Your Weekly Horoscope for August 29, 2021


Alex Sandoval

Although Virgo season is characterized as all about getting organized and honing in on the details of everyday routines, this week serves as a reminder that every sun sign's season is filled with a mix of energies, given that the planets move at different paces. For instance, as messenger Mercury shifts out of the mutable earth sign — one of two signs its comfiest in — and into cardinal air sign Libra, communication and thinking could get a bit more indecisive, albeit more lighthearted and social. And an opposition between gung-ho Mars — still moving through Virgo — and hazy Neptune in dreamy Pisces can have you feeling extra burnt out.

On Monday, the week kicks off with the planet of communication moving into Libra, bringing a more balance-seeking, diplomatic tone to how you'll express yourself and interact with others. (Get ready to hunker down with this vibe, too, because, thanks to a retrograde that kicks off on Monday, September 27, the messenger of the sky — yes, Mercury — will be in Libra until Friday, November 5.)

On Thursday, September 2, action-oriented Mars in Virgo opposes dreamy Neptune in Pisces, bringing a haze of confusion and low-energy that could curb productivity. It's a key moment to remember that sometimes the more you push, the more difficult things can become, so it can be best to let the dust settle before attempting to plow ahead again. (See: How to Crush Your Goals, Based on Your Zodiac Sign)

And actually, Saturday, September 4 could be a wonderful day for accomplishing especially mentally-driven tasks, as Mercury will form a helpful trine to taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Wellness 🍏

Thanks to messenger Mercury moving forward in your seventh house of partnership on Monday, August 30 from Monday, September 27, you'll be more interested in working closely with a dear friend, S.O., or close colleague on all your most crucial undertakings. Talking through the pros and cons, strategizing together, and finding the perfect groove of give-and-take sets you both up for success. But on Thursday, September 2, dynamic Mars, your ruler, now in your sixth house of daily routine opposes cloudy Neptune in your twelfth house of spirituality, and you could feel dragged into your feelings in a way that makes it tough to push forward in that typical take-no-prisoners, speedy way. Although it's not exactly what comes most naturally for you, this is definitely a moment to take a time-out from the usual grind and nurture your inner life.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Sex 🔥

While messenger Mercury has moved through your fifth house of romance, you've been feeling extra flirtatious, playful, and witty, but between Monday, August 30 and Monday, September 27, you'll be inspired to get down to business, tackling all of the must-dos and should-have-already-dones on your list. Your productivity around daily chores gets a boost, as can communication around work projects you've been chipping away at on a regular basis. And on Thursday, September 2, the intuitive moon in your third house of communication forms a friendly sextile to sexy Mars in your fifth house of romance, making this a hot day to express your enthusiasm in the bedroom. If you've been wanting to experiment with more aggressive sex play or explore a new fantasy, taking steps in that direction now can lead to a satisfying result.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Relationships 💕

Virgo season has you keeping it pretty low-key, but once messenger Mercury, your ruler, moves into your fifth house of romance on Monday, August 30 — where it'll move forward until Monday, September 27 — you'll want to get out of any humdrum routines and really let your creative voice shine. This could be the start of a really exciting period devoted to tackling artistic projects, making sweet fall memories with your S.O. or someone new, and enjoying spontaneous fun with friends. Just look out for a bit of an energy dip on Thursday, September 2 when action-oriented Mars in your fourth house of home opposes mystical Neptune in your career zone. You might be torn between loved ones and professional responsibilities and stressed, exhausted, and over it. Give yourself a time-out from trying to do it all, and you'll enjoy smoother sailing ahead.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Relationships 💕

While messenger Mercury moves forward through your fourth house of home life from Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27, carving out dedicated time to caring for your emotional health can be even more restorative than usual. You'll be more apt to tuck yourself into your figurative shell and chill away from the hustle, bustle of the world, maybe with your S.O. or loved ones or even solo. This restful moment can actually set you up for bolstered self-awareness — and productive heart-to-hearts. But you could expect to be fired up on Thursday, September 2 when the intuitive moon in your sign forms a friendly sextile to action-oriented Mars in your third house of communication, bringing an infusion of passion and curiosity to your interactions with others. Jovial conversations with friends can lead to creative collabs. (Related: What Moon Sign Compatibility Can Tell You About a Relationship)

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Love ❤️

You've likely been putting your nose to the grindstone to boost your cash flow, but once messenger Mercury shifts into your third house of communication on Monday, August 30 where it moves direct until Monday, September 27, you can't help but spend more time connecting with others socially. Whether you're meeting up with an old colleague who's in town for coffee or brainstorming side hustles with your bestie, the buzziness of this moment can be equal parts stimulating and overwhelming, so be sure to step back as needed. And on Saturday, September 4, the intuitive moon in your sign forms a friendly sextile to Mercury, it could be time to initiate what you're expecting to be an emotionally-charged conversation. This aspect can make it a productive one that leads to bolstered understanding and healing.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Relationships 💕

