Your Weekly Horoscope for February 13, 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope for February 13, 2022
Your Weekly Horoscope for February 13, 2022

Alex Sandoval

While last week offered a respite from lots of astrological action, this Valentine's Day week is anything but a snoozefest, thanks to several power-playing planets bringing the drama and romance.

On Monday, February 14, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Aquarius, where it last spent time between January 2 to 25, so prepare for a bit of déjà vu and a more progressive, futuristic, collaborative vibe to take hold until March 9.

Wednesday, February 16 brings a full moon in confident, charismatic fixed fire sign Leo, which occurs around the same time as a meet-up between the planet of love, Venus, and the planet of sex, Mars, to make for an especially romantic lunar moment.

And on February 18, the confident sun exits Aquarius, kicking off another dreamy, creative, empathy-packed Pisces season, which runs until March 20.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Every Sign's Weekly Horoscope for February 13, 2022

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Personal Growth 💡

Around Wednesday, February 16, you'll get to enjoy one of the steamiest moments of the year, thanks to the full moon falling in your fifth house of romance, amplifying your desire to express yourself, be playful, and shrug off your usual routine. And the same day, sweet Venus and action-oriented Mars, your ruler, pair up in your tenth house of public image, so you could be taking a relationship or creative pursuit to the next level in a very spotlit way, whether that's posting a Reel of you and your new flame or sharing news about a passion project on social. And once the confident sun is in your twelfth house of spirituality from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you could be spending a bit more time focused on tending to your mental and emotional well-being. This downtime can lead to developing future goals and game plans.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Relationships 💕

Your ruler, romantic Venus, finally gets a moment to shine following its retrograde on Wednesday, February 16 when it joins forces with action-oriented Mars in your ninth house of adventure. You're usually a creature of habit, but you could be feeling like shaking things up and getting out of your comfort zone whether by creating a profile on a dating app you haven't tried before, experimenting with different positions in the bedroom, or experimenting with a new sex toy during solo play. And while the vitality-bringing sun is in your eleventh house of friendship and long-term wishes from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you'll find it more effortless to make plans with friends and professional connections and initiate collaborative efforts that help you hit shared goals.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Career 💼

Around Wednesday, February 16, romantic Venus and action-oriented Mars pair up in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, setting the stage for major fireworks in the bedroom. Not only could it crank up the intensity of your sex drive but this powerful match-up will inspire you to take steps to making your fantasies real. The same day, the full moon falls in your third house of communication, empowering you to open up about what you've been craving. And while the vitality-bringing sun moves through your tenth house of career from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you'll feel more confident stepping into a leadership position or taking on more responsibility on the job — either of which could lead to well-deserved recognition.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Personal Growth 💡

Around February 16, when romantic Venus and go-getter Mars pair up in your seventh house of partnership, you'll enjoy a surge of passion that could benefit — or lead to — a fulfilling one-on-one relationship. If you're single, think about spending extra time swiping, which could set you up for matching with someone who's on the same page. And if you're attached, heart-to-hearts with your sweetheart about your desires for the future could make sparks fly. From Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, the confident sun will move through your ninth house of adventure, encouraging you to step away from tried-and-true routines in order to learn and grow. Consider traveling or taking a new workout class that could prove eye-opening.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Sex 🔥

Around Wednesday, February 16, your annual full moon could crank up your emotional sensitivity and get you even more in tune with your most intense romantic needs, which you'll probably be ready to roar about. Because sweet Venus and go-getter Mars pair up at almost the exact same moment in your sixth house of wellness, you'll be simultaneously pushing for more balance in your everyday routine. It's a case for more meditation — or morning sex (be that solo or partnered). And while the confident sun, your ruler, moves through your eighth house of sexual intimacy from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you'll be focused on building a closer bond with a current or future partner. Being vulnerable about your fears and desires can lay the groundwork for the kind of connection you've been dreaming about.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Wellness 🍏

