Watch Stephen Colbert Bid a Gleeful Farewell to “CrossFit Dracula” Paul Ryan

Few retirements in Congress could inspire the frenzy that ensued when House Speaker Paul Ryan announced his impending exit Wednesday. Think-pieces abounded, Twitter erupted with jokes, and photos of Ryan with his beloved workout gear were celebrated once more. And naturally, as late-night hosts took the stage for their Wednesday night broadcasts, there was no shortage of glee—especially from Stephen Colbert, who made it a top priority to taunt the “Speaker of the House and CrossFit Dracula” as he prepares to slink away from Congress come January.

“Ryan will not be running for re-election in 2018,” Colbert said to rapturous applause from his studio audience. “He’s out. He said today he wants to spend more time with his wife and kids, which of course is what he calls his biceps.”

Still, there’s something odd about Ryan’s exit. As the Late Show host noted, it’s unusual for someone with Ryan’s power to simply walk away. “The man is third in line for the presidency!” Colbert noted. “Though maybe he’s leaving because he just figured that out. ‘Wait, the F.B.I. just raided Michael Cohen’s office? Not it! Not it!’” Then again, Colbert noted, it’s been speculated that Ryan “is jumping ship before a big Democratic wave sweeps the midterms.” Ryan’s friends, the comedian said, have advanced another narrative: Ryan succeeded in passing tax reform, his primary goal, and now he wants to get away from Donald Trump.

As several comedians noted, the news of Ryan’s retirement happened to drop on the same day that another former House Speaker, John Boehner, released some fascinating news of his own: he’s joining the board of directors of a major American marijuana company. “Normally, John Boehner pushing kush would be the day’s biggest news about a House Speaker’s career plans,” Trevor Noah said on Wednesday’s Daily Show. But on a packed news day like Wednesday, the comedian decided to focus on Ryan.

Noah reviewed part of Ryan’s retirement speech, which included the statement, “It has been a wild ride, but it has been a journey well worth taking to be able to do my part to strengthen the American idea.”

“He sounds like it’s his last day at camp,” Noah said. “‘It’s been a wild ride. So many fun memories with my friends. Like the time I tried to take away poor children’s health care—and swimming by the lake. Best summer ever!’”

“Yes, Paul Ryan, top-ranking congressman and guy at the gym who eye-bangs himself in the mirror, is stepping down,” Noah continued. “And then stepping back up and then stepping down. I guess it’s leg day.”

In his Late Night monologue, Seth Meyers compared Ryan’s exit to a rat jumping off a sinking ship—but it’s not the congressman he’s most concerned for: “House Speaker Paul Ryan announced today he will not seek re-election to spend more time with his family—so now his family are the ones asking for thoughts and prayers,” Meyers quipped. But the comedian saved all of the show’s best jokes for a musical farewell—a rejiggered version of Roy Orbison’s “Crying,” sung by Late Night writer Amber Ruffin. The chorus:

Cause you’re Paul Ryan, your time is through
Paul Ryan, don’t let the door hit you
You really get my goat
Your approval rating’s as low as this note
Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, you’re retiring, it’s so gratifying

22 Movies and TV Shows That Will Save Us in 2018

HBO is once again hoping you’ll ignore the big Game of Thrones-shaped hole in its schedule and turn your attention back to the sci-fi mind game that is Westworld. The Emmy-nominated series, starring Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton, is ready to confound you once again in its second season. Until its spring 2018 premiere, take a trip back in time and revisit nine burning questions we still have about the finale.
Yara Shahidi takes the lead in this youthful Black-ish spin-off set to air on Freeform starting Jan. 3, 2018. In this series, Zoey is finally off to college, stumbling through cringeworthy rites of passage like embarrassing herself at a frat party and hiding secrets from her parents.
Every superhero you love is coming out with a new movie in 2018. In no particular order, get ready for a bounty that includes: Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2, The New Mutants, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Venom, and Aquaman.
’Tis the season to watch a bunch of perfect human specimens fight for tiny gold medallions. This year’s Winter Olympics will kick off on Feb. 9, 2018 in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

The Winter Olympics

’Tis the season to watch a bunch of perfect human specimens fight for tiny gold medallions. This year’s Winter Olympics will kick off on Feb. 9, 2018 in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
By Julian Finney/Getty Images.
If the title alone doesn’t catch your eye, the artists behind it surely will. Spike Lee is directing this thriller, produced by nascent horror maestro Jordan Peele, about a black detective who infiltrates the KKK in the 1970s. John David Washington (son of Denzel) plays the lead, while the rest of the cast includes Adam Driver and rising star Laura Harrier. Black Klansman does not yet have a release date.
This superhero movie, which hits theaters on June 15, 2018, gets its own slide—because fans have been waiting for this sequel for 13 years. At long last, the Parr family is back fighting crime, with a little help from close friend Frozone (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson). It’s time to find your supersuit—and remember, no capes!
Brian Henson’s (son of Jim) dark detective twist on the pleasant world of puppetry promises to be a baffling pop-cultural delight in the vein of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Humans and puppets coexist in this dark tale about a serial killer who’s out to murder the stars of hit 80s series The Happytime Gang. The cast is stacked with comedy stars, led by Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, and Elizabeth Banks. The film will hit theaters on Aug. 17, 2018.
Everyone’s favorite grouchy, hard-drinking superhero is finally back for a second season on March 8, with Krysten Ritter slipping on the familiar leather jacket for Jones’s latest adventures. Though the plot is still fairly under wraps, a teaser trailer promises that she’s still a sardonic and deliciously violent destroyer of men.
My, my, how can you resist this? The sequel to the 2008 blockbuster musical is finally on its way, and it’s already guaranteed to be your favorite guilty pleasure of 2018. The story is a prequel to the original, revolving around Meryl Streep’s character when she was a young woman (perhaps even . . . a young dancing queen). Not only is its core cast back in action, but the truly iconic Cher has decided to bless the sequel with her presence. Catch it in theaters on July 20, 2018.
Break out your flannel and sarcasm, because Roseanne is back. The classic 90s sitcom is getting the nostalgia reboot treatment on March 27, more than 20 years after it first ended.
The all-female Ocean’s 11 reboot is easily one of the most anticipated films of the year, not least because of its excellent cast (Rihanna! Sandra Bullock! Cate Blanchett!). The glitzy heist movie revolves around the Met Gala, promising a coterie of celeb cameos, and is slated to hit theaters on June 8, 2018. Satiate yourself until then by re-watching the perfect trailer.
We may be in the midst of a true-crime revival, but few productions promise to be as opulent as this Ryan Murphy mini-series. The horrifying true story about the murder of fashion icon Gianni Versace will be retold with a stellar cast that includes Édgar Ramírez as Versace himself, Penélope Cruz as his sister Donatella, and Ricky Martin as Versace’s partner, Antonio D’Amico.
After breaking out on Master of None and winning a historic Emmy for one of this year’s best TV episodes, Lena Waithe is ready to claim her spot in the prestige-TV realm. Enter The Chi, her Showtime series about young people coming of age in Chicago, set to premiere on Jan. 7.
The classic Madeleine L’Engle tale is finally coming to the big screen on March 9, 2018, thanks to Disney and director Ava DuVernay. The sci-fi story about a girl tesseracting her way through time to find her missing father will star newcomer Storm Reid alongside stars like Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, Reese Witherspoon, and Chris Pine.
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