Although we're just a week into your season, Virgo, your ruler, communication-savvy Mercury, moves out of your sign and direct through your second house of income from Monday, August 30 until Monday, September 27. This phase can be particularly beneficial for researching and talking through financial plans. By connecting with confidants whose opinions you trust, you can come up with a step-by-step action plan you'll be pumped to dive into. On Thursday, September 2, the intuitive moon in your eleventh house of networking forms a friendly sextile to go-getter Mars in your sign, cranking up your enthusiasm for nurturing your platonic connections. Catching up with old friends or collaborating with colleagues can bring you a lovely sense of belonging and feeling like you're contributing to a group effort.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Wellness 🍏

It might not be your season yet, Libra, but it could sure start to feel like it after Monday, August 30 thanks to communication-ruler Mercury entering your sign where it'll move forward until Monday, September 27. You've likely been thinking a lot about big-picture dreams you'd like to make big moves on, and now, you can finally start to put them into words. Draw up that proposal and call a meeting with higher-ups or trade notes with colleagues. You have everything you need to make a major impression. Just know that on Thursday, September 2, go-getter Mars in your twelfth house of spirituality opposes dreamy Neptune in your sixth house of daily routine, and trying to get ahead on just about anything can feel like you're slogging through mud. If you're struggling, try to reframe this as an opportunity to slow your usual go-getter pace and care for your mental health by checking in with your therapist, doing a deep breathing exercise, or just taking a well-deserved nap.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Career 💼

You've been more connected with friends and colleagues lately, but don't be surprised if you're tempted to bump up your private time once messenger Mercury moves direct through your twelfth house of spirituality from Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27. You'll be mostly interested in researching your next big moves and devoting your free time to mental and emotional self-improvement. It doesn't necessarily mean cutting out social time, but it's definitely a moment in which trusting and tuning into your intuition is integral for growth. And on Saturday, September 4, the intuitive moon in your tenth house of career forms a friendly sextile to Mercury, helping you do some soul-searching around your professional path. Is your current situation going to launch you toward your ultimate goal, or is it time to start shifting gears or stepping up your game? These answers are certainly worth exploring now. (Related: What Your Moon Sign Means About Your Personality and Life Path)

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕and Personal Growth 💡

Group projects are no doubt the key to feeling more fulfilled, connected, and successful while messenger Mercury moves direct through your eleventh house of networking from Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27. Spending more time with friends and coworkers is sure to lead you to undertakings that feel worthy of your time and energy, while also offering a chance to strengthen these platonic bonds. And on Saturday, September 4, the intuitive moon in your ninth house of adventure forms a friendly sextile to Mercury, and you might be compelled to hone your skill set. Consider diving into that online course that caught your attention, or start researching a wellness retreat. These moves can feel both intellectually and spiritually satisfying.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Personal Growth 💡

This season has had you focusing quite a bit on ways you can broaden your horizons and soak up more knowledge that will have you feeling more fulfilled overall, but once messenger Mercury moves direct through your tenth house of career from Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27, the tide could start to turn toward taking more action, especially in regard to your professional path. You'll be inspired to take the reins on major projects or decide to throw your hat in the ring for a promotion. On Thursday, September 2, the intuitive moon in your seventh house of partnership forms a friendly sextile to go-getter Mars in your ninth house of adventure, magnifying your desire to do something bold and out of the ordinary with a date or BFF. Taking an active road trip or trying a new boxing class could be the perfect fix.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡and Money 🤑

Superficial conversations that just skim the surface of big-picture ideas are bound to drive you up a wall even more than usual while messenger Mercury moves forward in your ninth house of higher learning from Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27. That's because this period is all about challenging yourself philosophically, spiritually, and intellectually, looking beyond the mundane, everyday details of life. Join forces with someone who's on the same page (hint: likely a Cap or fellow Aquarius), and the sky's the limit. On Thursday, September 2, go-getter Mars in your eighth house of joint resources opposes dreamy Neptune in your second house of income, potentially slowing and creating confusion around money. Taking a step back and just focusing on the facts as much as you can helps you get through this rocky blip.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Wellness 🍏

From Monday, August 30 to Monday, September 27, while messenger Mercury moves ahead through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, you'll want to step up the intensity of the conversations you're having with loved ones and, if you're attached, your partner. Small talk kinda won't cut it right now, as you'll prefer to address deep-rooted wounds in a vulnerable, heartfelt way. And going there could set you up for fostering either a new level of understanding — and, if it's with a romantic partner, potentially a steamy time between the sheets. And on Thursday, September 2, the intuitive moon in your fifth house of romance forms a friendly sextile to go-getter Mars in your seventh house of partnership, fueling lots of passion and enthusiasm in your love life. If you're single, now can be a seriously sexy moment to get swiping.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.