Which Wedding "Rules" Should Couples Kiss Goodbye In 2023?

Since wedding season is here, now is a good time to discuss which long-held traditions no longer need to be followed by couples planning to tie the knot.

Regina George denounces the rules of The Plastics in "Mean Girls"
Regina George denounces the rules of The Plastics in "Mean Girls"

Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com

I want to know the wedding "rules" you believe people should kiss goodbye in 2023.

A groom gives a bride a piggyback ride as they're pictured by the water
Visual Ideas / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

For example, if a bride doesn’t care to wear a white dress, a different color can definitely be suitable for the big day.

A bride walks in a pink tulle gown
Jovanat / Getty Images

While cake is the typical dessert presented to guests following a marriage ceremony, serving alternative tasty treats like cupcakes, brownies, or cookies may work just as well.

Two male figurines sit on top of a cupcake dessert display at a wedding
Natalie Fobes / Getty Images

Also, legend has it that it’s bad luck for a groom to see the bride prior to their nuptials, but this wedding superstition might feel very outdated to you.

A groom and bride smile and embrace while sitting on a bench
Andrii Medvediuk / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Tell me all of the wedding rules you think it’s time to ditch in 2023. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!