Watch: Zeke Beat Up by Groms

Jacob “Zeke” Szekely is surfing’s resident agent provocateur.

Whether he’s trolling “fans” at the US Open of Surfing, doing fingerflips in the wavepool at Waco Surf, or stomping “superman backflips” at Teahupo’o, Zeke is a freak of nature surf talent, but also someone who likes to stir the pot.

Hence, his latest clip on social media.

Captioning the clip, Zeke wrote:

“You Ever Been Rat-Packed by a Group of Teenagers?? Apparently I Flew Here & They Grew Here!”

It shows Zeke standing on the sidewalk, surfboard in hand, as a group of “teenagers” approach him, push him to the ground, and proceed to stomp on him. (One using a boogieboard as a weapon.) His surfboard receives no mercy, either.

Commenters were skeptical if the video was staged or real:

“This can’t be real”

“100% staged’

“Content king. Staged af. Views af. Check mate”

As of yet, they veracity of the alleged attack is unknwon. But, if we had to guess, like the commenters above suggested, it was likely staged and all in jest.

As Zeke is wont to do, it’s all for the views.

Do you, Zeke; for better or worse; do you.


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