Watch POV Footage of a Whale Saving a Woman From 'Huge Tiger Shark'

Marine biologist Nan Hauser lived a real-life Disney movie while diving in the Cook Islands.

The storyline was simple: Scientist goes diving and a 50,000-pound humpback whale protects her from a shark attack and saves the day.

Everyone lived happily ever after.

Hauser's story broke in 2017, but she recently retold it to "The Guardian" in the story posted above with the footage.

While filming a whale conservation film, she saw humpbacks nearby and got into the water.

She wrote:

"As I was approaching, one of the male humpbacks came right up to me, nuzzling me with his head and pushing me through the water. It caught me off-guard – in 33 years of doing this work, this had never happened. I put my arm out and tried to push myself away while he attempted to tuck me under his pectoral fin."

Hauser wasn't sure what he was doing.

"Then the whale swam underneath me and lifted me out of the water on his flipper. I signaled to the boat, then – swoosh – I was pushed back under."

She tried to stay calm.

"Whales are so big that if you’re not paying attention, you could be fatally injured."

Hauser was "pushed around" by the whale for nearly eight minutes before realizing a "huge, 18-foot tiger shark was close" and was in "attack mode."

"I yelled out to the boat but, before I knew it, the whale had positioned me on the front of his head and was gracefully racing through the water... Within 10 minutes, he had safely returned me to the boat and out of the shark’s way."

"I felt love, concern and care from the whale. I told him that I loved him and thanked him as he swam off... There are many documented encounters of humpback whales displaying behaviour we would consider altruistic and I believe this was another example – I think the whale had seen the shark and was trying to push me away from it."

Click here to read the article and watch the footage.


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