding your ability to make the most of your partnerships.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Personal Growth 💡

From Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, action-oriented Mars will be in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, punching up the amount of energy you can pour into daily self-care habits, whether that's heading to acupuncture, squeezing in 10-minute stretch sessions, or adding more heart-pounding HIIT to your regimen. Even if you're taking it more slowly than you would ideally like, you can trust you're exactly where you need to be. And with messenger Mercury moving backward through the same zone from Tuesday, January 25 to Thursday, February 3, lessons from the past come into play. If you've been saying "yes" when you know you'd benefit mentally, physically, and emotionally from a "no," now's your chance to steer in a healthier direction.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Love ❤️

From Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, action-oriented Mars will move through your fifth house of romance and self-expression, amplifying your creativity and desire to connect with your S.O. or a potential partner in a flirtatious, fun-loving way. The more you can express what's in your heart in an artistic, lighthearted way, the more fulfilled you'll feel. And as your ruler, messenger Mercury — which has been retrograde since Friday, January 14 — moves backward through your fifth house from Tuesday, January 25 to Thursday, February 3, you might be revisiting your romantic or artistic past in order to prepare for the next chapter in this area of your life. Holding your future vision in mind can preempt getting pulled back into any antiquated, toxic patterns.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Relationships 💕

On Sunday, January 23, the confident sun and messenger Mercury pair up in your fifth house of romance, inspiring you to speak your truth to a close friend or your S.O. Trust that you'll be doing so with your long-term wishes in mind. And since Sunday, December 19, you've been spending more time on self-reflection, examining the foundations, patterns, and relationships that bolster your security, thanks to your ruler, romantic Venus moving backward through your fourth house of home life. And on Saturday, January 29, you'll begin to move forward knowing what you need to both eliminate and require more of in your closest relationships and home life. It can be tough for you to set boundaries, but if your intuition says it's time, that's probably the case.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Creativity 🎨

While your ruler, action-oriented Mars, is in your third house from Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, you'll enjoy a burst of creativity, curiosity, and social energy. Brainstorms with friends or colleagues should be particularly animated and intellectually stimulating, potentially laying the groundwork for satisfying collaborations. Just remember that messenger Mercury will be retrograde in your third house as well from Tuesday, January 25 to Thursday, February 3, so during that period, you'll gain the most traction out of coming up with ways to perfect existing projects or team efforts. Going back to the drawing board might initially feel like a drag, but you may be psyched to notice you actually have a whole new, exciting perspective.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Money 🤑

Gung-ho Mars moves through your second house of income from Tuesday, January 25 to Saturday, March 5, cranking up your energy and passion for earning. You might be fired up to take on a side hustle, step into a more senior role that's associated with a raise, or pitch an exciting client. And while messenger Mercury is retrograde in your second house from Tuesday, January 25 to Thursday, February 3, you'll also be able to finesse and revise your approach to earning, spending, budgeting, investing, and everything in-between. Whether you've been wanting to gain clarity about the best way to grow your assets or bring your skills to the table in a more fulfilling way, now's the time to seek out those answers.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Career 💼

On Sunday, January 23, the confident sun and messenger Mercury pair up in your second house of income, inspiring you to present your moneymaking ideas in a bold, forward-thinking new way. Consider brushing up your LinkedIn profile or chatting with a confidant or mentor about how you can best take your investment game plan to the next level. When action-oriented Mars moves through your sign and first house of self from Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, you'll be even more pumped to make moves toward turning your biggest dreams into your day-to-day routine. Just watch out for letting your passion veer into defensive territory at times. As long as you're focused on the endgame, it'll be nearly impossible for you to be thrown off-track.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Creativity 🎨

You'll be inspired to pour your heart out about big-picture goals on Sunday, January 23 when the confident sun and messenger Mercury pair up in your sign. Talking to a dear friend or S.O. about what you envision for the future could lead to thrilling game planning that actually gets the wheels in motion. Bear in mind that both messenger Mercury and relationship-oriented Venus are retrograde, which could slow immediate progress, but on Saturday, January 29, the planet of love and creativity begins to move forward once more, in your twelfth house of spirituality, which could have you feeling like you can more easily tune into your inner voice, intuition, and dreams — all of which are useful fuel for making long-term wishes a reality.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Creativity 🎨

From Monday, January 24 to Saturday, March 5, you can lean on friends and colleagues more than usual, thanks to action-oriented Mars moving through your eleventh house of networking and long-term wishes. Not only will you be able to pinpoint exciting new ways to collaborate but you'll have extra energy to dive right in. Just bear in mind that because messenger Mercury is retrograde there from Tuesday, January 25 on, it's in your best interest to tie up loose ends first. But once it goes direct on Thursday, February 3, you'll have an easier time building momentum and seeing concrete, rewarding results as a team.