Your Weekly Horoscope Begins With a New Moon & Ends With Mercury Retrograde

Your horoscope for the week of December 10 to December 16 is full of contradictory energy, as you’re being pushed into the future at the same time as you’re being dragged back into the past. All you can do is become fully immersed in the present moment.

This week begins with a practical Mercury in Capricorn forming a helpful sextile with an intimate Venus in Scorpio, allowing you to communicate with emotional depth and common sense. Pay attention to the topics that arise during these discussions, as they will likely be brought up again in the next few weeks.

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On December 12, a new moon rises at 20 degrees Sagittarius, encouraging you to have an open mind and to embrace adventure in all its many forms. You can think of a new moon as the start of a brand new journey, and because Sagittarius is a zodiac sign of higher learning and philosophical expansion, this new moon is driving you to deepen your consciousness and gain wisdom through mind-altering experiences. Allow this new moon to push you out of your comfort zone and ignite your passion for knowledge. Don’t be afraid to see something familiar in an unfamiliar light.

However, Mercury stations retrograde at 8 degrees Capricorn on December 13, which could stall some of your big plans. Due to misunderstandings and communication mishaps, you may feel somewhat stagnant or inconvenienced during this time, as nothing will be moving forward in the way you intend. Agendas always have a way of being disrupted while Mercury is retrograde.

Because Capricorn is a zodiac sign of karma and discipline, you may be met with the consequences of not completing something the correct way or giving a project 100 percent of your effort. This retrograde may force you to return to the drawing board and right some of your wrongs, allowing you to correct mistakes and finding closure. And because Capricorn is such a career-oriented zodiac sign, you can expect this retrograde to manifest even more profoundly while you’re at work.

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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):


This week, a romantic getaway is possible.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of intimacy. Aries, you could dream the day away, thinking romantic thoughts about someone special. Plan a romantic getaway for the two of you. Or you could escape into a steamy novel or romantic movie.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Fun and exciting plans can happen once responsibilities are done. This is a “work before you play” aspect. Find a way to motivate yourself to finish work projects and emails quickly. Make a game out of it and see if you can get them done in record time. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, there’s good energy for partnerships and collaborations.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of education sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of partnerships. Today, you can find someone to study with or give you help so you really comprehend the class material. Taurus, this is a good time to find a tutor or watch videos from a mentor.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Once your homework is done, it’s time to play. Get your obligations out of the way so you can enjoy yourself. Something from your past could come back to be reworked or redone, but once that’s completed it’s time for fun. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, clear communication is key.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of investments sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of systems. Today, you might uncover a good process for investing or earning passive income. This is an opportunity you should investigate. Take the time to really understand this activity and you could uncover treasure.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Relationships are highlighted for you, Gemini, and someone might come knocking on your door, asking to come back into your life. This could be a person you haven’t seen in a long time or someone you broke up with recently. This is a time to look at doing things in a different way. Consider how you would normally respond to such an invitation and then think about how you’ll respond this time. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re making great connections.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of relationships sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of fun and romance. Today, you have an opportunity for a romantic encounter. If you’re looking for love, this is a great day to go on a first date. Cancer, if you’re already in a love relationship, consider what you can do that will put a smile on your sweetheart’s face.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. You might reconnect with a business colleague, or a collaboration opportunity could come around again. This could be very beneficial for your business or open a door to a new job. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, it’s good to trust your gut.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of work sextiles Venus in Scorpio at the base of your chart. Today, you could find a colleague who is willing to back you up. You might have a coworker who will stand by you and even lend a helping hand. Today, you could find a friend at work.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. While you want to start something new, there is unfinished business to take care of. Leo, it’s time to go back and make sure that projects are done, submitted, and closed before embarking on anything new. You need to close some loops. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re tapping into some higher energy.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of fun and romance sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of communication. Some romantic texts could help you land a hot date. The two of you might express yourselves through emojis and fantasy thoughts, leading to a sexy, fun evening. If you’re looking for love, you might want the communication to be in person.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Virgo, you could have more obligations than usual involving children or younger relatives. There might be art projects or stage performances. You might be double-booked when it comes to nieces and nephews and trying to get to see all the activities your family members are involved in. You could be quite busy right now. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re taking care of things.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of family sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of money and possessions. Today, you could go shopping with your sibling or take a niece or nephew to the mall. But this is also a time when you might talk about heirlooms and vintage items with family members. Libra, you could be deciding who will be the caretaker of some precious objects that represent the family legacy.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Something you thought was fixed or taken care of at home needs your attention again. It’s possible you have to find a repair person or an item needs to be replaced. You might have to make several phone calls to take care of this. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, there are financial opportunities that sound good.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of communication sextiles Venus in your own sign of Scorpio. If you’re looking for love, you might connect with someone who has a great voice or an infectious laugh. Scorpio, other people could compliment your voice. Today, there might be love based on the sound of a voice.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Things are moving slowly, and it looks like you’re willing to pay to expedite what you want. But before you pay top dollar to make things happen quickly, ask yourself what you’re so impatient about. Scorpio, try not to be frustrated by the fact that people are ahead of you or that the line is long. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you get a confidence boost.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of money sextiles Venus in Scorpio. Sagittarius, you can make a little extra money today. You might sell something for a profit or have a couple of good sales through your online business. You might find some money, win a small prize, or receive a gift.

There is a new moon in your own sign of Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. There could be some ups and downs in the market now. Your savings or investments might feel like a roller coaster. Postpone making any financial decisions until the energy lines up in your favor. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, an old love might return.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in your own sign of Capricorn and your house of confidence sextiles Venus in Scorpio. Confidence is very sexy, and you now have more presence and charisma than ever to attract admirers. Capricorn, if you’re looking for love, this is a great day to go on a first date.

There is a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. You might get a call from a past love. Someone wants to rekindle an old flame. Capricorn, you might run into your ex when you’re out shopping. Today, your past could become your present. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This week, you’re tapping into your psychic ability.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of magic sextiles Venus in Scorpio. Today is a good time to gather your magical tools and set your intentions. Aquarius, you might use crystals or herbs to boost your message to the Universe. You could light candles to send your wishes into the ether. Now you can weave a spell.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. You could have a recurring dream, and now you can get some information about this dream. You might find someone who is very knowledgeable in this area or a reference book that explains the symbolism. You might start keeping a dream journal, or you might have a breakthrough when it comes to visualization. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



This week, you can reach a goal.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of friendships sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of education. You could meet a new friend in school. Pisces, you might become study buddies or tutor this individual. You might take a class with a friend so you can study pottery or music together.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. You could be on the verge of a career achievement when suddenly there’s a pause. You might be close to a promotion, but now things have to be put on the back burner. Or perhaps you were about to get a new office or some new equipment when there are some logistical delays. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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