Your Weekly Horoscope for April 25, 2021


Alex Sandoval

While it's pretty crazy to think that this week culminates with the first day of May, the final week of the month is filled with game-changing astrological events galore.

For starters, on Sunday, April 25, romantic Venus and communicator Mercury, both currently moving through grounded, stubborn earth sign Taurus, will square off against taskmaster Saturn, potentially setting up challenges in love, friendships, and self-expression. And yet, the same day, Venus and Mercury will sync up, making it easier to share what's in your heart. It could be the prime time to face an ongoing emotional issue and get up the courage to put it into words.

If that already sounds pretty intense, you're going to want to steel yourself for Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in magnetic, razor-focused Scorpio. It can be helpful to bear in mind that Scorpio rules the eighth house of sex, death, rebirth — and is co-ruled by not only Mars, the planet of action, but also Pluto, which oversees power and transformation. And thanks to the fact that this full moon will oppose revolutionary Uranus and square taskmaster Saturn, it could nudge you to face difficult emotions and create change in order to come away from the moment feeling renewed and prepared for whatever lies ahead.

The next day, on Tuesday, April 27, powerful Pluto will go retrograde in Capricorn. No need to freak out, though, because it happens annually for about five months. The effect usually urges more internal reflection of control issues and power struggles. By the time it goes direct on October 6, you could have a whole new sense of your inner power — and how you want to use it.

The vibe lightens up a bit on Thursday, April 29 when communicator Mercury in Taurus forms a friendly sextile to dreamy Neptune in Pisces, stimulating imaginations. And then the month closes out on Friday, April 30 with the confident sun in Taurus pairing up with rebellious Uranus, inspiring you to embrace your independence and switch up whatever's not working for you anymore. (Related: How to Let Astrocartography, the Astrology of Travel, Guide Your Wanderlust)

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡and Money 🤑

You'll be thinking about what makes you the most comfortable in your closest relationships with others — as well as what others need from you — around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy. Because the full moon squares off against taskmaster Saturn in your eleventh house of networking, you might be struggling to connect with friends right now too. In turn, this could be a beneficial moment for solo soul-searching. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun pairs up with game-changer Uranus in your second house of income, inspiring you to shake things up with your approach to earning. You could be fired up to find a new hustle that resonates with your heart.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Career 💼

You'll feel not only more capable but more empowered to put your feelings into words on Sunday, April 25 when communicator Mercury and romantic Venus, your ruler, pair up in your sign. Whether you've been wanting to send that bold, flirty text to someone special or talk about taking your relationship to the next level with your current partner, you'll have the planets stirring your confidence and supporting sweet, loving vibes. Then, around Monday, April 26, the full moon lights up your seventh house of partnership, squaring taskmaster Saturn in your tenth house of career and opposing game-changer Uranus in your sign. It could be time to look at who you've aligned yourself with professionally and consider whether moving in a different direction might allow you to make even more progress on your long-term goals. Give yourself time to be in your feelings before taking action.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Relationships 💕

Around Monday, April 26 when the full moon is in your sixth house of wellness, you could be feeling the weight of all that you've taken on over the past six months. Your daily grind is ambitious, but there's a chance it has spiraled a bit out of control (hi, burnout), and you're craving more balance. Because the moon opposes revolutionary Uranus in your twelfth house of spirituality, tapping into your intuition to consider what kind of change will serve you best — whether that's ensuring you have an actual morning before diving into work, committing to a set schedule for quieting your mind, or staving off group texting time before bed. And while transformative Pluto moves backward through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy from Tuesday, April 27 to Wednesday, October 6, you'll be reflecting on your personal power in your closest relationship — or your search for love. If certain problematic patterns need to change, this can be a productive time for taking that on. (Also read: How to Decode Zodiac Sign Compatibility)

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Creativity 🎨

Both Aries and Taurus seasons have had you putting your nose to the grindstone to get ahead on your professional goals, and around Monday, April 26, you could be beyond ready for a playful, sexy time-out, thanks to the full moon lighting up your fifth house of romance and self-expression. You could be aggravated that you're not building in enough time for being in the moment with your S.O. or pouring creativity into your work. Well, now's your chance to stand up for your heart's desires. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun pairs up with rebellious Uranus in your eleventh house of networking, urging you to break free of that same old approach within your team efforts on the job. Whether you want to propose a new system to bolster everyone's productivity or you're ready to pitch an inventive idea, you'll feel like you have the green light to make a case for change to the group.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Career 💼

Chances are, you've spread yourself a bit too thin professionally lately, Leo, and around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your fourth house of home life, you could feel frustrated that you haven't have enough time for just bingeing your favorite steamy Netflix show or experimenting with that new air fryer. The moon opposes game-changer Uranus in your tenth house of career and squares off against taskmaster Saturn in your seventh house of partnership, so reworking your game plan for hitting long-term goals — perhaps with the help of your S.O. or closest colleague — could help you achieve more balance now. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun and rebellious Uranus pair up in your tenth house of career, inspiring you to propose a unique, forward-thinking approach to higher-ups. Leaning into any seemingly quirky ideas that strike now could result in making a power play.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Personal Growth 💡

