Weekend Swim Workout: Sailboat Drill

This article originally appeared on Triathlete

Did you know your kickboard can come in handy for drills other than kicking? This week’s swim workout includes the sailboat drill, which serves as not only a killer core workout it will also teach you to control your hip rotation. Choose a set below that fits your current schedule and fitness level, and dive in!

How to do the sailboat drill:

Hold a kickboard between your thighs. Make sure half of the board is sticking below your body when you swim freestyle. Use your core muscles to control your hip rotation while the board tries to prevent rotation.

RELATED: My Body Wiggles When I Swim. What Should I Do?


400 choice/300 pull/200 IM/100 kick
6x[2×50 kick/drill on :55
100 IM on 1:40]
2×400 pull on 5:20 (negative split)
200 w/ kickboard (50 kick/50 Sailboat Drill)
10×25 w/ fins on :40 (25 underwater kick/25 FAST!)
200 easy swim w/ fins
6×75 on 1:05 (25 non-free/50 free)
300 cool-down w/ fins
*4400 total*

RELATED: Four Skill-Specific Beginner Swim Workouts


400 choice/300 pull/200 non-free/100 kick
4 x [2×50 kick/drill on 1:15
100 free on 1:50]
2×300 pull on 5:30 (negative split)
200 w/ kickboard (50 kick/50 Sailboat Drill)
8×25 w/ fins on :45 (25 underwater kick/25 FAST!)
200 easy swim w/ fins
4×75 on 1:30 (25 non-free/50 free)
300 cool-down w/ fins
*3600 total*

RELATED: Dear Coach: How Should I Use Swim Gear to Improve My Stroke?


400 choice/300 pull/200 non-free/100 kick
4x[2×50 kick/drill w/ 10 sec rest
100 pull w/ 10 sec rest]
200 w/ kickboard (50 kick/50 Sailboat Drill)
8×25 w/ fins w/ 15 sec rest (25 kick/25 swim FAST!)
4×75 w/ 15 sec rest (25 non-free/50 free)
100 cool-down w/ fins
*2600 total*

Looking for more swim-spiration? Check out our complete archive of Weekend Swim Workouts from Coach Sara McLarty.

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