Watch This Sweet Video Of Waitresses Signing Happy Birthday To A Hearing-Impaired Child

Photo credit: News Channel 5
Photo credit: News Channel 5

From Delish

At Texas Roadhouse, there's already a birthday system in place. If you're celebrating a new year at one of their 400+ restaurants, you get the honor of sitting on a saddle while the servers "yeehaw" and sing happy birthday to you. This weekend, a four-year-old was treated to a more personalized celebration in Murfreesboro, TN.

Octavius Mitchell Jr. came into the restaurant for his fourth birthday with his mom and uncle, News Channel 5 reports. He was born hearing-impaired, something two servers took note of when they saw him signing with his family. Instead of the usual birthday hubbub, they decided to do something he'd really appreciate.

Neither of the two girls knew sign language, but a quick YouTube search taught them what they needed to know. "‘It took us two seconds to learn it," server Kathryn Marasco said. At the end of the meal, the girls sat down at the table to wish Octavius a very happy birthday. Luckily, his mom was ready with her camera, and she caught the whole thing:

"Everybody thinks we're crazy when we're out talking and we're signing," his mother, Shatika Dixon, told News Channel 5. "So it's really important to me that someone noticed that and picked up on that and made that special just for him, my baby."

It's a nice reminder that the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference.

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