Watch: Riders Rebuild Jumps After Sabotage Discovered

There is nothing worse than trail sabotage. When someone purposefully destroys a trail that you have worked hard on, it can be devastating.

One group of Australians experienced this at their dirt jumps. See YouTuber Mezzarino discover the damage, and watch the rebuilding efforts below.

In this video, Mezz discovered that someone had taken a shovel to the lips of his pristine dirt jumps.

Dirt jumps getting sabotaged are even more harmful than a normal mountain bike trail because they are labor-intensively sculpted jumps that occupy a small area. Saboteurs can do a great deal more damage in terms of work ruined than they can ever on a mile-long trail in the same amount of time.

Mezz and his friends discover their jumps in ruins. Thankfully for the riders, they got right to work.

With some effort, they got the jumps back to their former glory. As a result of their work, the jump line became rideable again.

If you are a potential saboteur, it is important to consider one thing: Mountain bikers are far more motivated to keep their riding spaces than you could ever be to destroy them.

Related: Trail Sabotage Or Accident? Biker Suspects Foul Play

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