The Right Way to Let Family and Friends Know You've Eloped


Kat Braman

Though eloping has been around for centuries, there aren't any hard and fast rules when it comes to telling everyone that you got married. In that case, the best course of action is to be thoughtful and considerate of people's feelings. Here are our suggestions for letting your loved ones know you tied the knot.


Call your parents first.

Whether you got married at your hometown courthouse or far away on a tropical beach, call your parents soon after the ceremony to tell them the big news. Think of how upset they'd be if you called your best friend first and she immediately posted congratulations to you on social media, only for them to find later. Your folks probably would have liked to attend your wedding, so at least telling them before anyone else may ease some of their disappointment. If you can tell them in person, that's even better.

Call close family and friends the next day.

Even if you usually communicate by texting each other, it's no way to let them in on the surprise. There's something cold and impersonal about sharing such life-changing news via iPhone.

Send out printed wedding announcements to everyone else.

It's not logistically feasible to think you'll call every cousin with the news, so mailing announcement cards is a practical solution. Sending a formal printed card is also more elegant than sending a group email. Don't worry that sending the announcement will appear to be a bid for gifts-it's not, and nobody is expected to send you any.