What Are Some Ways You’ve Been Combating The Sunday Scaries To Feel Less Overwhelmed During The Week?

Sunday Scaries — otherwise known as the dread or anxiety one feels on Sunday because they have to go back to work on Monday — can be really challenging to deal with.

a woman looking anxious on the couch

You want to relax on Sunday, however, all you can think about is the amount of work you need to accomplish come Monday.

Fizkes / Via Getty Images/iStockphoto

However, if you found a successful way to combat the Sunday Scaries, we want to know what this trick entails and how it helps you to feel better for Stress Awareness Month.

For instance, maybe on Fridays, you set up your Monday to-do list and make sure to never schedule meetings on Monday so you can ease your way into the week.

a woman writing a to-do list
Timm Cleasby Photography / Via Getty Images/Image Source

Or maybe your non-negotiable is not going on social media on Sundays so you can stay present with whatever you are doing, which can involve hanging with your friends, watching a movie, or pretty much anything that doesn't have to do with Monday emails.

a phone next to a cup of coffee
Oscar Wong / Via Getty Images

Or finally, you figured out a way to do something you love first thing on Monday that has nothing to do with work so you can actually have something to look forward to, like talking with a loved one.

a woman having a cup of coffee while facetiming with someone in their kitchen
10'000 Hours / Via Getty Images

Whatever the hack or trick may be, please tell us in the comments below or in the Google form here.