Watch: World's longest baguette measures 461 feet long

May 6 (UPI) -- A team of 18 bakers came together in France to cook a baguette measuring a record-breaking 461 feet long.

The bakers, members of the French Confederation of Bakers and Pastry Chefs, gathered at the Suresnes Baguette Show in Suresnes, west of Paris, to bake the bread loaf, which measured about 235 times longer than the average French baguette.

The resulting baguette took the Guinness World Record for longest baguette from a 435-foot, 1-inch loaf of French bread baked in Italy in 2019.

The baguette was examined by a Guinness World Records adjudicator and confirmed as the new record holder before being covered with Nutella spread and served to attendees at the show.