Watch: Weatherman Wows With In-Depth Forecast While Snowboarding On Live TV

You gotta hand it to meteorologist Chase Thomason from Salt Lake City's KUTV 2 News. The dude has skill.

Thomason nearly broke the internet when he delivered a live weather forecast while snowboarding at Solitude Mountain Resort's opening day back in November.

Now, nearly 7 months later, Thomason pulled off the feat again for Solitude's closing weekend. Check it out:

Can you imagine how difficult it must be to remember an entire weather forecast, and then deliver it while snowboarding?!?!?!?!

Heck. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast when I'm skiing. My mind goes numb when I'm sliding on snow. That's one of things I like most about it.

Thomason isn't the only one with skills in this video. The camera operator who has to keep a steady shot as he's descending the slope should also be celebrated.

The folks over there at KUTV 2 News have something special going on with Thomason's live weather reports from the slopes.

I hope we see more of it next season!

Solitude Mountain Resort closed for the season on Sunday, May 21st. It was officially the resort's longest season with 193 days, and snowiest with a total of 813 inches.

Cheers to everybody involved that made this season happen at Solitude!

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