Your Weekly Horoscope: February 25 to March 2, 2024 by Lauren Ash

Horoscope February 25 to March 2 2024 Astrology

Your horoscope for the week of February 25 to March 2, 2024, is here, and there's a dreaminess sweeping across the stars this week.

Last week marked the beginning of Pisces season and the final full moon before the astrological new year. With spring just around the corner, the skies look a little brighter. On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Mars and Jupiter square off with one another, inspiring a sense of restlessness in us. There's somewhere we want to be right now, maybe a future goal that's still slightly out of reach, but our circumstances keep us feeling stuck. Rather than acting impulsively, try looking at your situation with fresh eyes and a new attitude.

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, a rare Mercury-Saturn cazimi in Pisces will scorch the skies and bring a serious lesson. A cazimi occurs when the sun and another planet align within one degree and form a conjunction. When a planet ventures close enough to the sun to sit cazimi or "in the heart" of the sun, it's said to amplify the energy of the planets involved. This week's Mercury and Saturn cazimi gives us commitment toward our dreams. It's time to have an honest conversation about how we may be stalling our own progress.

Finally, on Friday, March 1, 2024, the moon forms an opposition to Uranus, creating a desire to shun deep emotions in favor of independence. This transit creates a strong desire to control our feelings. You might be trying to express to others that you're doing fine on your own or don't need their help–when, in reality, your support systems would do you a lot of good during this transit. Remember, your problems might take more than a few days to resolve, but you can find pockets of peace away from them to help keep you sane.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. Read for both your sun and rising sign for the most accurate message.

Important Astrological Dates This Week

For those of you who like to write everything in your calendar ahead of time – these are the dates you'll want to keep an eye on this week.

  • February 27, 2024: Mars square Jupiter

  • February 28, 2024: Saturn cazimi in Aquarius

  • March 1, 2024: Moon opposition Uranus

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries, the thing they don’t always tell you about success is that you need a plan to maintain it. You've mastered the art of taking risks. But part of where you struggle is continuing your efforts once the novelty wears off. This week’s Saturn cazimi wants you to explore structures and routines that will help you maintain your enthusiasm when fluctuations in your energy hit. When you feel the need to push yourself past your limits this week, take a break instead. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the hands of fate are pushing you toward an epiphany — you need the confidence to leap before you reach the edge of the precipice. The full moon in Virgo over the weekend sparked a curiosity in your heart, and over the next few days, occupy your restless heart by spending time doing what you love. You’re on the cusp of a full circle moment that directly results from your hard work. There’s not much else to do but wait for things to unfold and watch for the signs. Read your monthly horoscope here.

RELATED: Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs Highlight Your Best Personality Traits.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, this week is a great opportunity for you to create a more functional environment for yourself. If you try to conform to other people's expectations or standards of success, you may end up falling short of your own goals. So, don't hesitate to invest some extra time or money in the spaces where you spend most of your time being creative. You might have some breakthroughs this week regarding what inspires you, so stay open to new ideas. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week is a good time for you to relax and unwind, Cancer. The lingering energy from the full moon in Virgo last weekend might have you feeling fatigued or hitting the snooze button more than usual. But that's alright! It’s easy to feel guilty when our human side or bodies need more attention than what is stacking up in our lives. But remember, you can’t take care of your to-do list if you don’t take care of yourself first. Try to extend the grace you will give others to yourself this week. Read your monthly horoscope here.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, you've been feeling fed up with what no longer works, and it's about to send you over the edge! You’re someone who takes pride in the work you do, and lately, you’ve been feeling all sorts of uninspired. Take time to look at your habits and ask yourself where you’ve been taking shortcuts and slipping on your commitments to success. This week is a chance to commit to a shadow work session and uncover where your limiting thoughts have hindered you from progressing. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, this week might have people acting weird toward you, but it’s not them. It actually is you. After that full moon in your sign over the weekend, you’re feeling much more psychically tuned into others' emotions. But it’s your job not to read too deep into other people's behavioral shifts. Instead, try to identify why you feel the need to anticipate what's coming and whether there are ways to manage this stress and anxiety in your daily life. Read your monthly horoscope here.

RELATED: The Reality Show You Should Binge-Watch, According to Astrology.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, ask yourself why you’re more afraid of success than failure. You’re so used to living vicariously through others' success that you’ve forgotten how to be a little selfish with your own dreams. The energies of this week encourage you to communicate with your inner guides and explore the deeper aspects of your psyche. Be open to the emotions that arise within you, and try to be patient with yourself as you navigate them. Remember to prioritize your own dreams and desires. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, it’s time to ask yourself what no longer suits this new lifestyle you’re pursuing and make some edits. You can be pretty sentimental as a water sign, even if you don’t show it on the surface. This week's Saturn cazimi challenges you to remain unbiased in your decision-making. Choose what is inherently good for you and what will help you feel more closely aligned with your higher purpose. Rather than obsessing over loss, focus on what’s going well and invite more of that in your life. Read your monthly horoscope here.

RELATED: The Best Career for Your Skills, According to Your Zodiac Sign.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, don't allow others to convince you that your judgment is flawed. Your intuition is picking up on something happening behind the scenes this week. The Saturn cazimi happening on Wednesday gives you the power to assess people's motives more accurately and stand up for yourself if necessary. Trust your instincts because what you sense and feel is real. When you cultivate your self-confidence and trust your intuition, nobody can make you doubt yourself. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, it’s a good week to take a mental vacation, even though we know you would never do that. There’s too much going on for you this week, including your planetary ruler, Saturn, having a bright and brilliant cazimi right in the middle of everything. Use this as a time to find peace through your connections with other people. When everything feels lost in the chaos, connect with those close to you and remind yourself that you’re more loved and supported than you think. Read your monthly horoscope here.

RELATED: The Best Taylor Swift Eras Tour Surprise Song For Each Zodiac Sign.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

With Aquarius season behind us, you may find yourself in the midst of processing a lot of personal change. It's always important to focus on cultivating your talents, but allowing yourself space to process and absorb new information is equally important. This week's lunar opposition with Uranus offers an opportunity to let your mind wander and explore the unknown. Don't hurry to make any commitments, and enjoy the freedom to pick and choose. Read your monthly horoscope here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, with your season kicking off alongside a spiritually healing full moon, it’s a reminder that the best opportunities are created, not given. The Saturn cazimi is an opportunity to express your point of view and advance your position. Express confidence in your ideas and beliefs, and you will see the results you desire. Your unique perspective and outlook will help you shine through! Read your monthly horoscope here.

UP NEXT: These Are the Luckiest Dates in 2024 for Your Zodiac Sign.