Your Weekly Horoscope Includes Pisces Season & a Dramatic Full Moon in Virgo

Your Weekly Horoscope Includes Pisces Season & a Dramatic Full Moon in Virgo
Your Weekly Horoscope Includes Pisces Season & a Dramatic Full Moon in Virgo

Your horoscope for the week of February 18 to 24 is full of healing epiphanies and full-circle moments. Your heart is opening every step of the way, which is harder (and more beautiful) than it sounds.

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The week begins with the sun entering Pisces on February 18, bringing you to the end of your journey through the cosmos. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac wheel, which means you’re approaching endings and forgiving moments that set you free from the past. And as Chiron—the wounded healer—immediately joins forces with the North Node in Aries on February 19, you’re learning how to set aside your ego for the sake of even higher growth. Let go of codependency and toxic relationships, especially if it’s inhibiting your freedom and self-expression.

A moment of passion and romance erupts as Venusplanet of love—forms a conjunction with Mars—planet of intensity and power—on February 22. This could raise the sexual tension to an almost irresistible degree, breaking down people’s barriers and driving them toward connection. Because this conjunction takes place in Aquarius, it could also lead to growth in platonic relationships and community-oriented endeavors.

This is all leading up to the highlight of the week—a full moon on February 24. This full moon takes place in practical and rational Virgo, providing clarity to the emotional and esoteric nature of Pisces. Get ready to take intentional and actionable steps toward solving your problems. You might even have fun doing it, as Venus will immediately square off with optimistic and larger-than-life Jupiter, driving you to embrace your desires and sense of indulgence.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):


