Weekly Astrology Forecast, January 1-7: Reviewing and Releasing

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal

It might feel counterintuitive to begin the year with a full Moon, which is considered to bring about endings and closure. However, since we are also experiencing Mercury and Mars retrograde, the full Moon in Cancer perfectly aligns with an emphasis on reviewing and releasing. Although the Moon in Cancer can be an emotional time, the gift of Venus in Aquarius can help us perceive situations with greater objectivity.

Venus enters Aquarius

Our first movement in the heavens during the new year will be Venus entering Aquarius on January 2, 2023. Venus is beauty. She is femininity, harmony, and justice. She rules over our partnerships and speaks to our sense of abundance and blessings.

While Venus is in Aquarius, the lens through which she operates will be shaped by the intellectual air sign. In astrology, the air element relates to the exchange of information and thoughts. There is freedom in the movement of words. Venus’s purpose during the next 30 or so days will become primarily about communicating, sharing, interacting, and connecting. We can expect a respite from the overly grounded and structured influence of Capricorn season and increased curiosity around the kinds of conversations we want to experience.

Aquarius also speaks to our long-term visions, wishes, and dreams. This can be a beautiful opportunity to explore what we want from life in an unobstructed way. We might find ourselves inspired by certain people.

Full Moon in Cancer

January 6, 2023, brings our first full Moon of the year. Cancer is a zodiac sign known for comfort, nourishment, belonging, and safety.

Ruled by the Moon, Cancer asks us to surrender to emotion as our mode of healing. The water sign possesses an intrinsic and intuitive connection with the Moon, a planetary body that represents our inner waters, innate need to feel nurtured, and innermost vulnerabilities. It is the intuition that resides deep within our bodies.

The full Moon acts as a mirror, allowing us to bring light to the darkness within the self that we could not previously perceive, including unseen emotional ties that connect us to our family, even those that extend back several generations. It invites an emotional release. It asks us to venture deep within our bodies and to be our greatest source of safety, nourishment, belonging, and healing, in whatever way we need it.

See also: 5 Things To Do During the Full Moon in Cancer (That Aren’t Too Woo-Woo)

Your invitation

These archetypes--air and water--act as your allies. When you need support, you can call upon either one for balance, harmony, and nurturing. While you may not feel the surge of energy that a new year typically brings, you are being given a beautiful opportunity to explore your hopes, dreams, and wishes through the inspiring humans around you.

You are also being given the circumstances for a deep emotional release. Meeting us shortly after the holidays, the full Moon acts as a mirror to witness the inner self when it comes to feelings, beliefs, and patterns relating to family dynamics. Consider this a time to release any emotional overflow relating to familial patterns that are no longer yours to carry.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

See also: What 2023 Holds For You (Yes, Your Horoscope)

About our contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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