Watch: Proud Golden Retriever Can't Wait to Show Mom Her Latest and Greatest Trick

She's just way too cute!

We can't all be as talented as Stella the Golden Retriever. She might still be a young pup, but she's already unlocked secrets that most dogs can only dream about. But what is this secret talent you ask?

Stella's human mom, @samaralucero, shared an adorable TikTok clip of the pup showing off her adorable feat. There was only one problem: Samara had no clue what her dog was doing at first!

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LOL! We totally understand why Samara was confused. Stella looked like she was making a face--not holding onto her ear! Luckily, we noticed it as soon as this pup mama did, and now we can truly appreciate Stella's patience and athleticism.

"You didn't appreciate the difficulty of the task," @g2dogcc1 admonished. Maybe--or maybe Samara just didn't understand at first! We'd think that the dog had her fur caught in her teeth, too, but once she looked around like 'where's that thing I was holding?' we finally connected the dots.

@Emmit_snow said, "it's her emotional support ear," and we absolutely love it. This commenter might actually be onto something though! @Mayanayastarrrrrr also thinks this is the "dog equivalent to sucking thumb," and they could be right. Whatever the reasoning behind it is, there's no doubt that this Golden girl feels oh-so-accomplished to catch her ear.

And you know what? We're proud of her, too! She went out of her way to show her mama that she caught that darn ear, so we consider it a moment worth celebrating.

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