Around Wednesday, February 16, romantic Venus and go-getter Mars pair up in your fifth house of romance, boosting your confidence when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether you've been hung up on — or haunted by — an ex, hesitating to dive back into dating, or unsure of what direction your current relationship is headed in, this moment can offer more clarity — and a fun-loving, spontaneous perspective you may have been missing lately. Around the same day, the full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, so tuning into your intuition and devoting quality time to unpacking your most deeply felt emotions — perhaps in therapy or through journaling — can help you figure out how to make the most of the present and the future. (Related: This Is Probably Why You Keep Going Back to Your Ex)

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Relationships 💕

Romantic Venus, your ruler, and action-oriented Mars pair up in your fourth house of home life on Wednesday, February 16, boosting your confidence in discussing deep-rooted emotions — even the most challenging ones — with your sweetheart or someone else near and dear. This heart-to-heart could lead to a new level of mutual understanding. And the same day, the full moon lights up your eleventh house of friendship and long-term wishes, throwing a spotlight on teamwork. If you've been wanting to hit a particular professional goal or re-imagine a lifelong goal, consider sharing your vision in the group text. You'll be reminded of just how much your besties have your back.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Sex 🔥

When romantic Venus and sexy Mars, one of your co-rulers, pair up in your third house of communication on Wednesday, February 16, you'll enjoy a surge of intellectual and creative energy you can apply to any big picture goal — particularly one you're working toward with others. You have a unique opportunity to bat around artistic ideas that could lead to a fulfilling result. And while the confident sun moves through your fifth house of romance from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you'll be even more in tune with what brings you pleasure. Opening up to your S.O. or someone special about your fantasies and getting extra flirtatious — maybe kicking off steamy sexting banter out of the blue — will send sparks flying.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Wellness 🍏

Around Wednesday, February 16, the full moon falls in your ninth house of higher learning and adventure, and you'll be craving bold change. Let this fuel your efforts to close the door on anything — or anyone — that's no longer serving you and to take a chance on a new chapter, whether that's with someone else — or by flying happily solo for a bit. And while the vitality-bringing sun moves through your fourth house of home life from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, you might actually want to hit pause on your travel plans and festive social life to prioritize downtime with loved ones. Embrace this opportunity to rest, recharge, and care for yourself — because it will make it even more possible to hit the ground running once we're in fiery Aries season.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Personal Growth 💡

Around Wednesday, February 16, when the full moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, you'll be meditating on what you need to feel comfortable and centered within your closest bonds. If you've been wanting to pursue a more emotionally, mentally, and physically fulfilling relationship, define an existing situation, or take your LTR to the next level, your intuition can lead you to the next best step in the days around this lunar event. The 16th also brings a meet-up between relationship-ruling Venus and action-oriented Mars — in your sign! — which can't help but elevate your confidence and make it easier to pinpoint an ambitious long-term goal, whether that's running a race in the near future or starting your own business. Once you have a game plan in mind, you'll be committed to seeing it through.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Money 🤑

Around February 16, when the full moon falls in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be ready to take a leap of faith to meet someone amazing, if you're single (possibly researching new ways to meet someone or putting yourself out there by telling friends what you're looking for). And if you're attached, you and your S.O. might be prepared to talk about moving in together, TTC, or tying the knot. These might seem like fairly dramatic topics to be covering, but with the full moon in your bold sister sign Leo, there's no time like the present for getting a head start on the future. And from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, March 20, the confident sun in your second house of income can empower you to make moves to improve your investment game plan or kick off a side hustle.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Personal Growth 💡

On Thursday, February 17, lucky Jupiter in your sign forms a friendly sextile to game-changer Uranus in your third house of communication, amplifying creative, inventive, social energy. You could come up with a brilliant idea for a road trip or spring break vacation you can't wait to start planning. And your season kicks off on Friday, February 18 when the confident sun leaves your twelfth house of spirituality for your sign where it'll remain until Sunday, March 20. In turn, you'll enjoy a burst of self-assuredness and charisma that makes it easier to connect with others and express your most imaginative ideas. Consider this your annual opportunity to take a chance — pitch that ambitious project to a client or higher-up or redesign your resume or website to find a new, more fitting, and gratifying opportunity.