This week, a relationship gets interesting.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, it’s time to appreciate the good things in life. Recognize what’s within your control, and if something is out of your control, let it go entirely. Allow fate to play its role in your life. Notice what the Universe puts in your path. You might see signs suggesting a direction to go during this time.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of community. Aries, you might have to mingle with people who are very different from you. They might have different political or spiritual ideas, but that doesn’t mean that the day is wasted. You could pick up some remarkable insights about yourself and how you relate to others. Today is a good time to be around very different people. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, your personal magnetism is high.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you could have more interaction with the community. Taurus, you might be involved in charity work or doing something to help a political candidate. There might be an opportunity to work with a religious organization. This is a good time to volunteer some time to a worthy cause.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of career. You might be asked to do something at work that is not in your job description. You could be given little instruction on how to do it, or it might involve new technology that no one in the office knows how to use. It’s important to proceed carefully. If you move forward too quickly, you might just be wasting your time and effort. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, stepping out could bring adventure.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you have more opportunities around your career than you’ve had in a while. If you’re looking for a job, this is a good time to post your resume or accept interview invitations. Gemini, you can make an important shift during this time.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of travel. If you are on the road, there might be some issues with tickets, visas, or luggage. It’s easy to lose track of things now. Try to have a backup system if possible. If you’re trying to make travel arrangements now, you might run into some roadblocks. It would be better to make arrangements on another day. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you could make a stimulating connection.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you can expect your focus to be on spiritual beliefs, philosophical thoughts, and the bigger picture of your life. Cancer, you might have a different perspective now based on something you read or someone you talked to. This is a good time to attend a conference, spiritual revival, or yoga retreat.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of resources, credit, and debt. You might be very interested in consolidating debts or getting a credit card with a lower interest rate, but today you could hit some irritating delays. As focused as you are on getting this done, everyone seems to be pushing back, asking you for more information, or sending you to the wrong department. You might want to deal with this later in the week. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you could uncover a treasure.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you have more access to resources than usual. This means that people will offer help when you need it. You might be able to get additional credit or credit at a lower interest rate. This is a good time to refinance a house or get a bill consolidation loan. Leo, the challenge is that you like to be independent and self-reliant, so accepting help can feel risky at times.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of relationships. A special connection you have with someone could be tested. Or you might feel tested if they irritate you a great deal today. But this could be a message from the Universe that you’re too fixated on an idea or stuck in a rut. Before you bristle at advice from someone else, consider that they are seeing something out of concern for you. Leo, you could have an epiphany today. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you can get the help you need.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, relationships of all kinds are highlighted. You can meet new friends and find people who are willing to give you a helping hand. Virgo, you can find people to be business collaborators or mentors. And most importantly, you have good energy for a love relationship. If you’re looking for love, this is some of the best energy you’ve had in a while to make a great connection.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of work and coworkers. Today, relating with a coworker or customer could be difficult. People seem to be easily irritated, very confused, and impatient for results. You might have to take a deep breath and count to ten when dealing with others. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, your plans prove to be good ones.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you have an opportunity to establish new routines that can make a profound difference in your life. You might add daily exercise through an app or personal trainer. Libra, you could clear the kitchen of junk food. You might switch off social media so you can read a book or study an interesting topic. You could see big changes in your life in a very short time.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of children and younger relatives. Libra, you might be anxious to help someone younger, but it’s unlikely they are listening today. You might worry about their future or how much time they’re spending connected to technology, but this is not the day to state your case. Today, the person you want to speak to isn’t ready to hear your message. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you are helping and can be helped.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you could have a very strong interest in creativity, music, or design. Scorpio, you might study an app for creating pictures or mixing musical scores. This is a good time to show your art to the world through a gallery or website. Or you might want to get up on stage and sing for a crowd of adoring fans. This is a good time to show the world what you can do.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of home and family. As you try to help a family member, they might push back. They want to be independent or self-reliant. This could be a relative who is much older or younger than you. Today, hold the space for someone you care about in case they want your help. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week brings some stimulating activities.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you have a great deal of focus on your dwelling. This could indicate that you’re moving or doing some major renovations. Or you might decide to declutter and move the furniture around for better feng shui flow. Someone could be moving in or moving out of the house. The best thing to do during this time is to visualize how you want your home life to be. Sagittarius, this puts that energy into the Universe and starts to bring you opportunities.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of transportation and logistics. Today, getting to where you want to go could be very challenging. There might be road construction or weather hazards. Sagittarius, give yourself extra time to get anywhere, and abide by the rules of the road or you could end up with a ticket. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, trying something new brings opportunities.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you might be focused on how you get from point A to point B. Capricorn, you could be looking to get your vehicle repaired or upgraded in some way with paint or aftermarket accessories. Or maybe you’re considering buying a new vehicle. You might also look at electric bikes, boats, or even flying lessons.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of money. You could be very focused on the small details of your finances. You might be looking at what you’re paying in interest rates, how long it takes for your paycheck to arrive in your bank account, or how you can direct more money to savings. And while this energy can be irritating in general, you can make quite a bit of progress on creating a good budget now. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, small shifts can lead to valuable insights.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you might be very focused on finances. Aquarius, you have more financial opportunities now than you’ve had in a while. These could indicate an expansion of your business or an opportunity to get a raise at your job. If you’re looking to sell a big-ticket item like a car or house, this is a good time to start that process.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in your own sign of Aquarius and your house of personal expression. Someone could give you a little push in a direction, telling others that you’re good at something that you might not feel so confident about. But this is a good time to own it. You might stand up in a crowd and sing or recite your poems. It’s good to take a risk even if you feel like you aren’t ready. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re receiving what you’re looking for.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces (happy birthday!), and you’ll be in the limelight for the next four weeks. You’re more noticeable now, and this can help you find a job, new friends, or someone for a love relationship. Pisces, this is also your seed planting time, which means the more new things you do, the bigger your harvest will be in the next twelve months. This can be a busy but very worthwhile time.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of spiritual insights. You could have a realization that gives you a clear picture of what’s going on even if you know it will lead to more work. This might be about your finances or how you’re doing on the job. Pisces, this information can be extremely valuable even if it’s a little irritating. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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