My wedding was upstaged by a creepy woman who identifies as a cat

Wedding goers were freaked out by a human pretending to be a cat who disrupted the ceremony.
Wedding goers were freaked out by a human pretending to be a cat who disrupted the ceremony.

The bride didn’t find it hiss-terical.

A woman had her outdoor wedding nearly ruined when an uninvited woman pretending to be a cat — with a “kitty mask,” ears, fake tail and all — crawled on her hands and knees behind the lakefront altar.

At first, bride Mistique Morris of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, thought the odd human-cat “creature” was just a cow in the distance. But as the 24-year-old walked down the aisle, things took a turn fur the worse.

“The one thing that was frustrating was that a lot of people were paying more attention to her than me!” Morris told Kennedy News. “I’m only getting married once!”

Wedding guests were shocked to discover that the nearby “cow” was, in fact, someone who identifies as “therian,” or a non-human animal. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
Wedding guests were shocked to discover that the nearby “cow” was, in fact, someone who identifies as “therian,” or a non-human animal. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
A woman pretending to be a cat dramatically interrupted a wedding ceremony. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
A woman pretending to be a cat dramatically interrupted a wedding ceremony. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
The interloper wore a cat mask and tail as she stole the limelight. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
The interloper wore a cat mask and tail as she stole the limelight. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx

What the wedding party encountered was a therian, better known as a person who identifies as an animal and goes to outlandish lengths to behave as one. A Japanese man who fits the description previously spent $14,000 to appear more like a collie dog breed.

Close friend and guest Amy White, 36, recalled what was paws-itivley a disaster during Morris’ April 20 ceremony, which included about 100 guests.

Mistique and Michael Morris had to deal with a woman pretending to be a cat as they wed. KennedyNews/@shotbytay
Mistique and Michael Morris had to deal with a woman pretending to be a cat as they wed. KennedyNews/@shotbytay
The cat woman weirded everyone out at the wedding. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
The cat woman weirded everyone out at the wedding. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx

“They started the procession, and then the person stood up and I realized the ‘cow’ was a human. The procession had already started so it was too late to stop anything,” she said.

“Once the ceremony started, they stood up and started walking around. I thought maybe they were inebriated,” White continued. “They kept stepping up and laying back down on the grass.”

“Everyone thought it was really weird,” said Morris, who married 22-year-old Michael Morris.

Things got even worse afterward, according to White.

“When the bride and groom kissed, the ‘therian’ gave them a little bow. After the ceremony, I told the bride there’s a furry at her wedding,” she said.

“And then towards the end when everyone started cheering, they walked to the edge of the lake and were trying to get in the photos and taking pictures themselves.”

Fortunately, the photographer knew better and kept the stray cat out of the forever memories.

Mistique Morris is escorted down the aisle by her grandfather. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx
Mistique Morris is escorted down the aisle by her grandfather. KennedyNews/xxshadowslightxx

However, when all was said and done, the incident was but a little nip at a lovely ceremony, Morris holds firm.

“It was a fantastic day overall,” she said. “This is just a light-hearted story to tell afterward!”