Watch What It's Like to Be a Woman in 2019

Photo credit: Elle
Photo credit: Elle


Today is International Women’s Day, a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s a day to recognize our own accomplishments and others—to look at the work of women in health, in politics, in science, in the arts, and recognize that women are uniquely effectual and intrinsically connected. Since last year, the world watched as a record number of women were elected to the United States Congress, women in Saudi Arabia drove for the first time, and after a landslide vote, Ireland legalized abortion. As we reflect upon these, and many other, accomplishments, it doesn’t mean we fail to recognize the very real and very serious problems still plaguing women today, but it does help us to envision what the future could look like and celebrate those who are helping us get there.

In honor of this day, asked women from 19 different countries to film one day in their lives. We asked them to capture what it looks like out their window in the mornings, what they eat for breakfast (and lunch and dinner), what they do for fun, and what life looks like in their pocket of the world. In the above video, you’ll visit Zeina, a boxer in Germany, and Tanita, a student at a youth village in Rwanda; Sarah, who lives in Saudi Arabia, and Katherine, who lives in New Zealand. You’ll find some familiar staples of everyday life—celery juice, episodes of Russian Doll, and long train rides to work—as well as others that might surprise you.

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