Around Monday, April 26, when the full moon lights up your third house of communication, you could feel overwhelmed if you've been saying "yes" to just about every Zoom get-together, post-vaccination hang, and extra work project. Your curiosity is heightened and you want to get out there, connect, learn, and grow, but you're also just one person with so many hours in the day. Building in time for yourself could be crucial to feeling your most vital mentally, emotionally, and physically. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun and rebellious Uranus pair up in your ninth house of adventure, inspiring you to break free of your mundane routine. You'll want to have an eye-opening experience — or at least plan for one — so start scouring those Airbnb listings. You'll feel psyched by whatever's on the horizon.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Sex 🔥

You could be thinking about how much time and energy you're currently giving your moneymaking routine — and wondering if there might be a different, more satisfying path forward that feels better to you spiritually around Monday, April 26, when the full moon falls in your second house of income. Because the moon squares off against taskmaster Saturn in your fifth house of self-expression, there could be a lesson to learn around your unique voice and knowing you deserve to gain a sense of creative fulfillment from your work. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun and rebellious Uranus pair up in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, you might be inspired to try something totally out of the norm between the sheets. Experimenting with solo anal play or listening to erotic stories with your partner could prove game-changing and empowering.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Creativity 🎨

Heads-up, Scorp, you're going to be having a moment around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your sign. Expect your typical emotional sensitivity to tick up a notch as you could really be feeling the weight of recent events on your shoulders. The moon will square off against serious teacher Saturn in your fourth house of home life and oppose rebellious Uranus in your seventh house of partnership, so you might have an eye-opening moment related to leaning on loved ones and your most trusted confidants, even when your instinct is to keep your most challenging wounds to yourself. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun and revolutionary Uranus pair up in your seventh house of partnership, offering you a unique op to talk to your BFF or S.O. about working together on a creative or even eyebrow-raising project. Taking a risk, especially in the context of one-on-one collaboration, could be thrilling and rewarding now.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Money 🤑

You could be very much in your feelings — but not exactly thrilled to share what you're going through with others around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality. But thanks to the moon's opposition to quirky Uranus in your sixth house of daily routine and wellness, you could find a new approach to your go-to mind-body practices allows you to work through your emotions in a healthy, productive way. You could be surprised just how much inner peace you're able to cultivate. And while transformative Pluto moves backward through your second house of income from Tuesday, April 27 to Wednesday, October 6, you could be thinking about any ways in which you've been self-sabotaging your earning potential — and how you can reclaim your personal power in this area of your life. It's not the easiest thing to look at, but being real with yourself now could set you up for well-deserved rewards down the road.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Relationships 💕

You tend to be perfectly happy working toward the summit of your own personal mountain on your own, but you could notice just how important friends and colleagues are to making real progress on long-term wishes around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking. You'll want to shout-out your bestie who helped you edit that clip for your IG, or create a new Facebook group to reconnect with colleagues from a previous job you loved. And given the moon's square to taskmaster Saturn in your second house of income, putting in the work with others could also result in financial rewards down the road. And then, on Friday, April 30, the emotional moon in your sign opposes go-getter Mars in your seventh house of partnership, and you could be extra fired-up to hit a one-on-one goal. But your S.O., colleague, or bestie might not be 100 percent on the same page. Instead of pushing, it could be best to forge ahead in that signature slow, controlled way you're so well-known for.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Relationships 💕

Around Monday, April 26, when the full moon lights up your tenth house of career and forms a tense square to taskmaster Saturn in your sign, you could be itching to finally receive overdue recognition for your hard work. You're more than prepared to step into the spotlight or take on more of a leadership role to prove you've paid your dues, but it could feel like you're facing resistance at every turn. You tend to be comfiest with concrete facts and figures, but this moment could really lend itself to tuning into your intuition. Do so, and you could have a pretty amazing epiphany about where to go from here. And on Friday, April 30, the confident sun and rebellious Uranus pair up in your fourth house of home life, inspiring you to shake up your domestic picture. If you've been thinking about moving in with your partner, researching a redecorating project, or starting a new family tradition, now could feel like the perfect time to get the ball rolling.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Creativity 🎨

Fueled by a thirst for excitement and knowledge, you'll want to dive into an opportunity to hone your skill set and soak up new information around Monday, April 26 when the full moon falls in your ninth house of higher learning. This could look like taking a specialized yoga workshop or working with a mentor who can teach you more about your favorite mind-body routine. Thanks to a square between the moon and taskmaster Saturn in your twelfth house of spirituality, the work you do now could lead to emotional healing and growth. And on Thursday, April 29, messenger Mercury in your third house of communication forms a sweet sextile to dreamy Neptune in your sign, stimulating your curiosity and imagination. Tapping into your dreams could lead to an exciting brainstorm, perhaps around how you can lean into your own artistic impulses — and help others do the same.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents,, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.