What Are Some "Normal" Things Wedding Guests Do That Are Actually Rude?

It's summer, it's wedding season — and while wedding ceremonies are usually an exciting occasion, they do often come with a rude guest or two.

Guests throwing rice at a bride and groom
Hans Neleman / Getty Images

So, I want to know: Which "wedding etiquette" rules do you find guests often ignore?


Like, maybe you've seen a lot of people take their phones out during the ceremony to take pictures — and you think that's sooo rude and gets in the way of the hired photographer.

A man taking a photo on his phone at a wedding with text saying, "Nope"
Yusuke Murata / Getty Images

Or perhaps, you think it's best for people to stop bringing their young kids and babies to weddings — because they can be really disruptive.

A little boy eating food on the floor
Solstock / Getty Images

Maybe you think it's inappropriate when a guest spends a ton of time talking to the couple at the reception — because, like, it's their day, AND there's other people they need to greet.

A woman talking to the bride at a wedding
Alexanderford / Getty Images

Or perhaps, you find it obnoxious when people switch seats during the reception — especially after all the work that went into planning a seating chart.

Menus resting on plate settings
Betyarlaca / Getty Images / iStockphoto

We want to know your thoughts! In the comments below, tell us which wedding etiquette rules people often ignore — and why you think they shouldn't — for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!