Watch Sydney’s Cape Fear Live Up to Its Name

From Shipsterns Bluff to Cape Fear in just a few days, Tim Bonython's lens is everywhere.

Like Nate Florence, he lives on the Slab Tour, except rather than surfing, he's the one documenting all of these swells, no matter where they happen in the world. One quick look at his YouTube and you'll see he's been to Morocco, Ireland, Portugal, Fiji, and Australia — and that's just in the last three months.

His most recent clip, "Snakes & Solander" is playing above. From Cape Solander, a.k.a "Cape Fear", it's a look at Sydney's sketchiest slab, a notoriously dangerous wave that doesn't break often. As you'll see, it's one of the most entertaining waves in the world to watch. From the backwash (see the 9:54-mark to watch a bodyboarder get shot so high in the air that he nearly takes out a drone), to the dry shelf the wave breaks over, it's a true gladiator pit.

Click play to watch a bunch of blue-collar Sydney surfers that you've (likely) never heard of throw caution and common sense to the wind in pursuit of the wave of their life.


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