Your Weekly Astrology Forecast, March 13-19: The Choice is Yours

This article originally appeared on Yoga_Journal

Big wheels are turning this week. The full Moon in Virgo toward the end of the week will illuminate our skies and bring us health, healing, and refining, the foundational elements that help us transform our life lessons into learned experiences. Just after the full Moon, planets Venus and Uranus square to electrify our attraction point, bringing us trusted resources, restoring our financial beliefs, healing our relationships, and leading us to initiate a personal revolution to go the distance for ourselves.

We also head into a change of seasons with the spring equinox and the sun moving into Aries. The new year will assist in turning energy into action, and as things come into alignment, we will find that feeling good on all levels is the jam.

Virgo Full Moon and Pisces Sun

On March 18, we will experience the full Moon in Virgo. Ruled by the earth element, Virgo craves a daily rhythm to vibe out to. It lulls us into a slow and low tempo, stabilizing us by bringing the space to contemplate and integrate what we've learned along the way. It is getting us to raise the bar for ourselves from just enough to all in. With this newfound awareness, the full Moon in Virgo will take us away from our distractions and offer a final release of our self-imposed limitations.

This sign’s main game is getting us to love ourselves. It brings our full attention to taking the time each day to connect with our most powerful resource, self-care, and lifts our power of choice to choose ourselves in every moment, even when that is not the popular opinion or instinctual thought. This full Moon tunes us into placing the last details in all the right places, creating routines that focus on a healthy lifestyle which, in turn, bring us physical replenishment.

The sun is in its last few days of the water sign Pisces. Virgo is the sign of empathy, always ready to be in service. Pisces is the sign of unconditional love and universal compassion. As they hang out together in the sky, we use our full resources to give back to our community. We may feel called to go the distance in our care for others, sharing our creations, energy, and skills with a neighbor, friend, or stranger in need. This lunation in Virgo lifts our mindset to keep the intention on healing. Giving us the right dose of what we need to realign our gifts, services, and lifestyle to help the good of all. Helping us to shine our light on people who need it.

Aligned with the sun in Pisces, this Moon helps us release the past, allowing for us to be at peace in the present and giving us the spiritual support to be OK in the mystery of it all.

Uranus and Venus conjunct

The day after the full Moon, Uranus and Venus are conjunct, or in the same sign. Uranus, the awakener, gets us to express our inner truth. Venus, the lover, stirs the remembrance and reminds us love is the answer. Together, they assist us in making choices that support our highest personal evolution and remind us that our beliefs can empower us or limit us. As Stick Figure reminds us, the choice is ours.

Happiness is only a state of mind
Open your eyes and in time you will find
Open up your heart and let your love light shine
And it don’t cost a penny, nickel, or dime
The choice is yours, taking it easy
The choice is yours, the choice is yours

As we take the power of choice, our beliefs guide us to safety, surrounding us with constant connections, opportunities, and openings that align with our values and remind us of our greatness. They help us come back to who we are and leave behind who we were trained to be.

Aries brings us into a new year

The sun moves into Aries, ruled by the action-oriented planet Mars, on March 20. This has us ready to move about the cabin and ignite our self-willed liberation. The mantra of this sign is “I am,” which empowers us to rise to our full potential, going for the gold as we start the new year. The time is now. We have arrived.

How to navigate your astrology forecast this week

You are here on purpose. Accept the miracles that present themselves. Let the past rest in peace. Clear the air, change your mindset. Stay healthy, engage in more positive thinking.

Lead with love, see with eyes of truth. Acceptance offers forgiveness. Give the gift of your time to others. Open hearts--your own and others--by being a safe place to let love freely flow. Practice more self-love by staying true to yourself. Practice acts of self-care by listening to what you need most, rest when you need to, move when you need to, be still when you need to. Appreciate the good in your life and watch the good expand.

Affirmation: I am open to all the good in my life.

About our contributor

Tara Martell is a believer, spiritual mentor, energy medicine woman, intuitive, visionary, life coach, writer, master teacher, mom, yoga teacher, and yoga teacher-trainer. She has mentored numerous yoga students and teachers, co-wrote a yoga teacher training manual, and led international yoga retreats. She has spent the last two decades seeking, finding, and healing herself through yoga, spiritual work, and self-study. Follow her on Instagram @tt_1love.

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